Event suggestion - BATTLE ROYAL remixed

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Event suggestion - BATTLE ROYAL remixed

Post by Sylferey »

Remember Gurubashi arena? Well, obviously you do, because you have done the event (YES YOU WILL) I've suggested in the previous topic.

For this one, I suggest something a little different.
A team of 15 dps fighting a team of 15 healers.

- All classes/specc buffs allowed, no consumables, no potions
- Bandages allowed
- Teamplay is a must
- Only spells, no items

If just like me, you hate those druids running around and /loling you from the other side of that wsg, then JOIN THIS AND TEAR THEIR INTESTINES APPART

Reward could be anything you want to offer ( GM team, I know you ever wanted to give some nudes, well, it's time)

( If the event is validated, I also offer to stream it, with specific musics related to WoW - Jace Hall incoming ^^)

Let me know if I can make things better, I still lack some sleep so i'm not really clear-minded
Posts: 9

Re: Event suggestion - BATTLE ROYAL remixed

Post by pwii »

I'm actually thinking if this could be cool or not, feels like if DPS just focus on one of their healers they would win like 100% until all of them are dead.
Though with just thinking wildly over the average players here,then I guess it won't be coordinated and not that precise enough to pull that off, but maybe. This event could be pretty cool.
Posts: 104

Re: Event suggestion - BATTLE ROYAL remixed

Post by Sylferey »

Hehe that's precisely what I was expecting too: DPSers running like idiots everywhere with 0 coordination, and chased by druids while dispelled by priests.
If this event happens, actually, i'd bet all my gold on healer team :D
There should be Necrovision and Bluecherry on healing team, it would for sure motivate DPS team to surpass themselves haha

But, the real point of this, it's mostly to give some fun and some glory to ppl playing paladins, cus tbh, it's not the most played class since compared to the rest, it's pretty weak. That would be a good occasion for ppl to bring their pal and have fun

(meh, you're the only one that has given any feedback :DDD rip)
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Re: Event suggestion - BATTLE ROYAL remixed

Post by Xios »

Hehe. Let's see if Game Master Xios can take some time of to make this event in the nearest future ;)

Let's see if this could be any fun!

Thank you, for your suggestion.
Retired Game Master.
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Re: Event suggestion - BATTLE ROYAL remixed

Post by Sylferey »

At your service Sir !
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Re: Event suggestion - BATTLE ROYAL remixed

Post by Wamboye »

could be interesting but could also turn into chaos.
I want to make a 14pom pyro mage+shadowpriest(to dispell divine shields) team if there are donete rewards.
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