New Arena PvP Video
Re: New Arena PvP Video
This was...uhm... I can't find the words to describe how I feel after watching this.
- Posts: 10
Re: New Arena PvP Video
Quality arena video, best one I've seen in some time.. It really gives me a nostalgic feeling and reminds me a bit of Neilyos old pvp videos when he played with a druid. My favorite fight was against the priest warrior.. I liked how you faced the warrior while on the priest to get the most out of your avoidance while preassuring the priest.. The only thing i missed was editing, I hope there will be more of that in your next video.
Re: New Arena PvP Video
lol ty man for ur compliment s glad u noticed it and yeah alot of these dudes troll ppl because they suck and cant make their own vids cuz they dont want their shit skills on display so they just talk smack and cant back it up an funny ppl like dntryme that said something bout a mutilate video where is it???? take a month to make a video of ur shit skills??????? funny that people that troll me are usually bowing to me after a duel cause they lost and than rage qq on me :)
and i dont post vids to get other peoples approval i do it for my own good i like doing it and its fun any people that have an issue with that can fuck off cause ur opinions mean nothing to me wont feed into ur immaturity.
BG video coming soon Mutilate spec :)
and will edit more when I get new computer in a few days as of now just testing fraps and windows movie maker. Getting a better editing program than know any?
and i dont post vids to get other peoples approval i do it for my own good i like doing it and its fun any people that have an issue with that can fuck off cause ur opinions mean nothing to me wont feed into ur immaturity.
BG video coming soon Mutilate spec :)
and will edit more when I get new computer in a few days as of now just testing fraps and windows movie maker. Getting a better editing program than know any?
Should my name be Spoken it Will Be Spoken in Reverend Tones or Terrified Whispers.
Re: New Arena PvP Video
Well, I'm not going to record two arena games and one duel. Edit them in Windows Movie Maker and upload it to YouTube.
Profesionell editing takes a lot of time. Gathering the gameplay footage, syncing with the music, cutting and working with 3D models / WoW Model Viewer. But as I see, you have no plan about this.
I'm not the rogue who uses, in every single duel consumables. Such as Thistle Tea and Living Action Potion.You call Europeans trash, with no reason. Americans aren't the best, everyone is the same.
But please, keep making more videos, they amuse us.
Though I'm not sure if you are just a troll.
Well, I'm not going to record two arena games and one duel. Edit them in Windows Movie Maker and upload it to YouTube.
Profesionell editing takes a lot of time. Gathering the gameplay footage, syncing with the music, cutting and working with 3D models / WoW Model Viewer. But as I see, you have no plan about this.
I'm not the rogue who uses, in every single duel consumables. Such as Thistle Tea and Living Action Potion.You call Europeans trash, with no reason. Americans aren't the best, everyone is the same.
But please, keep making more videos, they amuse us.
Though I'm not sure if you are just a troll.
Macro Collection: ... f=4&t=8979
Re: New Arena PvP Video
DNTRYME PLZ FIGHT ME I WIL FRAP IT AN EMBARRASS THE FUCK OUTTA YOU LIL BOY tired of ur talk u never back it up ur video will suck ass cause u have no skills u do shitty in arena u do shitty in duels shitty in bgs never over 100k dmg u suck man ull never be on my level ever u cant donate for skills ur just a troll virgin irl that cant play wow like others can. and where are the livings pots being consumed at in ym videos hmm i dont see them being used get jelly lol ur so trsh it makes me laugh ive asked u over 100 times to duel me or fight my ally and u always back down why u talk so big and act like a pussy in whipsers to me ur so soft give up ur act of being good cause ur a disgrace to mutialte rogues everywhere and always will be
Should my name be Spoken it Will Be Spoken in Reverend Tones or Terrified Whispers.
Re: New Arena PvP Video
Ladies, instead of being a bad ass motherfucker behind your computer you two should kiss and make love to eachother instead.
Re: New Arena PvP Video
i can tell it's best arena movie i've seen even without watching it.
Re: New Arena PvP Video
l2pOsiriis wrote:DNTRYME PLZ FIGHT ME I WIL FRAP IT AN EMBARRASS THE FUCK OUTTA YOU LIL BOY tired of ur talk u never back it up ur video will suck ass cause u have no skills u do shitty in arena u do shitty in duels shitty in bgs never over 100k dmg u suck man ull never be on my level ever u cant donate for skills ur just a troll virgin irl that cant play wow like others can. and where are the livings pots being consumed at in ym videos hmm i dont see them being used get jelly lol ur so trsh it makes me laugh ive asked u over 100 times to duel me or fight my ally and u always back down why u talk so big and act like a pussy in whipsers to me ur so soft give up ur act of being good cause ur a disgrace to mutialte rogues everywhere and always will be
Tap Peekaboo: Upset target moron.
Re: New Arena PvP Video
Emm, I'm not convinced you are better than Lolzero, after all he catches mice, and skill coming from that just can't be learned online.
04:18:06 In quiet contemplation, Henhouse mourns your death.
04:18:18 <70:Henhouse>: biG Deddy GranD no dieE
04:18:18 <70:Henhouse>: biG Deddy GranD no dieE
Henhouse wrote:Gandra h0t iirc.
Re: New Arena PvP Video
Acfully bad as hell,sorry dude but learn to DR tactics,second your opponents are bad.Its just spamming 3-4 clicks,0 spamming of wounds or mind numbing,just tunnelng targets.
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