Lets discuss this once and for all
Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
Well wsg seems to be the biggest issue can you restrict just that bg to pvp gear only? Since the main problem is that once you are outpowered in a ctf battle then the opposite faction can just corpse camp.
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Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
The other thing would be to put a spirit protector at the the gy to prevent farming.. But then it would still be a game of people sitting at the gy doing nothing while the opposing faction tries to find a way to kill them. Being an ele shaman it would cripple me to remove swp gear but it will also make the game a lot more balanced. Some people are bound to complain or on the other hand might leave the server, but will it be a bigger amount of people leaving from constant hk farming? Just some thoughts though :D the idea of no swp gear interests me lol.
Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
I see. Well, that was my 2cents mainly because I hate seeing randoms vs. a unified group. Terribly unbalanced, then again, has PvP ever been balanced?Henhouse wrote:This is probably possible to do; however, I don't think that people raid SC and work up honor points, and donate for Sunwell items just so they can... raid for more Sunwell in SC? Where would this gear have any use anymore? I can only find it acceptable to maybe disable for arenas due to balancing for equal, and more fair arenas, but if we take it out of the whole PvP aspect -- why would people want it? We cannot just remove it so simply. I don't think you realize how badly that would cripple the server, and overwhelm support, and especially myself with the amount of complains, Paypal disputes, players leaving the server, etc., etc.Swackx wrote:make it "not usable" in bgs/arena, yes.
You cannot make enormous changes without dire repercussions.
This is much, much more work than you think. The entire queuing and BG system would have to be rewritten and made compatible with the core and it's just not likely to happen at all. Also, what good does this do? Most premades are never a full 10/15/40 people. So you're suggesting to fill those spots with randoms? Then what good is a separate queue when in theory -- it's the exact same as a normal queue then. If you're thinking, "well don't fill it with randoms", then the premade queue will be incredibly unbalanced with 9v15, etc. I don't think it would work as well as you think. Premades would not as frequently get queued, normal BGs would have incredibly long wait times as all the people queuing are in a totally separate queue.Imperium wrote:For some reason I think it's a brilliant idea to make it so only premades can be matched against premades.
Thanks for the insight though, truly. Perhaps disabling premade groups(again?) would work?
- Posts: 971
Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
You do realize, players don't gain HK's in Azshara Crater, yet camp the living CRAP out of anyone they can, right? It's not necessarily about gaining hks, it's about taking away a player's ability to enjoy the game. I believe that to be the direct goal of some of the people whom only know to grief through farming GYs. Even if you removed the gain of honor and/or kills, people would do it just in the sheer hopes that their opponent is 'ragin/foamin'/MAD.Gandraman wrote:disable hk's, and no one will be interested in that any further.
Looks like I've missed out on some real quality gameplay these past few months, ;)
Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
the main problem are 3-4 guilds and you want to punish all players for that? no good decision i would say...
just nerf premade size! lets say max. 3 players can join as group. that means u cannot dominate the bg but u can play with ur friends.
honor cap
2 guys!! 2 fuckin guys are the reason why we talk here. i said it countless times... honor kills are the most useless pvp stat in the game. if you want a useful bg stat then take the kill/death/dmg ratio.
however, i dont know what you should do here i would reset fak and ezatt´s honor count so they can finally make suicide. the rest of the server will be happy and we all can live in peace. :D
the main problem are 3-4 guilds and you want to punish all players for that? no good decision i would say...
just nerf premade size! lets say max. 3 players can join as group. that means u cannot dominate the bg but u can play with ur friends.
honor cap
2 guys!! 2 fuckin guys are the reason why we talk here. i said it countless times... honor kills are the most useless pvp stat in the game. if you want a useful bg stat then take the kill/death/dmg ratio.
however, i dont know what you should do here i would reset fak and ezatt´s honor count so they can finally make suicide. the rest of the server will be happy and we all can live in peace. :D
Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
YES, do it reset their HK's XD. I think too that its useless to farm HK's it doesnt show the ppl that u got skill or something else it shows just that u are a nerd.Robotking wrote:premades
the main problem are 3-4 guilds and you want to punish all players for that? no good decision i would say...
just nerf premade size! lets say max. 3 players can join as group. that means u cannot dominate the bg but u can play with ur friends.
honor cap
2 guys!! 2 fuckin guys are the reason why we talk here. i said it countless times... honor kills are the most useless pvp stat in the game. if you want a useful bg stat then take the kill/death/dmg ratio.
however, i dont know what you should do here i would reset fak and ezatt´s honor count so they can finally make suicide. the rest of the server will be happy and we all can live in peace. :D
Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
srs.Deceitx wrote:Henhouse wrote:A lot of people were in favor of raising the HK cap. Since neither party has reached 250,000, but are close, perhaps we should just cap it there? I can go back to resetting to 250k since it may prevent a "server first 250k". But, you're right. It was a bad call to remove the cap. I honestly just thought it would affect the players, and let them play more. I did not expect the whole guild wars of farming to begin again. We can't let that continue.
