Remove [Greater Ward of Shielding]

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Re: Remove [Greater Ward of Shielding]

Post by Nozaz »

Why would I argue over something like this?
It's incredible how you compare retail with Smolderforge.
On retail, players didn't have unlimited wards (...)
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Re: Remove [Greater Ward of Shielding]

Post by Mayore »

Pendulumm wrote: TL;DR : stop bitching and accept the game as it actually is, or if you dont like how certain features work in tbc - just try playing other patch, nobody interferes you to do it. There are no things in this patch you cant counter, so instead of praying to nerf something better try to figure out how to overcome this.

That is not true. Getting rid off swp items made the game much more enjoyable, and you don't see free action potion that often anymore due to cd- yes, 5 min is something. Just because you can't make the game completly balanced it doesn't mean that you shouldn't try by nerfing small things.

And your argument to accept the game how it's supposed to be is invalid because this game was never meant to be played on fun servers where everything would be so easily available (pots, consumables etc etc) and simply no one could afford to spam these all the time, and even if so it was only individuals and that didn't affect the game that much.
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Re: Remove [Greater Ward of Shielding]

Post by Pendulumm »

Nozaz wrote:Why would I argue over something like this?
It's incredible how you compare retail with Smolderforge.
On retail, players didn't have unlimited wards (...)
Well, idk where exactly i mentioned something about retail, but nvm.
Yes they were not unlimited, but people who played often enough were able to afford pretty many of those, at least this amount was enough for some bgs per day.
Mayore wrote: And your argument to accept the game how it's supposed to be is invalid because this game was never meant to be played on fun servers where everything would be so easily available (pots, consumables etc etc) and simply no one could afford to spam these all the time, and even if so it was only individuals and that didn't affect the game that much.
Instant 70 and many-many other stuff weren't meant to be in wow too, but we have it. I mean my point is that it's not correct to fix only some things that certain players don't like. TBC has plenty of stupid things, and its not about items only. Even some abilities are retarded as fuck, just look at feral's Tiger's Fury, except of casting it before Ravage its literally useless.

But it would be extremely hard to remake all these things so game become balanced, you are not blizzard guys. I love this patch with all its advantages and disadvantages, all these "little things" were done to make game less casual and less boring.

However i don't argue that several items can be abused and its annoying sometimes. But again, there is nothing you can't counter:

Greater wards annoying? Then dispel it, there is always at least one shaman\priest\mage on bg.

Free action potion is annoying? You still can cc target by fear\cyclone\etc, only ones who suffer from this pot are probably rogues

SWP annoying? Yes, damage of SWP geared mage is real, but the damage done TO that mage is also real. I remember times when i had 5k shred crits on those full pve geared mages. If you played smart and carefully vs swp players - you always were winning.
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Re: Remove [Greater Ward of Shielding]

Post by Mayore »

yeah because mages were the class that benefited the most from SWP gear.. no they were not. there are some literally useless abilities in game but nobody is forcing you to use them.

we are not blizzard and thank god for that because they are masters at fucking things up. just look at what they did to this game in later patches. so what's wrong in correcting them? or at least trying to. neither of these changes are/will be pernament and there's always a way to change it back

I might be wrong but those wards are not supposed to be dispellable
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Re: Remove [Greater Ward of Shielding]

Post by Pendulumm »

The problem is that probably only good way to correct them is making something like custom 2.4.3 patch, because if u feel like you can change/remove items and gear, changing their cooldown and quantity limit, then why you cant do same with spells and mechanics? As i said before, there are a lot spells that could be nerfed/changed to balance the game, but its too long and hard way. And the reason i dont like such nerfs is that nobody asks community about do they want it or no (or even when they ask comminity answer just doesn't matter). You know, the funny thing i noticed is that most of the people who asks to nerf something or support this idea are not playing regulary (not applicable to this thread tho). And thats most annoying part - nerfs are done for people who doesn't even play.

P.S: I realize that this discussion will probably never end, so lets just agree to differ. I started it only because i wanted to express things i wrote in 1st post for too long time. All i ask you guys is just not to be moaners and not to constantly search things that should be nerfed.

P.S2: almost forgot:
Mayore wrote: I might be wrong but those wards are not supposed to be dispellable
This buff is magical, so i guess it was supposed:)
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Re: Remove [Greater Ward of Shielding]

Post by Mayore »

with custom patch you could change game mechanics, I'm not saying that it's wrong but it's rather big impact- AT did that and it was rather good change but I can't see it here.

And with gear/consumables you can remove things that were not meant to used in pvp.
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Re: Remove [Greater Ward of Shielding]

Post by Awoth »

Greater Shield of Warding now has a 10-minute cooldown.
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