Firstaidkit Server First 300 000 hk's on one character!
Re: Firstaidkit Server First 300 000 hk's on one character!
Do you like your own posts on Facebook aswell?
Btw: 300k HKs and still bad.
Btw: 300k HKs and still bad.
Macro Collection: ... f=4&t=8979
Re: Firstaidkit Server First 300 000 hk's on one character!
Grats man, 300k. Impressive.
I can buy that it's easier for hordes to farm hks nowadays even with the horrible queue times here @dark side, but back in da dayz (Pipeofpeace reference!) it was certainly easier for alliance in general to farm hks, despite the guild rivality and such. It was a matter of perseverance mostly and I'm talking about #hyjal #alts #queue times.Veselin92 wrote:Gz, its much easyer farming HKs as Horde! Still GZ, 300K is a lot :O
There's no more trusted observer than someone who suspects you.
Re: Firstaidkit Server First 300 000 hk's on one character!
Firstaidkit wrote:I guess I will let Ezatt get above me now since I cannot be arsed to play any longer.

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Re: Firstaidkit Server First 300 000 hk's on one character!
Both sides have always been and always will be the same, that is inconsistent and random, at no time period greater than 24 hours does one faction dominate the other in BGs, I can get HK's just as easy on either side. This is an instant 70 private server, yes there are more horde players statistically, but both sides are all the same people.Wacco wrote:
I can buy that it's easier for hordes to farm hks nowadays even with the horrible queue times here @dark side, but back in da dayz (Pipeofpeace reference!) it was certainly easier for alliance in general to farm hks, despite the guild rivality and such. It was a matter of perseverance mostly and I'm talking about #hyjal #alts #queue times.
Apuclevercow wrote:The main question is, who is viacaris ?
Re: Firstaidkit Server First 300 000 hk's on one character!
It shouldn't be the same, but it can be easy either way. Obviously it's random when it comes to what you queue up with and what you encounter. I have always felt that it has been easier for horde besides long ago when Passion was doing the typical Hyjal farming (that by the way no one cared about.) Fak should almost have some street cred for his endless farming when you know that a handfull of Ezatts HK's isn't fully "legit" or whatever. But who knows maybe Fak also farmed some HK's sometime, somewhere, it shouldn't really surprise me. I'm just glad that HK's isn't that important anymore.Vicarious wrote:Both sides have always been and always will be the same, that is inconsistent and random, at no time period greater than 24 hours does one faction dominate the other in BGs, I can get HK's just as easy on either side. This is an instant 70 private server, yes there are more horde players statistically, but both sides are all the same people.Wacco wrote:
I can buy that it's easier for hordes to farm hks nowadays even with the horrible queue times here @dark side, but back in da dayz (Pipeofpeace reference!) it was certainly easier for alliance in general to farm hks, despite the guild rivality and such. It was a matter of perseverance mostly and I'm talking about #hyjal #alts #queue times.
There's no more trusted observer than someone who suspects you.
Re: Firstaidkit Server First 300 000 hk's on one character!
Dntryme : Btw: 300k HKs and still bad :)
Re: Firstaidkit Server First 300 000 hk's on one character!
Headway wrote:Dntryme : Btw: 300k HKs and still bad :)

Last edited by Carrie on 26 Aug 2014, 08:27, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Firstaidkit Server First 300 000 hk's on one character!
ur gifs don't even make any sense
Re: Firstaidkit Server First 300 000 hk's on one character!
I do not know English well I rely on gif
I try harder
I try harder
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