Shut the Fuck Up Henhouse

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Shut the Fuck Up Henhouse

Post by kjb »

Henhouse wrote:

Robotking wrote:

Henhouse wrote:
Disabled as a test for the next poll that inquires about the state of BGs on Smolderforge. I highly believe that they queue text creates a major problem, so I have taken it out so you don't know who's queuing on each side anymore.

rofl you manipulate the voting. yeah just remove the facts and hope they vote what idiothouse wants. feels like voting in northkorea. kim fat ung is proud of you.

I don't even.... what?

Shut the fuck up dickhouse. You know exactly what he's talking about and gave that shitty smartass comment to avoid saying shit. Now you're gonna be a pussy and give a detailed response. The point is your "voting polls" are more worthless to the server than the feces that come out my asshole. You simply do whatever the fuck you want and keep driving the server into an infinite toilet of piss, menstrual blood, semen, and whatever the fuck else you can throw in there you've fucking done it.

But what you failed to realize in the past and still can't get into your dick brain is that most of the people voting in your stupid fucking garbage polls are ONE DAY LOGGERS. The people who play here daily are overshadowed by the fuck tards who play for one fucking day and never come back. That's where your "voting polls" fail. Your polls fail to differentiate between the retards and the people who play daily on your server. And you fucking brag about 1 million character creations, my point exactly. You're fucking embarrassing. If we were to have 0.1% of that million playing, there would be 1000 people active on the server daily. My point from this statistic is to show you how many fucking randoms create an account here and never play again. These are the people you are receiving your "votes" from. How about you require some actual played time on the server to vote? you fucking retard.

But then again what do I know? I'm just a player here. And btw server population has been lower than ever the past few days and continuing to drop. Less than 100 right now and it's still early. As a long time player here it is sad to say that you are most likely going to drive Smolderforge into the ground. It may not be so bad though, maybe you can get a real fucking job instead of sitting on your ass charging 5 bucks a pop for some shit you had nothing to do with. You are a fucking scumbag who doesn't listen to the people who have invested the most time in the server and worst you are like a fucking dirty cop in Mexico charging people money to undo the penalty's you put on them. Shut the fuck up, you know just what the fuck I'm talking about. *Cough* Ruuren. So how much did he pay you faggothouse? I don't even have anything against him but everyone knows you just don't undo a permaban for people because you were feeling nice one day. Save it, faggot. Everyone already knows you are a piece of shit. It's sad you put together a good server and are murdering it cause you're being a withdrawn asshole. Now you are probably going to do your power hungry shit and ban everything I have Smolderforge. See you guys never most likely now and FUCK YOU DICKHOUSE!
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Re: Shut the Fuck Up Henhouse

Post by ZatYo »

u mad?
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Re: Shut the Fuck Up Henhouse

Post by Henhouse »

You're an absolute idiot. Firstly, your use of such profane language an inability to actually have a rational argument where you defend your points with any factual evidence is so lacking I'm going to assume you're roughly 12, but I'll reply regardless.

Firstly, your argument saying I "do what I want" is backed up with me creating the polling system. Okay, so let me get this straight: you're saying that polling, gathering the community's feedback is me being a "dictator" whereas, when SF for the past 5 years prior to the polling system was completely run by me with moderate feedback from the community was when it was "good". Then in theory, your argument is completely backward and you're literally arguing against yourself. Just something I noticed.

I highly doubt the polls are entirely voted by people that are "one day loggers" a few, maybe, but not really. I haven't tallied anything up from the recent polls because it ended yesterday and I've been busy, but in previous polls we gather roughly a bit over 2000 total responses. Hypothetically assuming people vote on around 5 of the 6 total questions that's, around 400 people. A large percentage of those people are active players. Sure they don't have to be on during that time, but considering SF's daily accounts logged into is around 1000, 400 responses with 10 days is plenty and disproves your "they're random people" theory. If that was true, we would gather thousands more responses, but we don't. Because the majority of the people who vote are active players.

But if you want more, sure I'll make a played time requirement on the next poll since you seem to believe it's all random. It's not. Sorry if you don't like the results, but they're valid.

Over 1.5 million character creations in 6 years is quite cool, but we'd have some serious problems if most of those players were still playing. There has only been roughly 300,000 accounts created, so remember that people can make and delete characters, so your math is once again completely wrong since they couldn't play 2 characters on the same account, and you're not factoring in deleted characters. Additionally spanning nearing 6 years is actually a relatively low number, but cool in the long run. That's not meant to be a look at us, that's mean to be like "wow, 6 years and this many characters have been created". SF has been around a very long time. If that many people played I think many people's lives would be ruined at this point.

As for population going down, sure it's happening. Guess what? This game is 6 years old, it's ancient and hardly anyone plays it anymore. It is to be expected. Once you've played the same game for so long it's time to move on, find something else. The people coming in now are mainly nostalgic players. If you think the server is dying because of me, not much has changed in the past half year and the population was pretty high still then. So me trying to get the community's feedback for change is still bad? Not sure where your thought process is going there. People get bored, I can't expect them to stay forever, but I do like to take people's opinions on what they'd like to see change, be implemented, etc.

