[Addon] Relintai's Enemy "Kooldown" Tracker

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Re: [Addon] Relintai's Enemy "Kooldown" Tracker

Post by relintai »

Hey guys,

Update (2016.05.31): V1.11 released! The links are updated! Changes at the bottom!

a few years ago (around 2) I wrote this addon for WotLK (back then it was called Vect, but I have changed my name since (from Verot to Relintai), and I couln't resist renaming the addon :) ).

Unfortunately I never got around releasing it, because I stopped playing wow back then.
Now that I again have the mood for playing (here), I thougth I'll update (or rather "downgrate") it to work on TBC, and also this time around I'll actually release it.

So what is this addon all about?
It tracks Cooldowns, and Diminishing Returns, and displays them as cooldown icons.
It will display you target's, and your focus's cooldowns. (Of course if you don't disable it)
Practicly it's kinda like AESA, but with icons instead of bars.

So to get the full picture, here is an image:

It can sort cooldowns based on groups, and it can also color-code them.
Practicly this means, you can set silences to be displayed first. (Default)

One of the new features is Interruptbar functionality, it works a little differently though, for example if you have two Warriors around you, it will show both Pummels (but only if it's on cooldown, it doesn't have those static icons like Interruptbar).

You can configure almost every visual aspect of it.

Options menu:
Either in Interface->Addons->Rekt
or type:
into your chat.

Other stuff:
It contains the combatlog fix, it might fix other addons too.
Combatlog bug: Your combatlog stops displaying anything, and stops sending events to addons. (The addon's fix won't work on the graphical combatlog itself).

Now the TBC addon contains a modified version of TrinketTracker by Schaka His addons on this forum, this means if that addon detects PvPtrinket then it will be detected.

Changes since the last version:
-Now if the server doesn't send SPELL_AURA_REMOVED, the addon will remove the DR from the frames after 10sec + the current dr duration time, instead of flat 25 secs.
Note: if you die while you have a CC aura (stuns etc), the server won't send the message needed, so iy you die in a stun the icon will most of the time just stay there for (default:) 25 secs. If you watch the icon, it feels a lot, that's why I actually thought it was bugged.
-PvP Trinket message: I thought I removed it, but actually I left in the code which gets the server's PvP trinket message.

Full changelog is in the github repository.

Download Links:
Github - TBC version - Zip
Github - TBC version - Source

Github - WotLK version - Zip
Github - WotLK version - Source

Posts: 65

Re: [Addon] Relintai's Enemy "Kooldown" Tracker

Post by Schaka »

This sounds like an amazing addon. If you wanted access to the Gladdy repo to implement this, instead of the current CD/DR timers, you'd be welcome to.

And don't get your hopes up, you can't properly fix DR. Every private server's combatlog has quirks. On AT sometimes you would always get AURA_REFRESH and AURA_REMOVE and all the inconsistency made it really hard (and practically impossible) to calculate spell durations (some events are just missing) because you can never truly tell which DR you are on (even with throttles of events).

Just try to keep it to whether there's a current DR at all or not, counting won't work.

For Smolderforge specifically, you don't need TrinketTracker, btw. The server sends SendAddonMessage("GladdyTrinketUsed", guid, "WHISPER", player") to everyone in range when someone trinkets.
Posts: 4

Re: [Addon] Relintai's Enemy "Kooldown" Tracker

Post by relintai »

I don't think it would be hard to port it into gladdy. It would be mostly just copy-paste. (At least the backend part). The modularization will probably have some kirks that will just eat time, but that's expected.

I thought about the UI/UX, it could be implemented like a new row, to show the enemy cooldowns there.
I think just showing them on the left/right would take up too much space, and kinda would be hard to use.
Or/and it could also be on the same side as the drs.

It could also use a bit reduced db, with the arena-unnecessary cds removed, so it mostly fits into the frames. (Not sure about which cds you don't want to see, needs some thought)

The DRs could stay like it is now, because there aren't too much categories.

What do you think?

I haven't really done serious arenas since retail 2.4, so other ideas are also welcome.

On the other side I think I'll do it, but it will take some time, as I don't have too much spare time, and gladdy will also need some testing facilities.

Also, I could create pull requests too.

Well about the DRs:
I not yet sure how to proceed, I might set the numbers to be disabled by default, and the players could enable it, or just document it in the settings. [Also I should probably add a checkbox to disable the numbers, instead of setting the size to 0 to diable it.]

About the addon message:
Also Thanks! I didn't know that, I'll use that message also. I probably removed the code which catches that message.
Posts: 65

Re: [Addon] Relintai's Enemy "Kooldown" Tracker

Post by Schaka »

Imo, to make DR truly worth it (over the current module), we'd have to remove the current one (it's everywhere in the code, combatlog-parsing etc) and reimplement it - though this time around, on top of having it attached to arena frames, users can add DR trackers for every unit (party1-4, raid, focus, target, etc).

For cooldowns I already like Gladdy's current module, though having them only show up when used instead of displaying up to ~8 cooldowns or so per unit in Gladdy seems like a great idea. And at the very least it replaces Juked, which was only a half-assed backport anyway.

I've already started with ripping out modules and making them work independently of Gladdy, then just add shit to the main-frame. Thanks to Ace, that works pretty much. The plan is to make Gladdy the go-to PvP addon for TBC, with all functionality you could ever want, in BGs too.

It's a long road. Anyway, feel free to make a pull request. https://github.com/Schaka/gladdy
Posts: 4

Re: [Addon] Relintai's Enemy "Kooldown" Tracker

Post by relintai »

Okay now I know that I misinterpreted what you meant at first. I thought Gladdy would need the backend, (the db, sorters, some internal stuff) and parts of the frontend (like the way the icons work), to improve gladdy with it, but now I see you want this addon as a Gladdy module.

I don't think I will make this into a full on Gladdy module, because doing that is a comletely different thing, Gladdy's internal structure is really bad for doing something like this, and would require WAY too much work. Also user-frendliness of the settings will suffer.

However If you feel that adventorous, I can help doing it.
Posts: 65

Re: [Addon] Relintai's Enemy "Kooldown" Tracker

Post by Schaka »

Like I said, I moved away from the internal structure that "basically added everything onto a front-controller" and let modules handle their own shit, then visually attach it to the main frame. You can see this in the nameplate module, for example.

You could almost copy-paste your addon to become a Gladdy module, I'm sure. Even with the DR tracker, only that it would need slight improvements to display more frames as I suggested. That part would've been for much later though, if you had agreed to maintain this.

Have you taken a look at my current fork of Gladdy? Lots of old code is still in, but somewhat easily replacable. Each module is its very own addon which can work almost completely independent of Gladdy except for loading saved variables and displaying frames (like the cooldowns/DR).
Posts: 4

Re: [Addon] Relintai's Enemy "Kooldown" Tracker

Post by relintai »

During the last week I got a ton of work, so I don't even have too much time anymore, so unfortunately I'll have to turn you down on this one.

Side Note:
Hopefully I can fix the selfDR timers in a few days. (The selfdr timers are stuck bug. I'll edit the main post when it's done.).
I already figured out the cause, it just needs some time (which currently I barely have) to properly implement.
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