Srs Henhouse? the arena here?
Srs Henhouse? the arena here?
Hello It's Beat here Some know me some Dont idc i just shouting out WTF fix this gay arena ladder its infested with wintraders / and the worlds best dodgers
I see SPR teams Being scared from WD teams dodging 24/7
I seen Different Setups Scared to what they counter?
Can't you fix those damn Dodgers Ther should be a way Like every team above r20 Should queu atleast 10games a week cus since only 1500scrubs queu It takes pretty long to get 2k cus all those ranked ppl do is wait for the seasen to end? How the heck You ever wanne see high teams here anywayz? its imposibel to i aint asking for a nother system or point system but Your giving titles To ppl who know how to dodge others cus ther simply not having the balls .
Get a system please Henhouse The server is growing and it will accept a system easyly Only ppl who dodger ther self will not agree with me cus simply they can't dodge then anymore -.-
Thanks if you read this hole topic and srs only usefull Things Otherwise can a Game Master delete the useless answers Thank You .
I know my english isnt perfect i didnt even try to fix mistakes It's readabel and thats all whats needed
I see SPR teams Being scared from WD teams dodging 24/7
I seen Different Setups Scared to what they counter?
Can't you fix those damn Dodgers Ther should be a way Like every team above r20 Should queu atleast 10games a week cus since only 1500scrubs queu It takes pretty long to get 2k cus all those ranked ppl do is wait for the seasen to end? How the heck You ever wanne see high teams here anywayz? its imposibel to i aint asking for a nother system or point system but Your giving titles To ppl who know how to dodge others cus ther simply not having the balls .
Get a system please Henhouse The server is growing and it will accept a system easyly Only ppl who dodger ther self will not agree with me cus simply they can't dodge then anymore -.-
Thanks if you read this hole topic and srs only usefull Things Otherwise can a Game Master delete the useless answers Thank You .
I know my english isnt perfect i didnt even try to fix mistakes It's readabel and thats all whats needed
Re: Srs Henhouse? the arena here?
Useless answers? This WHOLE not ''hole'' topic is useless. I don't even get what system you are talking about or what the hell do you want. Don't blame the server blame the community lol.
- Posts: 111
Re: Srs Henhouse? the arena here?
People dodged on retail in bc bro, there's a reason for it; poor class balance. Go play cata if you don't like it.
I like turtles because they're so chill. They don't hurt anyone. They're just like, "Hey man, I want to swim, and maybe eat some lettuce. But I'm gonna take my time getting there, I'm not in a rush. Because I'm a turtle."
Re: Srs Henhouse? the arena here?
You for real? No balance? srs in cata You dont need any decent playstyle to win from ppl cus its all about Comps TBC you can overcome and win from counters TBC is 1 of the most balanced Expansions No clue so useless chat you just said
Zat Even you should understand what i ment With this system you make high teams queu up and not let them sit the hole seasen afk and get there title Mainly dodging isnt avoidabel i know that But yeah the hole idea was so ppl could come up with a idea maybe to get a system going Maybe a trick or something I rly dont know if this is posibel but maybe something like everyday you can't meet the same team over 3times this will stop wintraders btw But yeah it stops dodgers to cus they can't queu if there's like 4-5teams in queu cus it will end that they can meet some1 else inplace of guys ther scared from in someway they have to stop queu then and log for the day with out getting ther daily points. Dunno if this is posibel but maybe if it can be It could help reduce wintraders/dodgers Very hard
Zat Even you should understand what i ment With this system you make high teams queu up and not let them sit the hole seasen afk and get there title Mainly dodging isnt avoidabel i know that But yeah the hole idea was so ppl could come up with a idea maybe to get a system going Maybe a trick or something I rly dont know if this is posibel but maybe something like everyday you can't meet the same team over 3times this will stop wintraders btw But yeah it stops dodgers to cus they can't queu if there's like 4-5teams in queu cus it will end that they can meet some1 else inplace of guys ther scared from in someway they have to stop queu then and log for the day with out getting ther daily points. Dunno if this is posibel but maybe if it can be It could help reduce wintraders/dodgers Very hard
Re: Srs Henhouse? the arena here?
thats a bad idea and no its not possible
- Posts: 196
Re: Srs Henhouse? the arena here?
