Paladin Bugs - Report here

Fixed/closed bug reports are moved to this board in archival state. Also contains all the original bug reports from the past years.
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Re: Paladin Bugs - Report here

Post by Calmdownpls »

Vengeance talent still gives only 5% holy and physical damage
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Re: Paladin Bugs - Report here

Post by Zydian05 »


Crusade: doesnt stack with retribution aura
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Re: Paladin Bugs - Report here

Post by Zydian05 »

Retribution aura doesnt stack with Spell Dmg .. is this normal for tbc?
Posts: 8

Re: Paladin Bugs - Report here

Post by Ballston »

Paladin Retribution Tree: [Benediction] & [Sanctified Judgement]

Is it a spell or database issue? Spell Issue

How can you reproduce it? By placing 1 point in each separately and using judgement.

Please describe, in detail what is suppose to occur when this bug happens: I am supposed to get mana back and have mana reduction for using judgement.

Please describe, in detail what happens when it bugs up, and how it's malfunctioning: I've tried them both separately and there is no mana reduction for judgements
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Re: Paladin Bugs - Report here

Post by Exsurgo »

Calmdownpls wrote:Vengeance talent still gives only 5% holy and physical damage
Confirmed this talent is working, along with the other retribution damage increasing talents.
Zydian05 wrote:Retribution aura doesnt stack with Spell Dmg .. is this normal for tbc?
Working as intended.
Zydian05 wrote:Retribution

Crusade: doesnt stack with retribution aura
Confirmed as a bug, minor priority.

Ballston wrote:Paladin Retribution Tree: [Benediction] & [Sanctified Judgement]
Confirmed that Benediction is not working with judgements.
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Re: Paladin Bugs - Report here

Post by Xaru »

Any idea when blessing of freedom will be fixed? It seems like such a minute thing but it really does hurt us a lot because you -have- to cast it while a mage etc. has finished frostbolt so he can't cancel his cast and dispel BoF.
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Re: Paladin Bugs - Report here

Post by Henhouse »

Xaru wrote:Any idea when blessing of freedom will be fixed? It seems like such a minute thing but it really does hurt us a lot because you -have- to cast it while a mage etc. has finished frostbolt so he can't cancel his cast and dispel BoF.
Believed fix is in actually, just pending my push to live. :)
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Re: Paladin Bugs - Report here

Post by Xaru »

Henhouse wrote:
Xaru wrote:Any idea when blessing of freedom will be fixed? It seems like such a minute thing but it really does hurt us a lot because you -have- to cast it while a mage etc. has finished frostbolt so he can't cancel his cast and dispel BoF.
Believed fix is in actually, just pending my push to live. :)
Fantastic. :)
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
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Re: Paladin Bugs - Report here

Post by Sareeh »

The Retribution Aura is not working well. 2t5 protection set bonus is not increasing damage. Improved Retribution Aura (1/2 or 2/2) does not work. Character who have 2t5 and imp. aura should do about 53 damage. But it is not like that - instead we got default 26 damage :/
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Re: Paladin Bugs - Report here

Post by derivator »


I think Hammer of Wrath doesn't really work good. It deals HOLY damage and is on holy tree of the spellbook, BUT it uses only melee hit rating and melee critical strike rating to increase the hit and crit chance, however casting time is affected by spell haste!
So no matter how much spell crit and spell hit rating you have, it misses a lot of times and only crits rarely, despite the fact that this is a spell!

The problem with it might be (in my noob opinion) that it might be derived somehow from melee type attacks, because it can't even be reflected!

If it's not buggy please tell me how is it planned to work.^^

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