Not Going Down Without a Fight

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Re: Not Going Down Without a Fight

Post by Apuclevercow »

He isn't muted on group channels. (guild, raid, etc)
Anyway it'd be nice to face your premade, to see you losing against some PuG.
Waiting for CF BGs.
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Re: Not Going Down Without a Fight

Post by Firstaidkit »

I didn't know your name is Ruuren.

On topic: Hopefully Crossfaction bg's gets implemented soon.
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Re: Not Going Down Without a Fight

Post by Apuclevercow »

On topic: I didn't know that you were as stupid as this. But I had doubts.
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Re: Not Going Down Without a Fight

Post by Firstaidkit »

Said the guy that makes trolling on Smolderforge his #1 goal in life and yet fails at it. You're the only one that is being stupid and derailed this thread in the first place.
If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you..
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Re: Not Going Down Without a Fight

Post by Apuclevercow »

Firstaidkit wrote:Said the guy that makes trolling on Smolderforge his #1 goal in life and yet fails at it. You're the only one that is being stupid and derailed this thread in the first place.
This thread wasn't in order to get thoughs, you're going off topic since the beginning.
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Re: Not Going Down Without a Fight

Post by Hartun »

Wacco wrote:So you are an Alliance? So you are in One Spot? Passion much?
What does that have to do with anything ?
Posts: 223

Re: Not Going Down Without a Fight

Post by Vicarious »

Laati wrote:
Firstaidkit wrote:The premades I organize own One Spot and Passion most of the time.
nice joke :)
Why is Ruuren still alowwed to post in forums? Mute him forever from everything for all our sakes.
Apuclevercow wrote:The main question is, who is viacaris ?
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Re: Not Going Down Without a Fight

Post by Wacco »

Hartun wrote:
Wacco wrote:So you are an Alliance? So you are in One Spot? Passion much?
What does that have to do with anything ?
To keep it simple. AV is and will probably always be Alliance dominated on Smolderforge. Through reducing AV from many? 3? times per day to 1 time per day (first it was early in the day and now it's a little later in the day) So we destroyed it!. AV has always been a place for Ezatt and all Premades to farm some easy kills. Also on Horde prime time, it was interesting fix 200hks in there. But it's a mess, it lags, it's disconnecting the server. I will never play AV on Smolderforge again but i'm fine with 1 AV a day, sure.

It was the first thing I thought of when I read TS, "AV" "Premades" "HK war"

The second about CF Bgs I know it would benefit the server, I want to believe it will bring back some players, some activity at least. Especially Horde will benefit as hell . Alliance survive somewhat now with Bg pops though it goes a bit slow at times (even around AV huehue). Since many Alliance players who plays a lot has something to do with One Spot or Passion. I assume that TS is from one of the guilds. Simple, TS is Alliance that will get somewhat nerfed.
There's no more trusted observer than someone who suspects you.
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Re: Not Going Down Without a Fight

Post by Violentshock »

I think CF BGs are a great idea. I've seen a few other servers do it successfully. Do not remove AV. Alot of people farm for the level 60 pvp sets for xmog. And I'm def not waiting for christmas just to get 18 more AV marks for the second set -.- And dont a shit load of alliance love AV? Cmon sillies
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Re: Not Going Down Without a Fight

Post by Outskilled »

I vouch for cross faction battlegrounds have done for a while same with cross faction skirm queues. If anything it will boost the popularity of the server since who wants to find a server log in and sit in a hench queue for a bg.. Since the player base is the pits at the min facing other people would make it more interesting *imo* rather than the same 4 pve boomkins tunneling in every bg. As for AV meh i always log off when av comes about thats my only view on that. SF needs a revamp and i think crossfaction bgs could be just what it needs.
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