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Zapcraclepop wrote:
(Although not as much as I love all the kids crying about "dood, where's my t6.5/swp gear WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFF") <--- that's hard to top.
no lie, i was kinda sad when I noticed I was missing my T6 belt and bracers.
then I realized I'm an enhancement shaman, I don't need that stuff.
Imperium wrote:
no lie, i was kinda sad when I noticed I was missing my T6 belt and bracers.
Originally we were not going to wipe offset of Tier 6, despite it being from Sunwell. However, after several players submitted comparison screenshots it showed us that they made an very large difference and would allow players to easily hybrid with S4 and obtain 2 (4) set bonuses.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Imperium wrote:
no lie, i was kinda sad when I noticed I was missing my T6 belt and bracers.
Originally we were not going to wipe offset of Tier 6, despite it being from Sunwell. However, after several players submitted comparison screenshots it showed us that they made an very large difference and would allow players to easily hybrid with S4 and obtain 2 (4) set bonuses.
Henhouse wrote:would allow players to easily hybrid with S4 and obtain 2 (4) set bonuses.
And what is not ok about mixing s4 and t6 bonuses? :D
Because the whole point is to try and get rid of some of the strongest pve items, and if you can still go 4p t6 with the sunwell offparts, it's kind of arbitrary.
I still object to you stealing my Protection Pally's gear, I'm yet to have killed anyone in PvP with full SWP/T6 prot gear x) Despite this, I've actually started playing PvP again because there's no longer the <One Spot> SWP Balance/Ele gang (for example), trolling around in BGs.
?ó?é¼?ôWell if you were a man, I?ó?é¼?äód punch you. Punch you right in the mouth.?ó?é¼?¥ ?ó?é¼?Ç¥ Ron Burgundy