Well dunno if it's the Beat i used to know.. he kinda could put his thought into words, but nvm...
Ye the system is kinda sucky, mostly cause it's popular to have decent win/lose ratio , and cause people have donor gear, so they don't have to fight for 1850, 1950 and 2000(and they have no chance to fight for the title). Trully , we could go for the "couple of wipes before" AT points system.. where ur maximum loss and win was 15 within the borders of 2k rating. I think it would increase the avarage rating of smolderforge player, and also increase teams playin' at high rating.. dunno what i just typed, im kinda drunk.
smolders ideal vglad could be only .. dsp i guess.. others should dodge, or make 1500ish s4 counters to their enemies and so on. Cause, come on, you all know that, you just can't win EVERY team on this server... you roll a perfect stable comp, you can't win 30 games in a row at rating 2k+ vs u worst enemies and counters who are jelaous of ur rating .
Ye the system is kinda sucky, mostly cause it's popular to have decent win/lose ratio , and cause people have donor gear, so they don't have to fight for 1850, 1950 and 2000(and they have no chance to fight for the title). Trully , we could go for the "couple of wipes before" AT points system.. where ur maximum loss and win was 15 within the borders of 2k rating. I think it would increase the avarage rating of smolderforge player, and also increase teams playin' at high rating.. dunno what i just typed, im kinda drunk.
smolders ideal vglad could be only .. dsp i guess.. others should dodge, or make 1500ish s4 counters to their enemies and so on. Cause, come on, you all know that, you just can't win EVERY team on this server... you roll a perfect stable comp, you can't win 30 games in a row at rating 2k+ vs u worst enemies and counters who are jelaous of ur rating .
Re: Srs Henhouse? the arena here?
you basically want to let every1 with positive win-loss get s4 gear?Wancathufeoq wrote:Well dunno if it's the Beat i used to know.. he kinda could put his thought into words, but nvm...
Ye the system is kinda sucky, mostly cause it's popular to have decent win/lose ratio , and cause people have donor gear, so they don't have to fight for 1850, 1950 and 2000(and they have no chance to fight for the title). Trully , we could go for the "couple of wipes before" AT points system.. where ur maximum loss and win was 15 within the borders of 2k rating. I think it would increase the avarage rating of smolderforge player, and also increase teams playin' at high rating.. dunno what i just typed, im kinda drunk.
And i dont like that system at all... in SF 2k will be the new 1500 and after that it would be the same... you feel me.
- Posts: 196
Re: Srs Henhouse? the arena here?
you basically want to let every1 with positive win-loss get s4 gear?ZatYo wrote:
And i dont like that system at all... in SF 2k will be the new 1500 and after that it would be the same... you feel me.[/quote]
fckin' dilemma, i don't want everyone to have s4.. but neither do i want to noone have s4.. gotta think about the most perfect system when i sober up. Cause lower middle class players should be able to get at least s4 neck or ring imo. But atm , they can't even pass 1600... ask firstaidkid.
- Posts: 230
Re: Srs Henhouse? the arena here?
O hai, Mithbeast?
Yeah sorry, but I kind of want to stab you to death. You don't randomly capitalize letters. Every time you do that, a baby is born with down syndrome.
This is TBC. You need a good partner of a good class to do arena here. Cata is a joke. I was playing on here for some months, then I played hardcore on a vanilla private server, then I got bored, and I went to retail on Cata? It was faceroll. I got 130 hk's in one WSG. It's like playing hardmode for 2 years then playing competative easy mode. It's just silly.
Also, please define what a dodger is?
And please don't refer to inanimate objects as gay. It's derogatory. Use "retarded" instead. It doesn't offend as many people.
Yeah sorry, but I kind of want to stab you to death. You don't randomly capitalize letters. Every time you do that, a baby is born with down syndrome.
This is TBC. You need a good partner of a good class to do arena here. Cata is a joke. I was playing on here for some months, then I played hardcore on a vanilla private server, then I got bored, and I went to retail on Cata? It was faceroll. I got 130 hk's in one WSG. It's like playing hardmode for 2 years then playing competative easy mode. It's just silly.
Also, please define what a dodger is?
And please don't refer to inanimate objects as gay. It's derogatory. Use "retarded" instead. It doesn't offend as many people.
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