Nostalrius shut down by Blizzard

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Re: Nostalrius shut down by Blizzard

Post by Wacco »

CosminPetrisor wrote:Totally agreed, anyway, since Nostalrius had 3 realms: Vanilla PVP, Vanilla PVE, and TBC, we can rely on 2 of them, pvp and tbc. Of course I don't think the end of such a high populated server would have a big impact regarding spreading players all over the alternatives, including SF. Instead I put my money on some future "Nostalrius wanna be" fresh new server hosted by their dedicated community, or something like that.

The funny part with SF is that everytime I join bg, dueling, raiding or simple chatting, I end up marking myself as "dnd" because of trash talking. But even so, I don't know what imaginary milf is fucking with my brain but it keeps me here somehow. Some serious shit makes me feel good playing here hours and hours, and I don't bother to find out what it is because it could ruin my entuziasm and I don't want that to let it happen.

Maybe the same formula will work for the new comers: popular server disbanded, suicide toughs, found SF, instant shits, quick rush everything, sleep well after.

Addiction. Smolderforge is like a gateway drug, however, eventually you build up a resistance and wants heavier stuff :PpPPP

Many players have quit because it's like a circle, nothing new will happen and if people you play with stop sign in, you stop yourself to log in and over time it will reduce the population. You will find something new. Smolderforge is just a way to pass the time really. I haven't been online on Smolderforge for several months but it's something that binds me here, not the server itself but the people I've met around here, so I simply keep up to date on forum and hopefully some major change will happen.

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Re: Nostalrius shut down by Blizzard

Post by Wacco »

A way to pass the time can also be subscribed like an enjoyment or a hobby, I simply mean that playing games in general is a time consuming thing.
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Re: Nostalrius shut down by Blizzard

Post by Judger »

Well you pointed out everything I can think of in terms of SF definition.

My addiction is some sort of anti-addictions, like, I would love to dedicate to a pve based server, blizzlike rates, that would bring me much more satisfaction when creating a class from zero to hero, watch it slowly leveling, gearing up, and seeing fruits of your labor; BUT in the other hand that would push me to far from real life and I don't want to get into that point. I'd rather to play on SF, server that offers me quick access to most of the stuff, not because I'm avoiding time building or long term gathering things, but because it fits great to my life style.
It's like counter-strike, flashy game, with no end-game content avaible, straight in the middle of the action, nice place to detach yourself from life problems (my case for example), and when I want to sleep well I know this place is by far the easiest choice to drain my energy in seconds :D
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Re: Nostalrius shut down by Blizzard

Post by Wacco »

CosminPetrisor wrote:@Wacco
Well you pointed out everything I can think of in terms of SF definition.

My addiction is some sort of anti-addictions, like, I would love to dedicate to a pve based server, blizzlike rates, that would bring me much more satisfaction when creating a class from zero to hero, watch him slowly leveling, gearing up, and seeing fruits of your labor; BUT in the other hand that would push me to far from real life and I don't want to get into that point. I'd rather to play on SF, server that offers me quick access to most of the stuff, not because I'm avoiding time building or long term gathering things, but because it fits great to my life style.
It's like counter-strike, flashy game, with no end-game content avaible, straight in the middle of the action, nice place to detach yourself from life problems (my case for example), and when I want to sleep well I know this place is by far the easiest choice to drain my energy in seconds :D
Nailed it! so did you.

Retail is a joke now and just a stupid person or someone not previously had played expansions will disagree. Today's children want the best without any investment. If you want to sleep well one should tire out the body.
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Re: Nostalrius shut down by Blizzard

Post by Wamboye »

Henhouse wrote: For those who remember this past summer we were facing legal issues and I merely evaded them by swapping hosts around and masking the true location of the server.
fuck the law. and fuck blizzard. maybe ruuren filed that case against sf.
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Re: Nostalrius shut down by Blizzard

Post by Akeno »

What's the population atm?
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Re: Nostalrius shut down by Blizzard

Post by Chesterz »

202 player online now.
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Re: Nostalrius shut down by Blizzard

Post by Wacco »

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Re: Nostalrius shut down by Blizzard

Post by Akeno »

Maybe now it's the time for a good Smolderforge review?
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