Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Xaru »

I am the purple power ranger. I was born into this world after a nuclear explosion. My parents were Sammy the Grape and Kate the Plum. They settled down together, and had me as their child. Once the government found out that fruit had become sentient, they became determined to exterminate them by spraying poison! My parents withered and died. But I survived. And became rock hard (that's what she said). I now wield my parents, plated with steel, as my weapon and armour, determined for justice. I survived my extermination, and I seek revenge!

There will be wine.


This is what happens when Xaru gets bored and transmogrifies his armour. :P
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Imperium »

that is disgusting that you're wearing your parents.
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Xaru »

Imperium wrote:that is disgusting that you're wearing your parents.
You just don't understand my culture, they would have wanted it this way. Racist ass.

Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Firstaidkit »

I suggest an idea and other people who barely play Smolderforge can test it.

That's just unfair in my eyes and favoritism.
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Amgseret »

Firstaidkit wrote:I suggest an idea and other people who barely play Smolderforge can test it.

That's just unfair in my eyes and favoritism.
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Imperium »

so how would you have it?
just you and your handpicked groupies get to test it?
either way, it gets done. and i'll eventually be able to transmog.
who gives a fuck who tests it if the result is the same?
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Firstaidkit »

Imperium wrote:so how would you have it?
Maybe because I suggested the idea? Maybe because I provide the source code for it? Maybe because I actually play the server? Maybe because I actually give feedback on testing? Maybe because I did over a 10000 tickets back when I was a GM?
Imperium wrote:just you and your handpicked groupies get to test it?
Did not said that, I just want 1 item.
Imperium wrote:either way, it gets done. and i'll eventually be able to transmog.
who gives a fuck who tests it if the result is the same?
Funny how you call it testing while it's actually on the live server and people can make use of it already? If it was actual "testing" it would have been done on the development server.

This is just favoritism and it will probably take another year before the decision is made if he is even going to make use of it (I don't think it will be implemented in the end that's why I wanted to test it too). Maybe he will never implement it then it's just unfair that Xaru and the others already have this exclusive new feature.

That's just my opinion but it doesn't matters anyways since you will bash this post down to the ground anyways since you all hate me here =).
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Amgseret »

"I don't think it will be implemented in the end that's why I wanted to test it too"
Basically you just want to play around with it, as long its possible and bitch about Xaru being in position to do it. The world is so unfair :(
Blue wrote:Yo Seret, can you untie Mayor?
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Firstaidkit »

Make it available to all or to none. Testing should be done on a Development server and not on the LIVE servers.

This is totally unfair for ALL the players on the server not just me.

Seret so good at taking shit out of context and actually I say yes to that since it was my idea after all and I provide the source code to make it even possible here ;). And it's not even testing if it's actually on the live servers but ok.

I don't care who tested it but I wouldn't call it testing if they can keep the items on the live server. They tested it, it works (except for a small visual bug) after that it should get removed from live server until implemented else it's unfair for ALL others who are UNABLE to get it.

Edit: If this feature gets implemented, I got a question. You can only do this with gear that you currently have in your bag or bank, right? Or can the players just choose whatever gearpiece they like after donating or redeeming it in-game by honor, badges or vote points?
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Henhouse »

It's exactly for these reasons I am not going to let you test it. I did it on the live server to have exposure to the actual population and see if anyone was commenting on the bug, or reporting problems. Additionally, it's easier. I have removed all the transmogs, it just takes a restart to fully clear them, so calm down.

No, I believe the items must be in your bags.
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