But only you 2 are complaining about it.
You obviously dont give a fuck about an aspect that the majority plays here so stop trying to use it as means to Justify your reason for getting SWP gear back.fiyah wrote: Who gives a fuck about battlegrounds lol.....
Henhouse has well considered the fact that people will not like how SWP gear will be removed so he did some research on what parts could be removed.
The main problem was the gear since it gives allot of haste. Yes weapons give that aswell but in comparison to the other stats that SWP gear gives aswell he chose to remove mainly the gear,
and still give you access to the weapons.
Also on a side note.
Isnt pve about taking the challenge of a dungeon that takes strats ,coordination and teamwork ?
Why would you already want end game gear for a dungeon that is ment for tier 5 for example.
Its like you start a new rpg game with already the best gear in the game.
Kinda kills the fun doesnt it ?
This change is good.
It might not be accepted by everyone which is fine i guess.
But every server will make changes without even considering what the lesser party wants.
I think on 1 hand you should be glad that some part of SWP gear still remains on SF.
Even though it will be harder to get nowadays but as i said before.
PVE is about the challenge right?
Now back to the topic.
I love the legendary mogs as do many.
I think it will give every player its own little twist to there char which is always nice to see.
Hyjal is nice to see again ! i think allot of ppl liked aszhara but it just didnt compare to how good Hyjal was.
Henhouse also made a nice solution to the GY farmin.
And seeing how the gear vendors are set up now, i think it will be easier for players to sort out their gear.
Love to see it implemented soon