Smoke's Smoking Suggestions

Got a suggestion to help improve the server? Let us know here!
Posts: 40

Smoke's Smoking Suggestions

Post by Smoke »

Hello everyone,
Before I start, I find it advisable to introduce myself, because I couldn't find a proper Forum to do so.

You probably know me, if you do, by my character's name, either Smoke, a male Tauren Shaman, mostly specced Restoration, or Racialabuse, a female Gnome Warrior. I have joined the Server around three weeks ago (Yes, when AT went down), had never heard of it before and I now find myself loving this server thoroughly.
In fact, however, I actually am a young mathematics student in London by the name of Janek. Spending most of my time studying, Smolderforge gives me a casual refuge from stress, study and partying. Even though I live in London, I am german. I lived in London long enough, however, to get accustomed with the english language.
Enough of me, more about the server and the forums.

In the following I will make a list of suggestions, my personal thoughts about them and update them reguarly.
You will find that most of the Suggestions are concerned about the server and the game, yet, I'll try to construct some proper thoughts towards the website, forums and anything else out-of-game. Some of these changes might seem abstract, unrealistic and even simply stupid, but, at least i think so, that is what suggestions are there for: giving the admin an overview of what the players want.

[1]Server Suggestions

[1.1]Teleporting & more

Suggestion Summary:
  • Less portals
  • Use the teleporter more
  • RESULT: More usage of the in-game opportunities
Personal thoughts

The Teleporter in himself is simply perfect. Nothing could be changed there. In fact, he offers a variety of function's and tools, I wasn't aware of up until very recently.

There is for example the dueling Area. When I discovered this, I thought: "Now why do I always go to Hyjal/Isle of Quel'danas for duels, when there actually is a zone dedicated for dueling, where no ally/horde will silently sneak up to you and disturb your peaceful duel?"

Even though this is slightly exaggerated, the core thought is what counts. Now, why do I always go to Hyjal and Isle of Quel'danas for duels? Because the dueling zone is empty, because me and all the other duelers did not know that there was a dedicated dueling area. And why is that?

Now here we come to my actual suggestion. I feel, that the teleporter guy is not being used enough. This might of course be the reason, because it has been updated just recently, however, I think it is because the player can go simply anywhere with those nice'n'quick portals. As a result, the teleporter is only used to get to SWV and generally for few occasions.

So I believe it is wise to remove the portals and put in a teleporter guy instead. This way people would use the teleporter more and can see what he can offer. As a result the dedicated zones, eg. the dueling zone would be used a lot more.

[1.2]*IMPLEMENTED*The Mall

Suggestion Summary:
  • Use the whole Isle
  • Rearrange
  • A theme
Personal thoughts

This has been implemented with Server Updates 4.3 Thanks go to the administration for doing this.

[1.3]Ingame events

[1.4]Smoulderforge Questline

Suggestion Summary
  • Add a major Questline that covers all aspects of the game
  • Very few people can reach the end of the Questline
  • Put much sought for rewards at the very end of it, eg. Warglaives, Rank14 Titles, S4/Sunwell Gear etc.
Personal Thoughts

Yesterday, Paws came up with this brilliant idea and shared it with us and I have developed it since. It is basically a hell lot of work to do and could well be the 5.0 server update, if implemented, but I feel it is totally worth it. The summary pretty much reveals it all, but I'm going to write a very detailed post about it, seperate from this one, so we can deal with this topic on a different level entirely focused on it.
The post is finished and you can find it here.

[1.5]List of small changes

The following is a list of rather small suggestions, which I believe would generally help. Of course some of them are already mentioned in other suggestion posts, but I felt the need to address them once more:
  • Remove the Portal at the alliance Dueling Zone
  • Have some critters run around on the isles (for ambience)
  • Get the following enchants:
    • Enchant Bracers - Assault
    • Enchant Shield - Resilience
    • All spikes for shields(as soon as they are fixed)

[2.1]A list of Forums

Here is a list of forums, that I feel should be added:
  • A Introduction/Newcomer's Forum
  • PvP Forum (for discussing Arena Strategies etc.)
  • Recruitment Forum (if you recruit, ofc)
[I'm not an expert about websites, so I'll tackle this topic later.]

If you have actually read all this, I want to thank you for it. I know its not done yet, and I'll add more and more, as soon as I can and feel it is needed. If you have any questions/comments, feel free to reply to this topic, pm me or write an email to: [email protected]. I will ignore any spam/flame, so don't even bother.

