Uneven teams in BGs

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Uneven teams in BGs

Post by Yldur »

Any chance the queue system could be changed so the games don't start until there's a full team on each side? Alliance is outnumbered all the time, Eots starts with something like 7 vs 15 and AB with 8 vs 15. Few mins into the game it usually gets full on both side but by that time it's lost.

I've had maybe 2 decent games today, all the others were 7v15 etc.
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Re: Uneven teams in BGs

Post by Henhouse »

There was experimental code added a long time ago into MaNGOS and Trinity for 3.x I wonder if it could be backported in OregonCore. If I could even find it that is, it basically did what sort of described. It would try to only allow an even amount of people in.

But we still need to do something to promote Alliance.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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Re: Uneven teams in BGs

Post by Yldur »

Henhouse wrote:But we still need to do something to promote Alliance.
That's just not possible.

On Blizzard's PvP realms Horde always outnumbers Alliance for the simple fact that morons tend to pick Alliance more often than Horde. That's why PvPing on Horde side is usually easier and better than on Alliance. Same case here, PvP on Horde is easier and uneven teams make the situation even worse than it has to be.
Posts: 6

Re: Uneven teams in BGs

Post by Yldur »


Battlegrounds are not playable on Alliance side as it is now.
Posts: 6

Re: Uneven teams in BGs

Post by Yldur »

Is this getting fixed or should I go play horde?
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Re: Uneven teams in BGs

Post by Peekaboo »

Take an educated guess why there are so many horde players.
Racials may play a part in there, but it's actually former alliance players who want to get quick honor. So yes, they reroll horde then.
The bad thing about that being, that the horde has way more terrible players, so enjoy your stay when teams are even, it will make you wish to punch people through your screen.
Tap Peekaboo: Upset target moron.
Posts: 27

Re: Uneven teams in BGs

Post by Lazybill »

ive noticed a HUGE difference in bg ques the past week or so, i uste to be able to do about 10-20 bg's a night after work, ive been on all night and havent gotten in yet =/ seem's like people are leaving or something, kinda sad
Kungpowbill Horde Orc Shaman
Kungfubill Horde Orc Death Knight
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