Oils on Legandary Weapon not possible

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Oils on Legandary Weapon not possible

Post by Firstaidkit »

What is the bug?
Oils like: http://www.wowhead.com/item=22522/superior-wizard-oil are not usable on Legendary weapons

What kind of bug is it? (Quest, Class, Spell, PvE)

Item / Database bug? I dunno.

How can you reproduce it?

By applying an oil to your Legendary Weapon

Please describe, in detail, what is suppose to occur when this bug happens:

It should apply the oil to the weapon.

Please describe, in detail, what happens when it bugs up, and how it's malfunctioning:

It does not apply the oil to the weapon, it says invalid weapon.

Evidence providing proof of bug:

I don't have evidence since I don't have a legendary weapon myself yet, I asked someone to test it.
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Re: Oils on Legandary Weapon not possible

Post by Nazarleokas »

I was just about to make this topic.
Can confirm. Oil won't work on legendary weapons. I don't know if it's on every weapon or some of them. It will not apply on Hammer of Sanctification for sure. It seems to be an well-known issue acording to GM's. Wonder when it will be fixed.

P.s: I was not able to equip the hammer by using right click from the inventory. Only way to equip it, is to drag it into my main hand. I am not sure if it has anything to do with the Oil stuff.
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Re: Oils on Legandary Weapon not possible

Post by Henhouse »

This is because they are custom items, and the client is not allowing them to be applied. I am not sure if it can be fixed from our end without some strange work-around.
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Re: Oils on Legandary Weapon not possible

Post by Nazarleokas »

This really make the value of some (or more) PVE related legendaries less worth. Wish that I had known it earlier.
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Re: Oils on Legandary Weapon not possible

Post by Wacco »

You can enchant your legendary/custom weapons with this modified start file (just drop it in your wow folder and start wow from it.)

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Re: Oils on Legandary Weapon not possible

Post by Anneloes »

Enchant isn't the problem but Oils.
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Re: Oils on Legandary Weapon not possible

Post by Wacco »

Anneloes wrote:Enchant isn't the problem but Oils.
You can use oils too, I'm just retarded.
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Re: Oils on Legandary Weapon not possible

Post by Nazarleokas »

Anyone can confirm if it's a keylogger or not? GM confirmation would be much appraciated. Will I get banned for using it?
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Re: Oils on Legandary Weapon not possible

Post by Apuclevercow »

Nazarleokas wrote:Anyone can confirm if it's a keylogger or not? GM confirmation would be much appraciated. Will I get banned for using it?
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Re: Oils on Legandary Weapon not possible

Post by Wacco »

It's a custom client from like Tr3kster. I was kinda scared too when I was first downloading it and did some sandboxing and virustotal searches on it. It's all clean. It all started when I got my legendary weapon and noticed that I couldn't oil it. So ptaq was showing me the way to a server with custom weapons and you needed to have a different (read modified client) to see the custom made weapons and be able to enchant them and all that.

You can ask Ptaq, Amrethor, FAK, or anyone in faks guild if the client is legit. Or you can search for WowPS(v5) thats the original name when I was downloading it.
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