To the Administration:
I know, you have a life as well, and can't fulfill all my wishes at once, or even at all. However, I needed to give my opinion and maybe give you a hint or two, in which direction I'd like the server, which I love, to go.

Yours Sincerely,
Smoke aka Racial
Last edited by Smoke on 21 Dec 2009, 11:12, edited 11 times in total.
Smoke - Resto Shaman, Tauren
Racialabuse - Arms Warrior, Gnome
Otherside - ShS Rogue, Human
Smokes Smoking Suggestions

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."
Albert Einstein
Posts: 40

Re: Smoke's Smoking Suggestions

Post by Smoke »

Smoke - Resto Shaman, Tauren
Racialabuse - Arms Warrior, Gnome
Otherside - ShS Rogue, Human
Smokes Smoking Suggestions

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."
Albert Einstein
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Re: Smoke's Smoking Suggestions

Post by Tykel »

Those are good ideas, but are they necessary? I mean don't get me wrong, but the main thing we should focus on is fixing spell and bugs.
Retired Game Master
Posts: 40

Re: Smoke's Smoking Suggestions

Post by Smoke »

Tykel wrote:Those are good ideas but are they necessary?I mean don't get me wrong but the main thing we should focus on is fixing spell and buggs.
Yes, I believe, they are definately not necissary. And that exactly is why I make suggestions. To point out little to big things, that could be an improvement as a whole. And to give my idea of a dream server, ofc. Of course, fixing spells and bugs is a major thing, but if i wanted to say something in that direction, I would post it on the bugs forum. Just a couple of ideas to strive for.

Right now, I'm actually thinking about applying for a developer position, who is there for the little things.
Posts: 14
Location: Brazil

Re: Smoke's Smoking Suggestions

Post by Alicit »

I really, really liked the suggestions. Especially the "Vendor Arrangements", having an organized mall is a great idea. But as Tykel said, there are a lot of priorities that are more important than visual improvement at this moment. Anyway, I hope Henhouse will read this and make sure of what is important for Smolderforge and what is not. Continue adding suggestions Smoke, they're always welcome!"
(I'm sorry about any Englsih errors, it isn't my first language.)

Posts: 40

Re: Smoke's Smoking Suggestions

Post by Smoke »

Alicit wrote:I really, really liked the suggestions. Especially the "Vendor Arrangements", having an organized mall is a great idea. But as Tykel said, there are a lot of priorities that are more important than visual improvement at this moment. Anyway, I hope Henhouse will read this and make sure of what is important for Smolderforge and what is not. Continue adding suggestions Smoke, they're always welcome!"
(I'm sorry about any Englsih errors, it isn't my first language.)

Thanks for the feedback. Glad to find someone else like this :)
Ill add suggestions every now and then.
Smoke - Resto Shaman, Tauren
Racialabuse - Arms Warrior, Gnome
Otherside - ShS Rogue, Human
Smokes Smoking Suggestions

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."
Albert Einstein
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Re: Smoke's Smoking Suggestions

Post by Endania »

We know the enchants are missing, and its because they're not in the database as an item like the other enchants are.
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Posts: 40

Re: Smoke's Smoking Suggestions

Post by Smoke »

Endania wrote:We know the enchants are missing, and its because they're not in the database as an item like the other enchants are.
I know, however, as far as I'm aware, usually Executioner isn't there as well. So what you could do, is to make an item, which (on usage) casts the missing enchant. It will probably require reagents, but i think with your awesome developer that would not be a problem.
Another possible thing (which is far more complicated) is to script an npc, which enchants your gear. This way you would go around the missing reagents, but its more work to do in itsself.
In addition, the spikes should really be available as items.
Smoke - Resto Shaman, Tauren
Racialabuse - Arms Warrior, Gnome
Otherside - ShS Rogue, Human
Smokes Smoking Suggestions

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."
Albert Einstein
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Re: Smoke's Smoking Suggestions

Post by Avronax »

I just tested the spikes and they don't do damage on any block...
Retired Game Master.
Posts: 40

Re: Smoke's Smoking Suggestions

Post by Smoke »

Avronax wrote:I just tested the spikes and they don't do damage on any block...
Ahh, shame. Ok, obviously not possible yet. Thanks for testing them though.
Smoke - Resto Shaman, Tauren
Racialabuse - Arms Warrior, Gnome
Otherside - ShS Rogue, Human
Smokes Smoking Suggestions

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."
Albert Einstein

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