Smolderforge #3
Re: Smolderforge #3
@Oldsalt Well, you can't really help anyways xD
Re: Smolderforge #3
@mirok It saddens me that I cannot help. Don't be obstinate and tell me what's wrong on my post.
Retired Game Master.
Re: Smolderforge #3
Well, just saying you are not a developer which is a fact so can't really help here
Re: Smolderforge #3
when you use premeditation on stealthed target it kicks him out of it.#23 Premeditation removes stealth -- I don't get it.
I noticed it happens just with hunters, whenever i play vs hunter and he casts aimed the cast bar disappears.#24 Cast bar gets removed sometimes -- I never had this issue. Perhaps you get it because of addons or latency?
that has nothing to do with latency. Happens with other cc.#36 Players sometimes go to another place of the arena when you use cyclone -- Latency issue?
hitting warlock demon from behind makes you parry/dodge a lot and also the damage is decreased sometimes, as a warrior with death wish and AP trinket once its like 1k mortal strike crit and once its x2 more so yea pets are completly broken#37 Pet rng parry, dodge and avoid damage way too much -- Proof needed
and resists on SF is completly game breaking even if it works FINE it should be changed.
Re: Smolderforge #3
One does not need to be a developer to discuss and confirm issues or not. Getting these in a state of valid/invalid is of great important if we're to move forward with this bug list.mirok wrote:Well, just saying you are not a developer which is a fact so can't really help here
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: Smolderforge #3
#1 I think that's because the server understands the spell is already casted when it's around 0,3-0,1 to be done and that's why it probably "goes through the pillar".Oldsalt wrote:Hi there,
#1 Pillar doesn't work -- You were too late, the spell (+-delay) had the time to be casted.
#2 Pillars "eat" spell -- It is very likely that you get the issue because of Prayer of Mending's travel time.
#3 Spell Range -- There is a forgiveness range of ~6 yards. I've recently tested with Fear and Fireball+Flame Throwing, it was 6-7 yards.
#5 Some addons don't work -- Isn't it the focus frame which makes this issue happen?
#11 Hunter's mark removes stealth -- Do you have any evidence?
#13 Balance of Power -- Testing?
#14 Prayer of Mending doesn't work through the pillar -- Isn't it related to bug #2?
#15 Prayer of Mending makes you stop drinking -- Do you have any evidence it shouldn't work like that? Your warrior received damages which healed him and gave you back the prayer (he was in combat).
#16 Priest Shield absorbs more damages than it should -- Power Word: Shield benefits from 30% of healing bonus after 2.3.0
#18 Pets breaking Crowd Controls -- Working as intended, you have to use /petfollow or /petpassive on your Poly macros.
#22 Sap in Bear Form -- Spell delay?
#24 Cast bar gets removed sometimes -- Weird issue.
#25 Kill command can be used while pet is cced -- You can use Kill Command if your pet is out of your line of sight after 2.1.0. Do you have any evidence which shows this spell depends on your pet's state and not only on yours?
#26 Hunter's pet shouldn't dismiss in arena -- I've never seen this. It is most likely due to the pet combat bug and the stealth ability.
#29 Fear path -- Vmaps issue. Any retail video for the bridge part?
#31 Stun resist when you have 0% stun resist -- ???
#33 Arena Eye doesn't give you full vision sometimes -- Proof needed
#35 Spell delay on melee spells -- @Exsurgo ?
#37 Pet rng parry, dodge and avoid damage way too much -- Proof needed
#39 Warlock pet has dispel preference -- Proof needed
#40 Prayer of mending gets bugged on warlock -- Proof needed
#2 It's indeed very likely but I think i'd already reported it on the first sf bug video i made and it works with every spell (blind,stuns,heals, etc).
#3 Spell range is so lame. They used to have it on AT as far as i remember but it didn't work for so far. On sf you can't avoid a spell by running, just by pillaring tho.
#5 In my case, the trinket bug is not a big deal (even on AT it used to get bugged) but the problem is you can't use right-left click for targeting-making focus. Anyway, I'm sure there are more issues with other addons.
