Too much Alterac Valley

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Re: Too much Alterac Valley

Post by Cube »

Ashewat wrote:i rather have AV over eots any day but thats my opinion just really dont like eots
This seems to be a fairly common point of view. I would just like to point out that there are some major differences between the two. The first would be that Eots is only on one hour where AV is on two, on top of that an AV game takes at least twice the time an Eots game would take. Sometimes even more than that. And for people who are still gearing, you get a marginally better ring from AV and all other pre-donor gear from the other BGs.

And this may not be your opinion on the matter, but most people dislike Eots because the majority of the player base doesn't get the battle ground, and most won games isn't because your team played good but because the other team just sucked more. Whereas most people who dislike AV usually dislike the actual BG with the whole pve rushing, gank promoting mechanics of it.

Personally I don't like Eots much in pugs either. It usually just turns into a circle jerking zerg fest. But when I played rated BGs on retail and we started to go up against better teams, it was probably one of the most interesting BGs there since the mechanics of it allows for a lot of different tactics, and it was usually hard to predict the enemy team which usually led to very improvised shifting games.
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Re: Too much Alterac Valley

Post by Aegrotatio »

You know, it seems that players are using more common sense and skill in AV lately. I'm really liking it lately. Alliance seems to loose 4 out of every six games, but it's more fun now so idc.

Just my 2 cents.
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Re: Too much Alterac Valley

Post by Henhouse »

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