Priest Bugs - Report here

Fixed/closed bug reports are moved to this board in archival state. Also contains all the original bug reports from the past years.
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Re: Priest Bugs - Report here

Post by Exsurgo »

With further testing, I can now say that Shadow priests do not have a specific combat bug. It is the vampiric embrace group healing that is keeping you in combat. (Healing players in combat puts the caster in combat).

Not sure if this is working as intended, but it could well be correct. Need more evidence.

The push-back part of martydom works, I think the interrupt part works judging by interrupt resists I seem to get vs priests, but I have not tested this extensively.
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Re: Priest Bugs - Report here

Post by Zydian05 »

Vry much appreciëated for the heads up
Posts: 67

Re: Priest Bugs - Report here

Post by Zydian05 »

Image Holy

Blessed Recovery doenst work as intented.

when criticly hit, you will get the hot effect but it will always hot-heal you for 0 hp.
Posts: 17

Re: Priest Bugs - Report here

Post by Kyoki »

Im Shadow priest and my spells get resisted by mobs 95% of time i mean i understand if lvl 70 elite ect resist it but lvl 10-20 mob resist it twice this is wrong
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Re: Priest Bugs - Report here

Post by Mayore »

Blessed Recovery [talent- holy] is not working at all
Posts: 56

Re: Priest Bugs - Report here

Post by Voodoomaniac »

Exsurgo wrote:With further testing, I can now say that Shadow priests do not have a specific combat bug. It is the vampiric embrace group healing that is keeping you in combat. (Healing players in combat puts the caster in combat).

Not sure if this is working as intended, but it could well be correct. Need more evidence.

The push-back part of martydom works, I think the interrupt part works judging by interrupt resists I seem to get vs priests, but I have not tested this extensively.
Martyrdom works in all the ways, no need to worry about it.

The broken spell here is probably Vampiric Embrace. While it is true it is a aggro spell it is also like any other healing spell. For example:

Warrior A and Priest B enters a fight. If priest B casts Renew on Warrior A then the priest will be in combat for 6 seconds (Assuming no one hits him or he performs another action causing threat).
After 6 seconds have passed he can mount up. But warrior A will still be locked in combat with the renew ticking. Despite this the priest will not be re-entering combat.

The same rule shall apply to Vampiric Embrace. The heal may heal the warrior in combat but if the Priest performs no actions causing combat threat then he shall properly leave combat, despite the warrior getting vampiric embrace heals.
Last edited by Voodoomaniac on 25 Apr 2014, 09:24, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 776

Re: Priest Bugs - Report here

Post by Hartun »

Voodoomaniac wrote:
Exsurgo wrote:With further testing, I can now say that Shadow priests do not have a specific combat bug. It is the vampiric embrace group healing that is keeping you in combat. (Healing players in combat puts the caster in combat).

Not sure if this is working as intended, but it could well be correct. Need more evidence.

The push-back part of martydom works, I think the interrupt part works judging by interrupt resists I seem to get vs priests, but I have not tested this extensively.
Martyrdom works in all the ways, no need to worry about it.

The boken spell here is probably Vampiric Embrace. While it is true it is a aggro spell it is also like any other healing spell. For example:

Warrior A and Priest B enters a fight. If priest B casts Renew on Warrior A then the priest will be in combat for 6 seconds (Assuming no one hits him or he performs another action causing threat).
After 6 seconds have passed he can mount up. But warrior A will still be locked in combat with the renew ticking. Despite this the priest will not be re-entering combat.

The same rule shall apply to Vampiric Embrace. The heal may heal the warrior in combat but if the Priest performs no actions causing combat threat then he shall properly leave combat, despite the warrior getting vampiric embrace heals.
Good example and i can confirm this.
Posts: 56

Re: Priest Bugs - Report here

Post by Voodoomaniac »

What is the bug?
Hex of Weakness does not apply Shadow Weaving.

Is it a spell or database issue? (database relates to any NPC, quest or item)
Spell issue.

How can you reproduce it?
Make a troll priest. Spec 5/5 into Shadow Weaving. Cast Hex of Weakness on a foe.

Please describe, in detail what is suppose to occur when this bug happens:
The Hex of Weakness shall apply 1x stack of Shadow Weaving everytime it is cast (With a 5/5 talent).

Please describe, in detail what happens when it bugs up, and how it's malfunctioning:
The Hex of Weakness does not apply the Shadow Weaving Debuff, it does correctly proc Blackout though.
Posts: 1

Re: Priest Bugs - Report here

Post by jeremiah »

Blessed Recovery [talent- holy] is not working at all
Posts: 10

Re: Priest Bugs - Report here

Post by Avalei »

Blood elf priest racial - Consume Magic can consume shadowform, while it should not work like this (as far as i know shadowform is not a "Magic effect").

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