Oils on Legandary Weapon not possible
Re: Oils on Legandary Weapon not possible
don't trust wacco he's tricked me that he's a grill for about 2 years
Re: Oils on Legandary Weapon not possible
Site: https://www.virustotal.com/sv/url/6c4fc ... 426440768/
File: https://www.virustotal.com/sv/file/cc61 ... /analysis/
File: https://www.virustotal.com/sv/file/cc61 ... /analysis/
Code: Select all
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Analysis Report for WowPS(v5).exe
MD5: 141b8d7c69d7800ee368ab99a8002987
Table of Contents
- General information
- WowPS(v5)..exe
a) Registry Activities
b) File Activities
c) Other Activities
1. General Information
Information about Anubis' invocation
Time needed: 136 s
Report created: 03/15/15, 17:29:33 UTC
Termination reason: All tracked processes have exited
Program version: 1.76.3886
Process: csrss.exe
Window Name: WowPS(v5)..exe - Unable To Locate Component
Displayed Times: 1
Window Text:
This application has failed to start because DivxDecoder.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.
2. WowPS(v5)..exe
General information about this executable
Analysis Reason: Primary Analysis Subject
Filename: WowPS(v5)..exe
MD5: 141b8d7c69d7800ee368ab99a8002987
SHA-1: 6655628cbca390f12bc8f75916d4705b88a8874d
File Size: 8272528 Bytes
at analysis end: dead
Exit Code: -1073741515
Load-time Dlls
Module Name: [ C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll ],
Base Address: [0x7C900000 ], Size: [0x000AF000 ]
2.a) WowPS(v5)..exe - Registry Activities
Registry Values Read:
Key: [ HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Safer\CodeIdentifiers ],
Value Name: [ TransparentEnabled ], Value: [ 1 ], 1 time
Key: [ HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server ],
Value Name: [ TSAppCompat ], Value: [ 0 ], 1 time
2.b) WowPS(v5)..exe - File Activities
File System Control Communication:
File: [ C:\Program Files\Common Files\ ], Control Code: [ 0x00090028 ], 1 time
Memory Mapped Files:
File Name: [ C:\WINDOWS\system32\DCIMAN32.dll ]
File Name: [ C:\WINDOWS\system32\DDRAW.dll ]
File Name: [ C:\WINDOWS\system32\GLU32.dll ]
File Name: [ C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.dll ]
File Name: [ C:\WINDOWS\system32\OPENGL32.dll ]
File Name: [ C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll ]
File Name: [ C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2HELP.dll ]
File Name: [ C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll ]
File Name: [ C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d8thk.dll ]
File Name: [ C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9.dll ]
2.c) WowPS(v5)..exe - Other Activities
Windows SEH exceptions:
Description: [ Exception 0xc0000135 at 0x7c96478e ], 1 time
International Secure Systems Lab
Vienna University of Technology Eurecom France UC Santa Barbara
http://www.tuwien.ac.at http://www.eurecom.fr http://www.cs.ucsb.edu
Contact: [email protected]
There's no more trusted observer than someone who suspects you.
- Posts: 92
Re: Oils on Legandary Weapon not possible
LoL, u actually believe that there are girl who play wow on a private server? If they do, they must be ugly or unwanted in many ways. haha:DMayore wrote:don't trust wacco he's tricked me that he's a grill for about 2 years
Thank you Wacco. It works like a charm.
"Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return"
Re: Oils on Legandary Weapon not possible
Bucovsky wrote:He was joking. Just saying.
actually.. was not.
Re: Oils on Legandary Weapon not possible
I'm not a girl, I'm transgender, hail gender equality.Mayore wrote:Bucovsky wrote:He was joking. Just saying.
actually.. was not.
There's no more trusted observer than someone who suspects you.
Re: Oils on Legandary Weapon not possible
Wacco wrote:I'm not a girl, I'm transgender, hail gender equality.Mayore wrote:Bucovsky wrote:He was joking. Just saying.
actually.. was not.

?â?Éenergo - Undead Warrior
Prideful - Undead Warlock
Prideful - Undead Warlock
- Itslovelol
- Game Master
- Posts: 218
- Location: Germany
Re: Oils on Legandary Weapon not possible
Prevented by client limitation, server side its allowed that why you can use the patch posted.
Former Developer
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