3v3 rated que improve

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Re: 3v3 rated que improve

Post by Henhouse »

No one on private servers ever takes 3v3, 5v5 into consideration really. AT begs players to queue for 3v3s. It's simply a private server thing. People come and go easily and live all around the world. Retail is localized and people are paying to play and usually will be around to queue with you when you need. Here it's too hard to find that additional person to queue all the time.

3v3 bracket is constantly ruined by wintrading, we are constantly closing accounts that engage in wintrading. We've disabled 5v5 altogether for this reason.
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Re: 3v3 rated que improve

Post by Poisongirlx »

Henhouse wrote:No one on private servers ever takes 3v3, 5v5 into consideration really. AT begs players to queue for 3v3s. It's simply a private server thing. People come and go easily and live all around the world. Retail is localized and people are paying to play and usually will be around to queue with you when you need. Here it's too hard to find that additional person to queue all the time.

3v3 bracket is constantly ruined by wintrading, we are constantly closing accounts that engage in wintrading. We've disabled 5v5 altogether for this reason.
I know people comes from arround the World and since it's "just" a privat server not many people taking it "serious".
But still there are many people in the same timezone that u can improve and que together.

Yea wintrading is a huge problem on privat servers and aswell on retail people are wintrading and sharing rank 1 every season.

I really like this server and I'm up to use my time to help improve the server. I think alot of people will join the server when we figure out something to make the 3v3 bracket working.

Since there is alot of people that loves to play 3v3. And I think its a reason for people playing on AT because 3v3 is working there.

Another suggestion is to organise regular 3v3 tournaments maybe every Sunday. So People know if they want to win the tournament they have find teammates and practise = 3v3 Ques.

I can help organise the tournament and live stream if people are interessted in it.

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Re: 3v3 rated que improve

Post by Hardlight »

*looks at pingos stats*

...hm, looks legit.
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Re: 3v3 rated que improve

Post by Poisongirlx »

Hardlight wrote:*looks at pingos stats*

...hm, looks legit.
As I already said earlier.. Skelmor told me that this team already got banned.
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Re: 3v3 rated que improve

Post by Firstaidkit »

Poisongirlx wrote:
Hardlight wrote:*looks at pingos stats*

...hm, looks legit.
As I already said earlier.. Skelmor told me that this team already got banned.
So you want GM's to monitor every 3 vs 3 game just so you can have rewards? To be honest they got better shit to do and they have a life, this is a free to play server. IMO deal with it.
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Re: 3v3 rated que improve

Post by Poisongirlx »

Firstaidkit wrote: So you want GM's to monitor every 3 vs 3 game just so you can have rewards? To be honest they got better shit to do and they have a life, this is a free to play server. IMO deal with it.
No, I just told him cuz he quoted the rank 1 wintrader team and this problem already got resolved.

I'm just trying to find a way to make 3v3 working = more player on the server.

Btw I saw a Server where you could see all the Arena games as type of AAV Atrox Arena View. Means u saw the fight duration, who won, who did how much DMG/Healing etc.

Badly I cant remember the name atm, but I'll see if I can find it.
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