3v3 solo queue interest

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Re: 3v3 solo queue interest

Post by Apuclevercow »

Vekt wrote:It would actually be nice to get matched with people of the same rating (sort of MMR system). It's really annoying when you have a decent rating to lose because someone in your team is a beginner or just afk and only win +5 because opponents are around 1k5.
Here is your answer :
Henhouse wrote:
Vicarious wrote:Are the ratings going to affect your chance to be with better players? As in will there be matchmaking or will it just be total randomness?
I spoke with the developer who made this about it, and he said with a server with only a couple hundred on, and those who queue, it would be harder to match make based on rating since it would have to start pairing 6 people per game, etc. Would lead to long queues and such. To be honest, I really like the idea of matchmaking, and maybe it's something we'll have to do in the future, but for now it will be totally randomly paired. So if your teammates are garbage and have terrible rating, remember your average rating will go down because of them, and due to this: you'll lose less rating.
I'm sure that it's possible now, as there is a real infatuation for this feature. Lower ranks wouldn't have issues to get a fast queue, the issue is about the players who are high ranked, is there constantly enough of them to get a fast queue ?
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Re: 3v3 solo queue interest

Post by Ceaser »

good idea for that seasons and que solo 3v3
Posts: 8

Re: 3v3 solo queue interest

Post by Despondencyx »

Actually idea is good but youll need to fix some problems like:
Making triple and double same class que(its pretty annoying to play resto druid with 2 ferals or disc with 2 shadows),it works on AT 3.3.5,never play with same classes
2 healers isnt bad to play(actually top 3`s comps are with 2 healers-rdroo/dp/rog etc)

And important:
If you made 3`s solo que why you wont to enable normal 3`s queing,actually 2`s are fuckin boring as hell,all time just WD/RD/LD/PR and all goes around.If its disabled cause of wintraders,so just ban them,fuck it,but why you punish normal players who want just make some fun with good 3`s.
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Re: 3v3 solo queue interest

Post by Henhouse »

Don't know if anyone has noticed but we class stacking is no longer a thing. ;)
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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