
Got a suggestion to help improve the server? Let us know here!
Posts: 35

Re: Warglaives

Post by Suchareq »

Thoridal can be deleted, warglives should be in ilidan drop

Posts: 9

Re: Warglaives

Post by Sims276 »

if added to drop table for illidan the chance shud be higher imo.
the drop rate for the glaives are extremely low, the chance of getting it is already challenging.
then to find a raid to do illidan? hah =p

at least adds just the mainhand glaive for vendor, make it a decent cost.
Posts: 410
Location: Serbia

Re: Warglaives

Post by Lolzeroxl »

Lol even if they get added on illidan drop i think there is no raid group on this server who can down illidan,if he is full scripted.and warglaive drop rate is less then 5% so this is bad idea.I like suggestion that Lolglaives should be available to all players for about 5k bojs
Lolzero and Aristarch were my heros ,they got scammed long time aggo,so some retards play at them now.
Posts: 230

Re: Warglaives

Post by Aegrotatio »

if added to drop table for illidan the chance shud be higher imo.
the drop rate for the glaives are extremely low, the chance of getting it is already challenging.
then to find a raid to do illidan? hah =p

at least adds just the mainhand glaive for vendor, make it a decent
Hopeless whining noob pleaseeee!
Lol even if they get added on illidan drop i think there is no raid group on this server who can down illidan,if he is full scripted.and warglaive drop rate is less then 5% so this is bad idea.I like suggestion that Lolglaives should be available to all players for about 5k bojs
Good God. I'm so tired of the lack of skill on private servers. Show some class. Get your buddies to fourm a raiding guild, with a raid team. They don't have to be good, they just have to be active. Get them together and teach them, read tactics together, talk on vent/skype. This is how you do illidan noobs. You don't pug a group for ultra endgame content. For the love of God, it's not even skill. It's effort and dedication. Skill comes with time. Please no whine no more. Warglaves are epic as fuck. They destroy EVERYTHING. There's a reason for this. With great power comes great responsibility. You don't hand a gun to a five year old, and you don't hand warglaves to noobs, understand? Good God. Go read fourms, watch youtube videos, look through old comments on wowhead, please.

/end noob rant
"You're a pro, or you're a noob, that's life" -Athene
Posts: 410
Location: Serbia

Re: Warglaives

Post by Lolzeroxl »

Aegrotatio wrote:
if added to drop table for illidan the chance shud be higher imo.
the drop rate for the glaives are extremely low, the chance of getting it is already challenging.
then to find a raid to do illidan? hah =p

at least adds just the mainhand glaive for vendor, make it a decent
Hopeless whining noob pleaseeee!
Lol even if they get added on illidan drop i think there is no raid group on this server who can down illidan,if he is full scripted.and warglaive drop rate is less then 5% so this is bad idea.I like suggestion that Lolglaives should be available to all players for about 5k bojs
Good God. I'm so tired of the lack of skill on private servers. Show some class. Get your buddies to fourm a raiding guild, with a raid team. They don't have to be good, they just have to be active. Get them together and teach them, read tactics together, talk on vent/skype. This is how you do illidan noobs. You don't pug a group for ultra endgame content. For the love of God, it's not even skill. It's effort and dedication. Skill comes with time. Please no whine no more. Warglaves are epic as fuck. They destroy EVERYTHING. There's a reason for this. With great power comes great responsibility. You don't hand a gun to a five year old, and you don't hand warglaves to noobs, understand? Good God. Go read fourms, watch youtube videos, look through old comments on wowhead, please.

/end noob rant
If illidan is full scripted there is no way to kill him with ppl on this server,i was in lastwow guild 'Per noctem' we downed all bosses ,but for that we needed almost 3 years of playing on that server,only for illidan we needed 6 months to do him,after we first time did him he was easy.But we are all in that guild best PvE geared+ventrilo room+we all had brains so everyone done his job.to do that on this server wont be easy,try ur self and u'll see.P.S. sorry for bad english
Lolzero and Aristarch were my heros ,they got scammed long time aggo,so some retards play at them now.
Posts: 230

Re: Warglaives

Post by Aegrotatio »

If illidan is full scripted there is no way to kill him with ppl on this server,i was in lastwow guild 'Per noctem' we downed all bosses ,but for that we needed almost 3 years of playing on that server,only for illidan we needed 6 months to do him,after we first time did him he was easy.But we are all in that guild best PvE geared+ventrilo room+we all had brains so everyone done his job.to do that on this server wont be easy,try ur self and u'll see.P.S. sorry for bad english
It's okay, german isn't my mother tounge, not everyone speaks everything perfect :P

Of course it's difficult, but that's the point! If you can't handle that kind of difficulty, you can't handle warglaves. Can I get a mod opinion please?
"You're a pro, or you're a noob, that's life" -Athene
Posts: 410
Location: Serbia

Re: Warglaives

Post by Lolzeroxl »

well you are right bout that thing,but lets let Admin to see wat will he do bout Lolglaives suggestions
Lolzero and Aristarch were my heros ,they got scammed long time aggo,so some retards play at them now.
Posts: 41

Re: Warglaives

Post by Sandero »

I actually love it when nobody is running around with warglaives (I play rogue, yes.)
its better for a good balance if not everyone has got this stuff. 90% of the rogues would take it anyway, they wouldnt have a great option if they want to get better stats, etc.
I hope it wont get added, sorry guys :)
Posts: 230

Re: Warglaives

Post by Aegrotatio »

Sandero wrote:I actually love it when nobody is running around with warglaives (I play rogue, yes.)
its better for a good balance if not everyone has got this stuff. 90% of the rogues would take it anyway, they wouldnt have a great option if they want to get better stats, etc.
I hope it wont get added, sorry guys :)
You're completely correct.

But man don't necro old threads.
"You're a pro, or you're a noob, that's life" -Athene
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