Thoose guilds make the server what it is.
If you want to play with the big boys, you better man the fuck up. (Even though most of them are kids)
We had it this way when the HUGE inflation of players came to SF and this might be the only reason they came? I view these pvp_battles as a raiding guild, raiding for HKs.
Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
Zapcraclepop wrote:You do realize, players don't gain HK's in Azshara Crater, yet camp the living CRAP out of anyone they can, right? It's not necessarily about gaining hks, it's about taking away a player's ability to enjoy the game. I believe that to be the direct goal of some of the people whom only know to grief through farming GYs. Even if you removed the gain of honor and/or kills, people would do it just in the sheer hopes that their opponent is 'ragin/foamin'/MAD.Gandraman wrote:disable hk's, and no one will be interested in that any further.
Looks like I've missed out on some real quality gameplay these past few months, ;)
Your inability to read haven't changed much in the last few months though. Welcome back man :)Cube wrote:Works both ways. Not that I promote one thing over another, point is that there are other solutions. But as Mayore said, there's more contributing to the problem. Hk's are one cornerstone though.Gandraman wrote:disable hk's, and no one will be interested in that any further.
No, it won't get people to stop trying, or grabbing the opportunity when it presents itself. It will however give the camped fellas more of a fighting chance. There are a lot of factors to why camping is such a huge thing here on SF. Hk farming, retarded dmg-output, imbalanced bg's, stupidity etc. On top of this, fast and brutal mid pushes won't be as common as they are now, because of the added survivability, which will in turn make a team harder to lock down on the gy without them being able to do all that much about it.Hardlight wrote:In addition, the removal of SWP gear will not solve your problems with graveyard farming. I can grant you that.
The small player-base and imbalanced horde:alliance ratio isn't helping either. Trends are much easier to set around here, and unfortunately hk farming has become one of those, just as boomkins/elementals with absurd amounts of haste. If you leave and rejoin a bg, there's a fair chance that you'll end up in the one you just left. On top of the fact that since there aren't that many bg's up and running at one time, there's a bigger chance of ending up facing one of said hk farming premades. And since the faction ratio is off, queues are long, and when you've waited a good 15m to get into a bg just to get camped all game, the problem gets quite a bit bigger than it usually would be.
It's obviously not something that's unique on this server. It happens everywhere, on every server, in every expansion, and even in other games. The problem is quite a bit bigger here than it is on other servers/games that I've played though.
Either way, it won't happen. As have been said so many times before, removing gear isn't a valid option. Swp gear has done it's damage, and is far too integrated into the server at this stage to cut it out without dire consequences. I would love to see some good old fashioned tbc pvp, but unless you stage those fights, it won't happen.
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Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
I totally agree with you. HK cap only affects 2 people on this server and thus can never be the solution. Cross fraction bgs combined with group queueing of maximal 3 players might be a step into the right direction. As for the swp gear, make it so you need to have at least 200 resilence in order to be able to join a battleground/arena. This would partially fix swp gear stacking, and the ppl donating for swp still can use some of their gear. Additionally remove fap.Robotking wrote:premades
2 guys!! 2 fuckin guys are the reason why we talk here. i said it countless times...
Also how come Ezatt hasn't been banned from this server yet, all he does is constantly harrassing/flaming other people. He hasn't done shit for this community.
- Firstaidkit
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- Posts: 2015
Re: Lets discuss this once and for all
If you reapply the HK cap it will do more than you think it does. The only reason he plays is to get more kills than me. The only reason we got these kind of retarded bg's is Passion. One spot isn't even that active anymore and neither is you MONSTER. They don't give a shit about the hk's and just play for the objectives. If you lock down the HK's (this time for good) then there will be no reason to farm anymore HK's any further since it will be fuckin' pointless to do so if it isn't already.
The previous time he set a HK cap people actually played for objectives in bg's unlike what is happening now.
The previous time he set a HK cap people actually played for objectives in bg's unlike what is happening now.
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