#11 I'm not sure if it's a bug tho but It feels so lame for me to make some1 unsealth from 100 yards.
#13 I didn't test but it feels the same when I play resto/dreamstate in arenas.
#14 It should work through the pillar. In fact, it used to work before in sf but it got bugged for some reason.
#15 Same as #14. It used to work before but due to a bad configuration of "can't drink while being in combat" , it got bugged.
#16 I think it's pretty clear i don't use that 30% talent. Moreover, I tested with that 30% and it absorbs for almost 2k damage.
#18 I've just showed that random video but it happens sometimes that it breaks ccs or pet starts attacking after 4-5 seconds cced. (I think it's an aggressive pet mode problem)
#22 Even if there's a delay, you shouldn't be able to sap in bear form, it should say immune or just remove the sap. (Same happens with poly)
#24 As Ptaq said, it happens with hunters and I've seen it with warlocks too.
#25 I think it's a super bug and I was talking with weedy and he thinks the same.
#26 By that, I meant pets get dismissed when they are dead. It's annoying when you are trying to ress pet and in the last second, pet dismiss.
#29 Fear shouldn't through you down. Moreover, it sends you to the side of the arena too.
#31 I mean, you can resist a cheap shot, kidney shot, stomp, or any stun and you have 0% stun resistance
#40 It's really easy to check, play 1-2 arenas Priest/Warlock and you'd see+
#33 #35 #37 #39 Are just randomly made, can't really have a proof of them
Re: Smolderforge #3
@mirok I will try to find warlock videos later. I'm not talking about the talent points with the bug #16.
Retired Game Master.
Re: Smolderforge #3
#25 seems logical that it is a bug. Blizzard was caring a little bit more about roleplay and other realistic things. why would a pet be able to land it while being at 30yard or cc'd. it's stupid imo. dunno but I agree for me that's clearly a bug (and I have dat feeling since 2008 xd, the sad part is i dont remember what happend on retail and i played on some 70hunter on retail in 2.4.3, zzzzzz)
#22 sap bearforme is clearly related to that delay from smolderforge. u can do every kind of spell vs other spells here (just like spamming blind/gouge while waiting for being cheapshoted? gg smolderrogues). it even happend in very rare occasion considering retailfriends, but still it happens way to much on SF cuz of the delay. toomuch issues are here cuz of that tbh.
#36: it is a visual bug. Same kind of bug that was occuring sometimes on AT like stunning a target and he disappear the whole duration of stun... and then he pop backs when the stun effect is done. it's just visual but it outplays a lot cuz u cant do any action on it. here there is this problem, and that similare teleporting problem.
#27 SND in stealth isnt possible
Mahiko Shadowdance during 3.0.1 :
10'23 : Chatbox => Neilyo says: "u can snd in stealth now" .. which means that it wasnt possible before.
this is actually the only proof ever.
#22 sap bearforme is clearly related to that delay from smolderforge. u can do every kind of spell vs other spells here (just like spamming blind/gouge while waiting for being cheapshoted? gg smolderrogues). it even happend in very rare occasion considering retailfriends, but still it happens way to much on SF cuz of the delay. toomuch issues are here cuz of that tbh.
#36: it is a visual bug. Same kind of bug that was occuring sometimes on AT like stunning a target and he disappear the whole duration of stun... and then he pop backs when the stun effect is done. it's just visual but it outplays a lot cuz u cant do any action on it. here there is this problem, and that similare teleporting problem.
#27 SND in stealth isnt possible
Mahiko Shadowdance during 3.0.1 :
10'23 : Chatbox => Neilyo says: "u can snd in stealth now" .. which means that it wasnt possible before.
this is actually the only proof ever.
Re: Smolderforge #3
Sbkzor wrote:#36: it is a visual bug. Same kind of bug that was occuring sometimes on AT like stunning a target and he disappear the whole duration of stun... and then he pop backs when the stun effect is done. it's just visual but it outplays a lot cuz u cant do any action on it. here there is this problem, and that similare teleporting problem.
I don't remember such a thing back on AT, not sure tho.
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