Legendary bow

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Re: Legendary bow

Post by Speedah »

I'll be fast and clear.

Is there any way to get the legendary bow (Thori'dal) without having to pay 12$ or without having to kill Kil'jaeden?

If there is a vendor who sells him, I would like to know if he's not VIP, and what's its price.

God bless you.
Posts: 94

Re: Legendary bow

Post by Zap »

Speedah wrote:I'll be fast and clear.
No, there is not.

Same with the Hand of the Deceiver, and Golden staff of the Sindorei.

However, you can always try buttering me up... Worked for a few handful in the past. ;)
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Re: Legendary bow

Post by robsn »

HoD and the Staff are farmable :p
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Re: Legendary bow

Post by Kez »

@robsn for MvP
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Re: Legendary bow

Post by Oldsalt »

@Speedah To answer your ingame interrogation, Thori'dal isn't twice better than the other bows.
First of all, because of its attack speed which is 2.70 while the majority of HL bows have got a 3.00 attack speed. Secondly, note that Thori'dal doesn't use ammo, but other bows do. Therefore it adds +53dps (The Macho Gnome's Arrow) on them.

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Re: Legendary bow

Post by Paniz »

@Oldsalt ever heard about abilities and weapon speed normalization? quick facts for you from wowwiki:
The current top arrow is [Timeless Arrow] with a +53.0 bonus and this gives Thori'dal a comparative DPS of 109.8 - presumably. However, due to the nature of [Steady Shot], this weapon vastly increases Hunter DPS, in spite of having comparable DPS to [Golden Bow of Quel'Thalas] with [Timeless Arrows].
Formula: DamagePercentageBonus*RangedWeaponSpecialization*(150 + WeaponDamage/WeaponSpeed*2.8 + 0.2*RAP + [Dazed: 175])
Patch 1.10 (2006-03-28): This ability now has its attack power normalized the same as melee instant attacks. This means that the attack power contribution from all ranged weapons will be the same, no matter what their speed. All weapons will contribute attack power as if they were 2.8 speed. Weapons slower than 2.8 speed will do slightly less damage than previously; weapons faster than 2.8 speed will do slightly more damage.
http://wow.gamepedia.com/index.php?titl ... id=1421866

same for every hunter ability. the numbers that you calculated shows only damage per hit for autohits (white damage). for white damage dps is more essential than damage per hit. abilities will still do more damage with thori'dal than with any other weapon. you get higher dps with white damage and higher damage of every ability that depends on weapon damage. so pls, don't tell anyone about thori'dal does less damage, this bow is insanely overpowered compared to s4. :s
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Re: Legendary bow

Post by Oldsalt »

Oldsalt wrote:@Speedah To answer your ingame interrogation [...]
It was a simple answer to an ingame question, to note that ammunition dps must be added to the weapon dps.
@Paniz I'm afraid that i'm not into post-your-links talks, but someone else might be happy to carry on with you.
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Re: Legendary bow

Post by Paniz »

@Oldsalt you said that Thori'dal isn't gamebreaker at all because of its attack speed. you are very wrong here. you don't have to follow any links or post your own links, just read bolded parts of quotes and you'll understand how wrong you are. your calculations shows anything but confuse people and yourself too.
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Re: Legendary bow

Post by robsn »

@Kez <3 ily
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