IP ban coz if SPAM.

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IP ban coz if SPAM.

Post by Atrecom »

GM Chomba have banned me coz i was SPOKEN ENGLISH in LFG.
and i suggest one more reason is my new char with nickname CHOMBAMAD. i created that char coz Chomba muted my 2 accs before. 5 hours and 30 minutes. isn't it MAD?! he's child anyway.

so, unban my IP. thats all i want) and leave that mad Chomba..))) he's real PRO gm)))

http://s49.radikal.ru/i126/1101/e3/6afbd57debea.jpg here is SS when Chomba was banning me) and u see the reason)) ROOOOOOFL!
Posts: 198

Re: IP ban coz if SPAM.

Post by Raku »

Maybe he banned u cuz u were SPAMMING rofl?
Posts: 3

Re: IP ban coz if SPAM.

Post by Atrecom »

can he BAN me for spam a?
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Re: IP ban coz if SPAM.

Post by Belium »

You have been muted for spaming what is clearly understandable. After then you have made a characater named "Chombamad" what is clearly an insult therefore he suspended you for 3 days. Spam less, rage less and not ever insult a GM. As you called him a child even here just dream about an unban.
Retired Game Master
Posts: 35

Re: IP ban coz if SPAM.

Post by Zohard »

Atrecom wrote:GM Chomba have banned me coz i was SPOKEN ENGLISH in LFG.
and i suggest one more reason is my new char with nickname CHOMBAMAD. i created that char coz Chomba muted my 2 accs before. 5 hours and 30 minutes. isn't it MAD?! he's child anyway.

so, unban my IP. thats all i want) and leave that mad Chomba..))) he's real PRO gm)))

http://s49.radikal.ru/i126/1101/e3/6afbd57debea.jpg here is SS when Chomba was banning me) and u see the reason)) ROOOOOOFL!

I'm going to take the next 1 minute of your life to shut you up.

If you did nothing wrong, then WHY aren't you in a GEARED character, this means you were doing something to piss someone off. The best way to take a ban is to accept it, and take some time off of WoW to relax about it. He isn't a child, especially when you make a char to instigate even more.

Posts: 28

Re: IP ban coz if SPAM.

Post by Frystailo »

GM i know reason.
He was under alcoholic effect , he didn't understand what he doing.
I hope that he never will be spam again, he is my partner in 2s and we have 1 rank with 2045 rate, i haven't another partner to do arena :*(
He was returning from party and go play in WoW
Christmas was tonight we are live in Russia
Posts: 35

Re: IP ban coz if SPAM.

Post by Zohard »

You are responsible for your actions.
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Re: IP ban coz if SPAM.

Post by Imperium »

why am I reminded of drunky.
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Re: IP ban coz if SPAM.

Post by Belium »

Imperium wrote:why am I reminded of drunky.
You made me smile haha.
You have no proof of him being under the cruel effect of alcohol but even if you do as Zohard said, "You are responsible for your actions". Stop crying and don't be mad ;)
Retired Game Master
Posts: 28

Re: IP ban coz if SPAM.

Post by Frystailo »

GM he is a good guy,
and he will never do it again pls unban him
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