Charging $5 is insanely cheap. Sorry you have a problem with that. I've poured over a quarter of my entire life working on Smolderforge and providing something fun for all of you, and I'm so sorry if I didn't slave it away and do it all for free but I have a life too; can't do everything for free.

Ruuren has been unbanned for a very long time, he was just perma-muted. I simply wrote a small system that now allows him to speak in guild, party, raid, etc. That's why he plays more often. He didn't pay me to come back, and I unban people occasionally if enough time has passed and their reasons weren't super severe. But you would know because you see all of Smolderforge's emails, right? No, no you don't.

Anyway, you're wasting my time, and the community's time by writing these threads. If you continue to post these things spending 1/2 of its text personally flaming me and insulting me then, yes, I'm just going to ban you because you're beginning to look like a little kid who's mad because you're throwing random arguments at me that have little or no validity, or understanding. That's just spam.
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Re: Shut the Fuck Up Henhouse

Post by Outskilled »

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Re: Shut the Fuck Up Henhouse

Post by Triexess »

kjb u got no fucking respect, get out of this forum and server
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Re: Shut the Fuck Up Henhouse

Post by Firstaidkit »

kjb who the fuck are you?
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Re: Shut the Fuck Up Henhouse

Post by kjb »

1. I never said putting voting polls makes you a dictator. My point is you don't really listen to anything else other than your god damn polls and my problem is that they are fucking inaccurate as hell. You say you haven't tallied anything up? No need to because I can predict a fucking answer already. AV gone as voted by the retards. I can't think of one person who actually plays here daily who wants AV completely gone. When all we have is 4 battlegrounds on a PvP server, removing 1 of the 4 retarded.

2. We can agree to disagree. I insist that more than half are random retards, and you can say they are active Smolderforge players. As for the played time requirement, yes I would like to see this. And not some half-ass amount of time. The polls should reflect the opinions of people who actually invest time in the server, not random private server hoppers.

3. 1.5 million character creations - All that fucking shit you spewed out is worthless to me. My point was to show you how many randoms there are as opposed to people who play the server daily. Most of these randoms probably making up the poll results.

4. "As for population going down, sure it's happening. Guess what? This game is 6 years old, it's ancient and hardly anyone plays it anymore. It is to be expected. Once you've played the same game for so long it's time to move on, find something else." This is where you are fucking wrong, you fucking piece of shit. What about old fucking board games that people still play, old computer games, and tournaments still going for game cube games? When something is good you don't have to keep looking for something new if somebody doesn't keep fucking it up. Oh but then again you know your community so well. Apparently we're all just here for fucking nostalgia, not because it's a good game. Idiot. You have lost passion for Smolderforge and are just gonna let it get fucked in the ass.

5. Yea $5 isn't much, but when you collect that from almost everyone on the fucking server it adds up and you never have ever put up donation details. You make a few shitty fixes on the server, but mainly you are leaving it as a money pocket. The donations you probably receive compared to the server work you do in return is probably embarrassing. But then again this all comes down to your defense that I don't know for sure, yea yea.

6. Wow, you actually took the time to write a small system to allow him to speak in guild, party, and raid? Save it, the money is secreting out of your salivary glands. You of all people, who have always waved the big dick of the banhammer suddenly feels nice enough to take the time and write a new system and occasionally unban people? But yea I guess your shit defense works with this one do. No, no I don't see the emails. Fuck.

7. "Anyway, you're wasting my time, and the community's time by writing these threads" Stop speaking for the community. This is your problem. You assume and think you know what the community feels and wants without really knowing shit. Nobody is being forced to read this thread and waste their "time". If you think this is flaming, then it is apparent why you haven't been able to listen who actually plays frequently on the server. You take things however you want and your mind is already made up ahead of time. You are a dicktator.
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Re: Shut the Fuck Up Henhouse

Post by ZatYo »

you are a perfect example of a random retard, stop calling others that
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Re: Shut the Fuck Up Henhouse

Post by Deems »

what the fuck is this shit
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Re: Shut the Fuck Up Henhouse

Post by Triexess »

kjb wrote: maybe you can get a real fucking job instead of sitting on your ass charging 5 bucks a pop for some shit you had nothing to do with
Have you ever heard of "Terms of Service" ?

When you donate to Smolderforge, it is understood that you're actually "donating" at your own risk. Donation items are exclusively rewards for your consideration into donating to Smolderforge. You are not paying for any service, you are donating to keep our servers up. We are not selling virtual items. When you donate, you take the risk(s) involved in donating. All donations go for the maintenance, the website and servers. We are not to be held liable, or credit any refunds for any loss of rewards from donating for any reason. This includes loss of account(s) via account closures, account trading, sharing, etc.
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