Crossfaction Battlegrounds

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Re: Crossfaction Battlegrounds

Post by Wacco »

Wamboye wrote:last week or so I played a wsg we had 4 healers and the enemy team had 5. do I really have to tell you how stupid it was? a druid with 10 hots on him? we were gycamping them and it was one of the most stupid bgs ive ever seen. 1 healer per group is enough. anything more than 2-3 healers in wsg is like people in wheelchairs playing soccer
I once played AB and the Alliance team had maybe 3 Rogues and Horde had at least 6 Rogues, if Hen should allow crossfaction bgs maybe I would faced 9 Rogues atleast? +/- 1 Rogue depending on what hour it is.
I really have to tell you how stupid that should be? 10 Rogues jumping on a poor cloth user with Hemorrhage macro? They would probably gycamping us and it could be the one of the most stupid bgs ever seen. 1 Rogue per group is enough. anything more than 2-3 Rouges in bg is like people in wheelchairs playing soccer.
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Re: Crossfaction Battlegrounds

Post by Apuclevercow »

I should probably highlight words or use caps lock on the important parts. :<
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Re: Crossfaction Battlegrounds

Post by Wamboye »

well yeah it will be fucking hilarious to see a wsg team full of terrible dwarf ud nelf belf and human rogs. as a cow dru I dont worry about it because after like 3 kidneys youre immune to stun but it will be disgusting for a priest or lock.

I once played a wsg with 9 rogues and me as feral and we won but we were pretty fucking terrible considering how op a team like that should be
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Re: Crossfaction Battlegrounds

Post by Apuclevercow »

Balancing classes/specs seems to be possible on 3s solo queue, pretty sure it is as well for BGs.
Please stop talking about your bukk4ke fetishes.
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Re: Crossfaction Battlegrounds

Post by Cube »

Apuclevercow wrote:Balancing classes/specs seems to be possible on 3s solo queue, pretty sure it is as well for BGs.
Please stop talking about your bukk4ke fetishes.
This is TBC, an expansion not known for it's varied class/spec representation. All it will do is cause more queuing problems, which is the main reason crossfaction bg's are wanted in the first place.
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Re: Crossfaction Battlegrounds

Post by Fullcsjkbad »

Apuclevercow wrote:Balancing classes/specs seems to be possible on 3s solo queue, pretty sure it is as well for BGs.
Please stop talking about your bukk4ke fetishes.
This is TBC, an expansion not known for it's varied class/spec representation. All it will do is cause more queuing problems, which is the main reason crossfaction bg's are wanted in the first place.
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Re: Crossfaction Battlegrounds

Post by Apuclevercow »

@Cube Yes, that's exactly what I said earlier with a slight difference:
Apuclevercow wrote:With its current low pop, SF needs CF BGs first to get faster queues. And then I'm sure they will be able to do more.
The queing system I'm talking about would automatically organise depending on what is already in the queue, this way it would totally complete CF BGs system.
Plus, premades limited to groups is, in my mind, a good thing to do as well.
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Re: Crossfaction Battlegrounds

Post by Wamboye »

Apuclevercow wrote:premades limited to groups
Like I said, you can't make more than 2 people able to que together. I can 5vs10 rnds in wsg. To make it more clear I made this:


People would ragequit right away. And there is only 1 bg running at night so imagine playing against his team over and over again. Not to mention in a wsg there will be 5 more spots on the team.

I added thunderfury to everyones gear, because thunderfury.
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Re: Crossfaction Battlegrounds

Post by Apuclevercow »

@Wamboye Thunderfury, ok.
Fuck off CF BGs, I'm leaving.

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Re: Crossfaction Battlegrounds

Post by Firstaidkit »

Guys we just need crossfaction BGs for faster queue times, that is all!

We dont need an limit or restriction on an class or group like rogues or healers.... How would you like to stand an hour in queue just cuz there are already 3 healers or 3 rogues in the BG, that suggestion narrows down the whole point of adding Crossfaction BGs. Who cares if you got 10 rogues or 10 healers, it is not like you will die in real life if you lose that BG, BGs are just for fun so let us play them as much and fast as possible.
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