yM vs One Spot in Gurubashi Arena

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Re: yM vs One Spot in Gurubashi Arena

Post by Swackx »

Amgseret wrote:The rings are totally worth it for some classes though seeing the HP, its not limited to rings but then either way, pve gear isnt nearly as faggish as running around with 1/10 size, 15+ buffs, SS and having pots on cd. Dat mental picture of Ezatt, sadly applies to almost everybody doing a premade.
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Re: yM vs One Spot in Gurubashi Arena

Post by Outskilled »

Swackx wrote:
Outskilled wrote:
Amgseret wrote:Besides, nobody from yM mixes pve gear, rite?
That not so fine line between raiding Black Temple( Jk arathi basin ) and using pve rings.
So.. you blame ppl for using pve gear, which is available to everyone. I can cleary see the logic there.
I was not saying nor implying that people using it is a bad thing. Its the raiders running about with every buff in the game smashing one button with an army of healers that ruins the gameplay. That and the fact that you are quoting a subject that does not concern yourself and did not require a debate over.
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Re: yM vs One Spot in Gurubashi Arena

Post by Xaru »

We aren't making any drama, it's the truth that we didn't have our main group there and they went in without any organization against a better team on the day. You are the ones who are showboating and talking trash. We aren't making the unnecessary comments, you guys are. And Outskilled, you run around in full PvE gear as protection most of the time I see you in BG's, so why are you hating on people who use PvE gear? It's part of the game. Calm down.
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Posts: 53

Re: yM vs One Spot in Gurubashi Arena

Post by Swackx »

I don't even know you, neither i care what you're saying tbh. I just stated some facts and if u don't agree with the things mentioned above, then you probably don't have a clue at all.
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Re: yM vs One Spot in Gurubashi Arena

Post by Outskilled »

Xaru wrote:Outskilled, you run around in full PvE gear as protection most of the time I see you in BG's, so why are you hating on people who use PvE gear? It's part of the game. Calm down.
Playing Block value pvp as prot for one day does not count as you say "most of the time".

I am not hating on those that do I am saying it ruins the gameplay when you are being hit for 5k by raiders. I was not even there when this event took place and the guild put this post here for people to see, not for people to create drama over. The attitude of One Spot as a whole is quite foul and you would be a hypocrite to suggest that it is yM creating drama when your gmotd was Onespot > You Monster, and when confronting your GM on why he graveyard farms he replies with "it is not my fault we are a awesome guild" or for want of a better word.

I feel like I am being the fall guy for other peoples actions and I was just here to congratulate, Not to be a scapegoat for off-topic drama unfolding.
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Re: yM vs One Spot in Gurubashi Arena

Post by Xaru »

I think you're right, both of our guilds have problems. I think such a long-running feud like this brings out the worst in people, even friends. Let's just say GG to both teams, you MONSTER won, and they're doing a good job of reforming the horde so that both sides are more equal after what I think has been a wave of dominance by the alliance for a while now.
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
Posts: 75

Re: yM vs One Spot in Gurubashi Arena

Post by Hated »

Heallen wrote:
Hated wrote: i thought most off your officers hate this faggot :D did he paid your for inv or something like this?
I believe it was fak and I who were hating eachother the most, but it's silly tbh, spend time on a game and hate another player, for what reason? However, I felt it was time to forgive and forget, so I gave fak another chance because he is not a bad guy if you don't spam hit that rage button in his neck, which we all have. :)
Well, there is a reason why such a lot of people hate him.

Hes just super arrogant just because off his 200hks and his several paid glad chars. I dont say that he is that shit, but hes nothing special and still acting like a god.

Ofc people, even me , would forgive him, but hes acting like this since over 3 years, i dont see any change at all, his statement in this topic or the raven lord one speak for itself, so he is clearly not a good guy.
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Re: yM vs One Spot in Gurubashi Arena

Post by Firstaidkit »

Luckily that you are way more mature with your false accuses, rage, daily flame wars and pointless accusation(s) or discussion(s) in the LFG. You've never even tried to give me a second chance, so don't act like you did. I just had certained goals here that I have achieved and yes a lot of people hate me for that. That ain't my problem, haters gonna hate and lovers gonna love.
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Re: yM vs One Spot in Gurubashi Arena

Post by Cube »

Last I played with yM one of their shamans asked the healers if he could go all-out pve gear, since well, they had healers.


Oh, and on topic... uhm, ok.

Edit: Might add that I didn't really read everything that's been said. Boooring.
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Re: yM vs One Spot in Gurubashi Arena

Post by Hated »

Never said that iam better this way, i just explained why the people hate on you ..
And its clearly not about your goals, i mean, who cares about 200k hk or even the challenger title, its just like that you act like something special just cause of this super great achievements ;)

But nvm, in most of the cases I am just trolling, I always being nice to the people i care about and they know how I really are ;)
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