The so-called: 'Spell Delay'.
Re: The so-called: 'Spell Delay'.
You're talking nonesense. Spells are added to the site FROM the database, whether automatic or not. Every Man for Himself is a spell with the SAME characteristics as the bloody trinket, it's just a spell, not an item, hence why it was added in Secondly, please do not try to assume whether or not my reactions fail me because you will make a fool of yourself. I told you, I respect your opinion. This conversation has run dry
Re: The so-called: 'Spell Delay'.
Again, you don't understand what you're talking about. That spell was added into gamebase in wotlk and it's spell that casted by pvp trinket's use since wotlk. Before wotlk pvp trinkets had no buff at all. Every man for himself has it's own effect, simmilar for pvp trinket with same duration: ... or-himself. But all this has nothing to do with your fantasies, in TBC pvp trinket doesn't provide you 0.1 sec immunity buff. If you think the other way - feel free to prove it.
Re: The so-called: 'Spell Delay'.
Not true. If u're meleeing and vanish dc, sometimes it happens to land on you and ur vanish is gone. It is rare but it happens. Not sure that u can talk about reaction, it is more predict. I've been vanishing coils by hundreds on the shortest range and sometimes, without dots this shit happens. So in these cases you think it is just the lock rightclicking on the vanish (or some pet's horn hitting). Is that legit?Paniz wrote:vanish can't be broken by the death coil (if nothing been broken for last month). I've catched enough spells (including death coils) to be sure that vanish can't be broken by spells with projectiles. Probably your vanish broken by something else, maybe pet attacks or dots.
About the thread, if u compare it to other private servers, yes spell arelanding a lot faster than other server. Hard to prove, more a feeling. But yes that's what i thougt myself. But you get used to it really easily.
What annoys me the most is all these retard spamming an action waiting for an opener, such as these rog spamming blind/gouge while waiting to be cheapshoted. Or druids spaming FF aswell. So unfair move done by so many smolder players. And they are really proud of doing that btw, rofl.
Re: The so-called: 'Spell Delay'.
I can definitely relate to this. Yes, on retail the game was more fluid most of the time. I don't know about when the spell should hit, but my wrath damages the enemys before it actually hits which I believe is not how it's supposed to be.Fiqure wrote:spells are NOT able to hit their targets UNTIL they have hit them. It is this simple. You don't vanish a death coil at the same time it was fired out and get hit by it. You don't Ice Block an incinerate right before it hits, and get a 3k crit.
This is one of the reasons why I don't tryhard arenas on private servers - I cannot recall being sapped as a bear on retail. Maybe it did happen in an epic case but on SF and other private servers it happens regulary. As well as the thing you mentioned -> recieving damage while iceblocked or in a bubble, casting something at a rogue who vanishs and he ends up recieving the damage seconds later while he is already stealthed, the cloak of shadow problems etc.
It's not that big of a deal but it shows there's a difference, and most players who play arenas on private servers have learned to make good use of these bugs, for example casting arcane missles through pillars if that's possible, r1 teams abusing the server lagg during arena points reset to win against me, abusing a bug where you could cast while walking, abusing a bug where you could cast while drinking, the list goes on. On retail arenas were at least a hundred times more competitive and people played less gay and more fair and were still a lot better than almost everyone I see playing nowadays. This might have been very different on other realmpools, but on mine we had about 500,000 players and most of the top players had 100-300+ days played so you can imagine that you cannot compare Smolderforge or any other private server to that.
Re: The so-called: 'Spell Delay'.
@Wamboye To say retail is dead would be understatement. If you are talking about tbc, wotlk and cata - yes, I cannot agree more. Now there's hunters and druids. As for Smolderforge and privates in general, I cannot see why after such a long period of time the game cannot be copied properly. I cannot speak of any other servers at the moment because I haven't played in privates for a while, but SF has too many deficiencies. I do not know why the admins cannot have not payed any mind to this thread. I play and I see with my eyes so many things wrong.
@Sbkzor Vanish is broken by the coil in melee range 50% of the time. Spell delay simply sort of semi-works, which is far from enough. As for the blind spamming while waiting for an opener, I daresay what annoys you is not people doing it but people thinking they're pro by doing it. I couldn't care less about that. What I care about is that some admin reads through this thread and makes an effort to make the server better. A "Fiqure, you are right! We will see what we can do about this!" would be more than enough. :)
@Sbkzor Vanish is broken by the coil in melee range 50% of the time. Spell delay simply sort of semi-works, which is far from enough. As for the blind spamming while waiting for an opener, I daresay what annoys you is not people doing it but people thinking they're pro by doing it. I couldn't care less about that. What I care about is that some admin reads through this thread and makes an effort to make the server better. A "Fiqure, you are right! We will see what we can do about this!" would be more than enough. :)
Re: The so-called: 'Spell Delay'.
There is this other type of delay thats driving me crazy, you cant los or range spells on sf. For example if im in nagrand arena and I'm at the pillar and a druid is casting cyclone at me, I make a side jump at the last moment of the cast and i get cycloned right behind the pillar while druid on the other side. Gotta go los it when the cast is at 50% and as much as i know in that case it should interrupt the spell but it doesnt, so if u los and then get back in sight u still eat the spell.
And with ranging spells.. if for example i blink aimed shot at the last moment i can be 100 yards away it will still fly to me even if the blink should instantly interrupt it.
And with ranging spells.. if for example i blink aimed shot at the last moment i can be 100 yards away it will still fly to me even if the blink should instantly interrupt it.
