Looking for Warrior PvP Advice

Posts: 16

Re: Looking for Warrior PvP Advice

Post by Regozai »

starting to play warrior is hardest of any of class, but once you get familiar with it, its the easiest and most fun

Basically rage = dps, that means you can spam MS/WW/HS

What i do when i play warrior is to spam everything i can, and berserker rage = hs spam

against druids you should open with nothing but snare + sunder spam upto 5x then start MSing, and try to kite druids sometimes if they are stupid enough to proc your 2nd Wind with their feral charge, and if they dont you get free charge or if they going to heal, you can intercept them while they are out of bear form, its win/win situation

against resto you have less rage than somebody who deals decent dmg against you and therefore its harder, its about outsmarting restos, if you get reflect on cyclone -> full bandage or you get trinket from them on their own cyclone that means you can fear them or have full intercept MS/WW combo on their back
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