Request for RoS Fix

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Posts: 192

Re: Request for RoS Fix

Post by Abwyz »

Henhouse wrote:I know it's not been on the changelog, but RoS should be working as intended now if you are all wanted to raid him again.
We are trying it right now and still is bugged.
Posts: 7

Re: Request for RoS Fix

Post by Willrath89 »

I am Officer in the guild Extra Curricular and I can assure you that the encounter is far from fixed, the boss is not supposed to hit 8-10k on targets, I am quite sure that its damage is from the other phases where you actually are suppose to tank the usual way.

Watching videos from the encounter on live server I see that most people get about 1k hits, the only way we can progress past ROS atm is by either using 3-4 avoidance rogue tanks and pray to RNG gods or another viable tactic we have discussed is to kite it... Please henhouse look in to this because it is very annoying to not be able to progress through BT because of a bugged boss (since we cant reach council without killing ROS first)
Posts: 192

Re: Request for RoS Fix

Post by Abwyz »

What Will said. Also his HP is still 4,1M.
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Posts: 192

Re: Request for RoS Fix

Post by Darkgroom »

I don't have access to the database so i can check a lot of things right now, will need to ask henhouse to check the Damage min / max from the first encounter.
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Re: Request for RoS Fix

Post by Darkgroom »

This guy should have 2.5 M HP (Essence of Suffering).
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Re: Request for RoS Fix

Post by Willrath89 »

I can tell you right now that first phase has close to or just above 4 Million HP... and we have also discovered a workaround the bugged encounter that is the only way to do it apart from major raidstacking of avoidance rogues.

That is that if you Divine Intervention the closest person to the boss he still hits them instead of getting a new target. basically making the first phase a joke... but afaik it is the only sollution to get past the first bugged phase.
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Re: Request for RoS Fix

Post by Darkgroom »

Well, i checked WoWPedia for this boss, and wen't into the history to a date where wrath was not yet realease and where we were on patch 2.4.3.

On that page, it states that this boss (First phase) Has 2.5 M HP.

Give me some officials where it states that this guy has a HP Base of arond 4.1 M On patch 2.4.3 and we will keep him there, else we will put him down to 2.5 M.

Smolderforge Developer
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Re: Request for RoS Fix

Post by Willrath89 »

Give me some officials where it states that this guy has a HP Base of arond 4.1 M On patch 2.4.3 and we will keep him there, else we will put him down to 2.5 M.
The most important fix is to fix the damage, in SWP gear we can manage the HP difference with increased DPS but the fact that he hits like a truck on crack makes the fight completly impossible to do without gimmicky tactics, and until you do fix the damage we would love it if you could hold off the divine intervention bug so we can progress through BT and not be hindered by bugged bosses.

As for his HP: this is a fight from live, not sure about the patch but I can assure you that the hp wasnt raised in future patches in BC, I have fastforwarded and put it to HD quality so you can see the HP:

While we are at it, Teron Gorefiend is currently not scripted like on live. Another bug in the instance is that Supremus flames are not beeing casted and spawned volcanos are moving objects which was not the case on live.
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Posts: 18

Re: Request for RoS Fix

Post by Johnsju »

[NOTE: This isn't 100% sure] But I am also pretty sure that Mother Shahraz is bugged, the part where she supposedly throws up a bunch of people didn't occur or people just vanished in the air along with the boss.
Posts: 7

Re: Request for RoS Fix

Post by Willrath89 »

Also we ask for permission to progress through BT with the use of Crowd Control through walls until RoS is fixed, since it is more or less impossible to beat the encounter as of now. We can reach to other bosses rather easy, we are not doing it just because we can, but rather because we have to in order to stay active as the only real raiding guild on the server, people have a tendency of getting rather bored of trying to bang their skulls into a completly bugged ROS encounter for 4 days straight after clearing up to the encounter.

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