Re: The so-called: 'Spell Delay'.
Hunters are fine. Owl said so.
There's no more trusted observer than someone who suspects you.
Re: The so-called: 'Spell Delay'.
Go on Warmane Blackrock, record and analyze how they have done things. It's a server known for being the most competitive and have mimicked the delay quite nicely.
I can do it in a bit but from me doing it previously, I think they have 150ms delay on all CC, can check how vanish works later.
I can do it in a bit but from me doing it previously, I think they have 150ms delay on all CC, can check how vanish works later.
Re: The so-called: 'Spell Delay'.
I did some testing, can be seen here:
How it works on Blackrock(3.3.5 AT):
-Every CC is delayed by 150ms(such as Frost Nova, CS, KS, Fear, Cyclone, Gouge, Charge/intercept-stuneffect, Polymorph, Blind etc)
-When a rogue uses vanish it takes 250ms until enemies loses target of him(disappear), during this time if a spell/ability is casted(doesn't matter if the spell has travel time or not, when it hits the stealth will break and it will not be "evaded".
However if you're "load-casting" a spell such as Frostbolt and the rogue uses vanish prior to the cast being finished, then the cast will not be interrupted until after the 250ms when the rogue disappear(this is done to prevent it could being abused by spamming fireblast when casting frostbolt and that way always breaking vanish for example). However if the rogue uses vanish 0,1 sec before cast finishes for example, making the cast finish when the rogue still is visible due to the 250ms delay, then the spell will not go through, it will say "invalid target" for the caster when the spell finishes.
-If a rogue uses vanish after a CC spell is casted(such as blind or fear) but within the 150ms delay that the spell has before it "lands" on the target, then the rogue will evade the spell completely and stay in stealth.
-When a rogue uses vanish it instantly stop the auto-attacks of everyone that is attacking the rogue(before the 250ms delay). However players can still cast abilities on the rogue during the 250ms delay and they will break his stealth if casted within this time period.
If a rogue uses vanish before enemy has casted CC then vanish will break and rogue gets CCed.
If rogue uses vanish after CC is casted but within the 150ms then rogue "evades" spell and stays in stealth.
Worth noting is that on Warmane they've made it so the combat log(server) does not send the info about the spell cast of the CC until after the delay when it lands, this prevents people from being notified by addons such as interruptbar before the spell has landed.
Stealth also does not break for the rogue when he opens up on a target with CS for example until after the 150ms delay when the spell has landed(prevents people from spamming instant spells when they are being opened on).
One last thing, Conflagrate should have a delay of 400ms before it can be used after target has received immolate debuff(This is how it currently works on Blackrock).
I made this into a bug report: ... pell-delay
How it works on Blackrock(3.3.5 AT):
-Every CC is delayed by 150ms(such as Frost Nova, CS, KS, Fear, Cyclone, Gouge, Charge/intercept-stuneffect, Polymorph, Blind etc)
-When a rogue uses vanish it takes 250ms until enemies loses target of him(disappear), during this time if a spell/ability is casted(doesn't matter if the spell has travel time or not, when it hits the stealth will break and it will not be "evaded".
However if you're "load-casting" a spell such as Frostbolt and the rogue uses vanish prior to the cast being finished, then the cast will not be interrupted until after the 250ms when the rogue disappear(this is done to prevent it could being abused by spamming fireblast when casting frostbolt and that way always breaking vanish for example). However if the rogue uses vanish 0,1 sec before cast finishes for example, making the cast finish when the rogue still is visible due to the 250ms delay, then the spell will not go through, it will say "invalid target" for the caster when the spell finishes.
-If a rogue uses vanish after a CC spell is casted(such as blind or fear) but within the 150ms delay that the spell has before it "lands" on the target, then the rogue will evade the spell completely and stay in stealth.
-When a rogue uses vanish it instantly stop the auto-attacks of everyone that is attacking the rogue(before the 250ms delay). However players can still cast abilities on the rogue during the 250ms delay and they will break his stealth if casted within this time period.
If a rogue uses vanish before enemy has casted CC then vanish will break and rogue gets CCed.
If rogue uses vanish after CC is casted but within the 150ms then rogue "evades" spell and stays in stealth.
Worth noting is that on Warmane they've made it so the combat log(server) does not send the info about the spell cast of the CC until after the delay when it lands, this prevents people from being notified by addons such as interruptbar before the spell has landed.
Stealth also does not break for the rogue when he opens up on a target with CS for example until after the 150ms delay when the spell has landed(prevents people from spamming instant spells when they are being opened on).
One last thing, Conflagrate should have a delay of 400ms before it can be used after target has received immolate debuff(This is how it currently works on Blackrock).
I made this into a bug report: ... pell-delay
Re: The so-called: 'Spell Delay'.
Unless they haven't changed it fairly recently, this doesn't work. In fairly recently, I'm talking a year or so back. Forcing a vanish by setting up a frostbolt shatter, while spamming cs for example broke vanish 10/10 times last I played.Lelol wrote:However if you're "load-casting" a spell such as Frostbolt and the rogue uses vanish prior to the cast being finished, then the cast will not be interrupted until after the 250ms when the rogue disappear(this is done to prevent it could being abused by spamming fireblast when casting frostbolt and that way always breaking vanish for example).
As said, case might be that they changed it recently, since I haven't been playing for a while now. And they do patch and fix shit on a regular basis afair. But back when I used to play there, you could counter vanish this way with ease, provided you could force the vanish in the first place.
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