Late Night PvP

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Late Night PvP

Post by Terezi »

Hi there, everyone!

So, one thing I have noticed in my time on this server, is the gap of BGs that tends to happen in the early morning server time. By gap, I refer to of course the one to three hours that absolutely nothing pops.

So, I intend to put forth a bit of my free time in those areas to come up with something you guys can do, besides sit in Tanaris. I could use a few ideas, but I was thinking along the lines of 3v3 or something like that. Other ideas would be appreciated, as it is for you guys. Your opinions matter, so let's hear a few!
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Re: Late Night PvP

Post by Apuclevercow »

During hollow hours, it would be better if there is only one bg like wsg.
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Re: Late Night PvP

Post by Terezi »

Apuclevercow wrote:During hollow hours, it would be better if there is only one bg like wsg.
Technically, that already can be achieved. Just have people queue up in Shattrath, there they can queue for any BG they so choose.
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Re: Late Night PvP

Post by Ricekrispies »

Halaa would be fun during daytime aswell.
"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
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Re: Late Night PvP

Post by Zapcraclepop »

Ricekrispies wrote:Halaa would be fun during daytime aswell.
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Re: Late Night PvP

Post by Rottingham »

Maybe you could force night at the mall/battlemaster's area and spawn campfires everwhere. That would be nice :-)
Smelgor # 1
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Re: Late Night PvP

Post by Terezi »

Well, some type of activity does seem to be needed. Battlegrounds seem to shut down around 9pm my time, and stay down for about 2 or 3 hours. Rather than having you all bored to death, watching the population hit single digits; I think some type of event, whether Player vs player oriented or something more simple is in order. But, I wouldn't mind some feedback.

I have been trying to get authorization to make a Naxx run event, however that's still a no-go. If that changes, I will announce such.
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Re: Late Night PvP

Post by Zydian05 »

On a surthen time spawn a portal somewhere in the mall that ports you to a (gm's choosen area) with a messy AllvAll. its easy to make and its just fun in its simpelest form while waiting for arena and bg's to pop.
Posts: 301

Re: Late Night PvP

Post by Ricekrispies »

This would better as a genral event but hey, who cares.

Make an arena-ish battleground where you'd give a one hour heads-up. During that time players must gather a raid group that meets the requirements of the seleceted battleground (WSG works best). Once an hour has passed all raid groups would be ported to a location where they'd wait for their turn to enter the battle. The winning team would move on to the next round and the losing team would be eliminated from the event.

You'd need 8 or 4 raid groups to pull this trough.

I know this will be quite hard to execute and it might be even harder to get the minimum of 40 participants. Flame on.
"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
Posts: 62

Re: Late Night PvP

Post by Kylah »

Can we at least have Azshara Crater up during the dead hours. What are some reasons it cant always just be open in the first place? I love going there when there's nothing else to do.
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