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Re: Transfer

Post by Henhouse »

Slyca wrote:Nice to know, but don't blame me for starting "flame wars" when I used to log on and get told directly from firstaidkit that I "ruined the server".

Stop fucking yelling at the community when they tell you someone isn't fit for the job, or isn't mature enough. People tell you this to improve the server. Just like me, Konar talks shit and gets away with it, which is probably why the population has gone down drastically.

I'm done. I was an admin once, and I had the same issues. The server owner did the same thing you are doing with Konar, and then what happens? He got yelled at once and destroyed the server.

You ask the community for their opinions, and then blatantly ignore them.

Still lol'ing at the fact that you think I "stole" someones account when he gave it to a friend of mine, who let me have it because I wanted a warrior and have been patiently waiting for you to return. But ofcourse, people with power are always right.
I just wanted to point out a few many things wrong with your statements yet again.

I'm not "fucking yelling" at the community about anything. I rebuke a lot of statements that are biased or uninformed in order to create a sense of understanding. Sometimes I get a little sharp with people, but I tend to do that when I get annoyed. Like I honestly couldn't believe you started arguing back about your suspension. Somehow it made sense in your head that it was unmerited.

So you're implying our server is going to "be destroyed?" I'm pretty sure I'm not that server owner and I've done a pretty good job with running mine for over 3.5 years. I'd say at this point I know what I'm doing. Claiming you were an admin once does not put you on some level of understanding or experience as me.

I'm also still "lol'ing" at the fact you keep using words like "let me have it." When referring to sharing accounts. Whether he gave you the account info, or you brainwashed him to give it to you -- he is still the account holder. Nothing is going to change that. Just because you have access to someone's account, EVEN IF they "trade" it with you, they are entitled to everything in that account and have full rights to recall it. Yes, you did "steal" that character to a degree. You tried transferring donorship off a character that was not yours by any means. In my eyes, that is exactly what that it. It was very malicious thing to do with someone's account you had access to.
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Re: Transfer

Post by Lebban »

Posts: 31

Re: Transfer

Post by Slyca »

Well congratz Henry, you got what you wanted. Konar as GM and everyone pissed off.

Accusing me of stealing an account ... pff. The nerve.

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Re: Transfer

Post by Henhouse »

Nice job at quoting successfully? (edited the post I see now)

I'm not going to randomly throw out a ban, I'll let your suspension expire. Even though, considering this thread would give me justifiable reason to ban you, I sometimes enjoy arguments to correct people who are completely confused and ignorant of a position or situation. So I'll let it pass. ;)

If it's one very important thing I've learned in 3.5 years, it's that everyone will eventually come back. But if you do plan on leaving for now, it's advisable to do so quietly instead of making a scene. Especially when no one cares...

Oh, going back to something you said earlier. Thanks for calling me money-hungry when I gave you a free transfer because you described your financial situation to me and I felt bad? Hmm... something is amiss there...

Once again, I never said you were stealing an account. Seriously, do you read? I claimed you were stealing his character which is exactly what you were doing. You had no right to transfer a donor character that was not yours. Pff the nerve.

ThIS GuY L3T mE iN2 hIS HoUsE So I SToLE HiS SHiT Nd hE Call3D ThE C0Ps???? The nerve.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development

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