Priest Bugs - Report here

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Priest Bugs - Report here

Post by Darkgroom »

Image Priest BugsImage

Dear members,

I am currently collecting all Class bugs, and because of that i'm going to setup topics that will hold bugs specific for a class.
In this topic you can post Priest bugs, i will test them and approve or dissaprove them.
If approved they will come in the list below.

Also, the list of bugs will get a status of, Being fixed or Not yet fixed.

NOTE: Report bugs with the same template as you would report them when creating a new topic!

Tree Catagory

Image Discipline
  • Inner Fire : Fixed
Image Holy
  • Prayer of Healing : Fixed
Image Shadow
  • Blackout : Fixed

Thanks to everyone who reports a bug.
Last edited by Darkgroom on 30 Aug 2011, 22:41, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Priest Bugs - Report here

Post by Deems »

Prayer of Mending doesn't scale with SP when you're affected by a mortal strike (or any healing debuff).

Example: PoM heals for approximately ~1200 with all your +healing gear, and 800 without any. If you get affected by a mortal strike it heals you for exactly 50% of the BASE value it normally heals you for (it heals you for 400 instead of 600).
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Re: Priest Bugs - Report here

Post by Mayore »

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Re: Priest Bugs - Report here

Post by Wancathufeoq »

Weakened soul debuff is removed by warriors(stance change) , druids (form change), shadow priests (shadow form removing) and rogues (restealthing).
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Re: Priest Bugs - Report here

Post by Darkgroom »

Deems wrote:Prayer of Mending doesn't scale with SP when you're affected by a mortal strike (or any healing debuff).

Example: PoM heals for approximately ~1200 with all your +healing gear, and 800 without any. If you get affected by a mortal strike it heals you for exactly 50% of the BASE value it normally heals you for (it heals you for 400 instead of 600).
The base value is the value you get healed without any Bonus, so this would mean that it currently works correctly.
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Re: Priest Bugs - Report here

Post by Deems »

Darkgroom wrote:
Deems wrote:Prayer of Mending doesn't scale with SP when you're affected by a mortal strike (or any healing debuff).

Example: PoM heals for approximately ~1200 with all your +healing gear, and 800 without any. If you get affected by a mortal strike it heals you for exactly 50% of the BASE value it normally heals you for (it heals you for 400 instead of 600).
The base value is the value you get healed without any Bonus, so this would mean that it currently works correctly.
You didn't understand what I meant. What I meant was, that if you are under the MS effect, (-50% healing) your PoM won't gain any of your bonus healing. (Heals exactly half the amount of the base heal, WITHOUT the bonus healing modifier)
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Re: Priest Bugs - Report here

Post by Darkgroom »

Should it actually heal you + the bonus then? never really played healing class on retail but i will check this out. and does this only affecs prayer of mending or also other kind of healing spells?
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Re: Priest Bugs - Report here

Post by Deems »

Darkgroom wrote:Should it actually heal you + the bonus then? never really played healing class on retail but i will check this out. and does this only affecs prayer of mending or also other kind of healing spells?
Only affects PoM for some odd reason.
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Re: Priest Bugs - Report here

Post by Xaru »

Swellington wrote:-Max Fear Distance: People just run out of cast range, never remember this happening on retail unless you ran away from the target.

-Initial Pulse for: Earthbind, Tremor, Windfury and Poison Cleansing Totems.

-Holy spells getting resisted. The only holy spells that should be able to be resisted are Holy Nova, Consecration (and only because of AoE resistance as far as I'm aware) and Hammer of Justice (stun resist). People shouldn't be able to resist Smite, Holy Fire or other holy casts unless under the influence of Cloak of Shadows.

-Debuffs should remove Stealth, with the exception of distract. I've seen rogues get fairie fire'd while stealthed and it doesn't break the aura.

-Mace Stun/ Intercept/ Charge/ Poisons shouldn't able to be reflected.

-Mass Dispel should not be able to resist on friendly targets.

-Intimidating Shout should break on direct damage and other fears should be tweeked to have a less uncertain chance to break on damage, they've been seen to break on SWP:1 ticks and from reflective.

-Reflective Shield should not break CC or trigger combat if you shield yourself with a rack of dots on yourself.

-Absorb Damage should properly break damage sensitive Auras, that is to say for example getting sheeped with bubble up and the mages nova damage just gets absorbed by the shield.

-Pets generally just being bugged to shit.

I'll keep adding as they come to me.

Edit: Typos.
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Re: Priest Bugs - Report here

Post by ZatYo »

Darkgroom wrote:Should it actually heal you + the bonus then? never really played healing class on retail but i will check this out. and does this only affecs prayer of mending or also other kind of healing spells?
Ofc it should heal you + the bonus... mortal strike doesnt reduce your healing to 0. Normally it heals 1600 so lets say ur mortal striked it should be 1600 - 50% = 800.
Another thing is that even if you aren't healing reduced it sometimes doesnt take any healing bonus and heals for 800.. randomly, and I can't find the reason for that.

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