Cross-Faction bgs and World Pvp Arena

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Cross-Faction bgs and World Pvp Arena

Post by lis »


everything is in the title, Bg are really horrible sometime i win 1-2 bg In whole day ( im in horde ).
you can see 4-5 healer in alli team against 1 in horde team
all good player switch faction for eazy win bg SERVER NEED CROSS-FACTION

and for more fun and more atractivity the server need an really WORLD PVP AREA Without rule and without mercy just a savage pvp a zone with pillars, bridge, maybe tree.... for a real gameplay and balance fight.

i hope you read my message im an old player and sorry for my google translate english haha
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Re: Cross-Faction bgs and World Pvp Arena

Post by Grimjoe »

Cross-faction BGs won't solve team-stacking, this is proven on other projects.

Team stacking changes between factions regularly, it's not as much of an issue as people make it out to be, if you don't like it, queue with friends.

I agree with a world pvp AREA, not an ARENA. It needs to be a big space that can hold between 15-30 players at once without issue, where players can be spread out.
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Re: Cross-Faction bgs and World Pvp Arena

Post by lis »

I dont know what you call "team-stacking" but you know there's a lot of difference of level on smolderforge if i queue with my guild, my friend we are going perfect all bg and the problem will not be solved i trying with cross-faction idea TO MIX beginner, "noob",old,"skill" players.
Premade system finish to destroy "balance battleground"
i have not the english vocabulary for explain all my think and it sad

for the second thing I wanted to say PVP AREA "Each for yourself concept" With a meticulous choice of place azshara is not adapted.
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Re: Cross-Faction bgs and World Pvp Arena

Post by Grimjoe »

I would like for you to give me a single rational argument for why cross-faction BG's would fix any sort of issue with imbalance in battlegrounds. Each faction has the same classes, gear, etc. available to them. Horde has been imbalanced on the server population-wise and yet they still find ways to lose BGs regularly to alliance, only to then later turn around and counter-farm the alliance. It's a back and forth issue and removing the faction side of things will make no difference, and I can guarantee that as soon as CFBG's would be implemented, there will immediately be players complaining about it.

I've seen it happen on projects in the past, very few overall ask for CFBG's, but those few make their voices heard far more than those who would be against it. So once again, I'll ask, What is your argument for CFBG's that would positively impact the server, and not negatively impact it.
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Re: Cross-Faction bgs and World Pvp Arena

Post by lis »

Turn the problem what are the arguments for not implanting Cross-faction, racial spell ?
i stop here that discussion My English no longer includes but i dont see the problem its exactly the same i haved played on 2 server with crossfaction and I haved loved the concept if you loose the bg its because you have bad communication not because you have 6/10 healer or full s4-sumwell player in opposite team and s2 beginner guys in your team.
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Re: Cross-Faction bgs and World Pvp Arena

Post by Grimjoe »

You act as though gear or skill is faction dependent, it isn't. You would complicate coordination by incorporating both factions on the same team.

Although it would kill the constant "X faction sucks" argument in world chat
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Re: Cross-Faction bgs and World Pvp Arena

Post by Henhouse »

I responded to a similar thread about this here: ... 11&t=10760
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Re: Cross-Faction bgs and World Pvp Arena

Post by Zapcraclepop »

Grimjoe wrote:You would complicate coordination by incorporating both factions on the same team.
Sorry, but please be honest with me on this, WHAT FUCKING COORDINATION?! Please, tell me where this coordination is, because I haven't seen it since December.

I still see people ignore objectives most games. I still see no healer focus whatsoever, and I still see little to no teamplay whatsoever.

I'm confused man, are we playing the same server?
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Re: Cross-Faction bgs and World Pvp Arena

Post by Grimjoe »

If you think there's no coordination now, how do you think putting players who hate eachother on the same teams will do
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