I need some tips for hunter

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I need some tips for hunter

Post by eminem32100 »

Every duel I do or any bg I play I just get slowed and fucked over, poisoned? Gg hunter
Frost shock? GG hunter
Hamstring? Gg hunter

Im a marksman hunter and I really do not know what to do with these slows, and they arent avoidable because most classes with slows have some ability to get close
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Re: I need some tips for hunter

Post by Deems »

Get Thori'dal and kill them before they get next to you. GG Thori'dal
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Re: I need some tips for hunter

Post by Imperium »

Deems wrote:Get Thori'dal and kill them before they get next to you. GG Thori'dal
I have thori'dal and apolyon.

i still suck
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Re: I need some tips for hunter

Post by Zydar »

It feels here like I can go naked and still win vs any hunter no matter gear and skill. Their dmg just SUX! BM is not bad, but when your sh1t is on CD you're FCKED! TIP: Reroll UD rogue and get full swp. This is guarantied success :D
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Re: I need some tips for hunter

Post by Zapcraclepop »

Zydar wrote:It feels here like I can go naked and still win vs any hunter no matter gear and skill. Their dmg just SUX! BM is not bad, but when your sh1t is on CD you're FCKED! TIP: Reroll UD rogue and get full swp. This is guarantied success :D
Yes, roll more rogues please. We're nearing my goal of 40 rogue v 40 rogue AV, stop slacking people! ROLL MORE ROGUES! (not being sarcastic, either.)
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Re: I need some tips for hunter

Post by Outskilled »

http://www.enturion.net/talent_calculat ... 0000000000

no need to post any more off topic shite now just respec that and macro in kill command with your shots

Its fotm on smolderforge to roll MM but if you even played tbc retail you knew fair well that every hunter was BM for a reason. yes the pets and traps on here are fucked but id much rather have mobility over spamming free action pots like most over-rated hunters on the realm *slurps tea*
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Re: I need some tips for hunter

Post by Exsurgo »

If other players know what they are doing it is very hard to beat most classes 1v1 as a hunter. Luckily most players are bad, and if you play well you can easily take on one or two random donor melee as BM.

BM is good against most cloth, and it is ok vs rogues(although you will lose if they play smart and vanish your Beastial Wrath). It lacks non-physical damage however and is bad agaisnt anything >mail.

MM is an arena spec and is honestly pretty horriible in 1v1. However if you can sit in a big BG group then you can blow players up.

Honestly playing a hunter you have 0 defensive tools, so base your strategy around wasting the enemies mobility CDs, getting distance while kitting and then release hell. You need to get into a decent range position and then unload all your burst with the Aimed/Multi/SS macro. Usually you only have one chance to win a fight as a hunter (although rediculous rng can help)
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Re: I need some tips for hunter

Post by Gandraman »

Zydar wrote:It feels here like I can go naked and still win vs any hunter no matter gear and skill. Their dmg just SUX! BM is not bad, but when your sh1t is on CD you're FCKED! TIP: Reroll UD rogue and get full swp. This is guarantied success :D
Boi you probably newer met me or Krmacha in front of Og, rogues are sad here, some are so bad you don't have to pop cds to get them down...
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Re: I need some tips for hunter

Post by Zydar »

Challenge accepted :D. I'll be on after the holidays. Pretty much agree with Exsurgo. Hunters have a lot of disadvantage compared to other classes. Free action potion is a must. If I play a hunter it would be only in arena. That's where their true power is revealed.
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Re: I need some tips for hunter

Post by Balls »

Kite around frost trap?
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