Ice Barrier

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Posts: 9

Ice Barrier

Post by Geezuus »

i was wonderin while reading

and Shouldnt be ice barrier absorb dmg be affected by frost spell damage aswell?

correct me if i am wrong but - Patch 1.11.0 (2006-06-20): Ice Barrier received an overhaul in the 1.11 mage talent review. The spell was changed to stack with Power Word: Shield (which previously overwrote it), had its cooldown reduced from 2 minutes to 30 seconds, gained the benefit of frost spell damage, and was prioritized to absorb damage before Mana Shield, thus saving mana when using both shields.

Correct me if i am wrong but if it should increase with that value it certainly doesnt
Posts: 9

Re: Ice Barrier

Post by Geezuus »


id like some answer from gms and them to stop ignoring this issue,i can say for all of us mages that we are tired of bein roflfaceroleld by rogues n shit coz the damn barrier absorbs only 1075 dmg Even i have 1300 frost SP
Posts: 1567

Re: Ice Barrier

Post by Amgseret »

Well, at least my addon tells me it absorbs 1.4k dmg geared (1.1k sp)
30% from 1.1k is ~330, so it seems to work.

But ofc there is a chance that the addon just calculates how it "should" work...would explain why it says that FB does 1.9k dmg but the shit barely hits for 1.7k
Blue wrote:Yo Seret, can you untie Mayor?
Posts: 9

Re: Ice Barrier

Post by Geezuus »

Amgseret wrote:Well, at least my addon tells me it absorbs 1.4k dmg geared (1.1k sp)
30% from 1.1k is ~330, so it seems to work.

But ofc there is a chance that the addon just calculates how it "should" work...would explain why it says that FB does 1.9k dmg but the shit barely hits for 1.7k
i dont really think my barrier absrobs over 1400,we wud have to test that together tho

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