yM vs One Spot in Gurubashi Arena

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Re: yM vs One Spot in Gurubashi Arena

Post by Swackx »

Yeah i was talking about a warriors pov, but you're right, theres nothing more horrible than a warr with fap while getting overhealed and facerolls over his keyboard, from rogue/mage pov. It's like a normal reaction from some ppl to use fap, if they fuck up their trinket or w/e.
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Re: yM vs One Spot in Gurubashi Arena

Post by Mayore »

druids using free action win this competition anyway
Posts: 304

Re: yM vs One Spot in Gurubashi Arena

Post by Outskilled »

Meanwhile on planet Topic.

This thread was created for the repertoire of the guild. Since pvegeardspot claim to be the best on the server the Guild Master went out of his way to collect above average players for the guild ( notice how I say above average and not best?.. Anti flame tactics also inb4 lol above average fak jokes from the parasites that lurk this forum(s).

In game there is this persona that all the active guild's do is premade all day. Well let me tell you that this statement is incorrect most of the time people queue solo and it is RNG that they are put together. On the contrary for some occasions where we have guild vs guild events.

If you were tl/dr Read from here.

They named the place, They named the time. This is not the first time a guild vs guild event has went on and then the opposing team has put forward excuses after the event has took place. It is to much of a coincidence that this occurs every time something along these lines goes on.

Onto the subject of players being bad, Grow up you pathetic bigots.
Posts: 1567

Re: yM vs One Spot in Gurubashi Arena

Post by Amgseret »

Mayore wrote:
Swackx wrote:Well.. it's not about the rng, since priests are resisting anything in common and i was playing sword anyway, which is pretty much better in that case. However, the fact that he pretends to be the best in his posts is not arguable.

Also i'm sick of this premading shit the whole day long.. tell me the point in premading wsg, it just destroys the whole bg and its the best and funniest bg by far. You can premade eots and noone cares, even ab, but still ppl are so bad here, that they can't play a bg on their own.
Unfortunately this goes for both sides, but ally tends to abuse particular classes in their awful premades. I don't even start talking about free action pots.. this should absolutely be removed from the server, like imagine a ele shaman with free action pot against a warr... it just destroys any tactical decisions that could be made to kill him.

imagine a war with free action and 3 healers on his back
Did somebody say premade?

"Since pvegeardspot claim to be the best on the server"
They did?
Besides, nobody from yM mixes pve gear, rite?
Blue wrote:Yo Seret, can you untie Mayor?
Posts: 53

Re: yM vs One Spot in Gurubashi Arena

Post by Swackx »

Outskilled wrote: Onto the subject of players being bad, Grow up you pathetic bigots.
Ok, but imho ppl who play the whole day with a never-ending lifebloom buff at their buffbar, while using fap, are disgusting and bad. And that's exactly what the premades are doing, no doubt about that.
Last edited by Swackx on 11 Mar 2013, 16:23, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: yM vs One Spot in Gurubashi Arena

Post by Amgseret »

Swackx wrote:
Outskilled wrote: Onto the subject of players being bad, Grow up you pathetic bigots.
Ok, but imho ppl who play the whole day with a neverending lifebloom buff at their buffbar, while using fap, are disgusting and bad. And that's exactly what the premades are doing, no doubt about that.
You forgot that they have aids too.
Blue wrote:Yo Seret, can you untie Mayor?
Posts: 304

Re: yM vs One Spot in Gurubashi Arena

Post by Outskilled »

Amgseret wrote:Besides, nobody from yM mixes pve gear, rite?
That not so fine line between raiding Black Temple( Jk arathi basin ) and using pve rings.

Plenty more examples that are not worth yours or my time.


Posts: 4

Re: yM vs One Spot in Gurubashi Arena

Post by Kang »

zuzulol123 wrote:Fun times.
I forsee a rematch in the future because "Kett wasn't there"
Many people weren't there tbh. Nevertheless we got our asses wooped real hard, gj yM.
Kaldorea, Kang, Kange, Kango.
Posts: 53

Re: yM vs One Spot in Gurubashi Arena

Post by Swackx »

Outskilled wrote:
Amgseret wrote:Besides, nobody from yM mixes pve gear, rite?
That not so fine line between raiding Black Temple( Jk arathi basin ) and using pve rings.
So.. you blame ppl for using pve gear, which is available to everyone. I can cleary see the logic there.
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Posts: 1567

Re: yM vs One Spot in Gurubashi Arena

Post by Amgseret »

The rings are totally worth it for some classes though seeing the HP, its not limited to rings but then either way, pve gear isnt nearly as faggish as running around with 1/10 size, 15+ buffs, SS and having pots on cd. Dat mental picture of Ezatt, sadly applies to almost everybody doing a premade.
Blue wrote:Yo Seret, can you untie Mayor?
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