client deDE to enGB possible?

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client deDE to enGB possible?

Post by Poisongirlx »


I'm playing with the german client (cause I downloaded this ages ago), and I was wondering if its possible to change the game-language without have to download complete new client?

because I have problems with the lookingforgroup chat.
have to join manually and than I cant write in.

thankful for every help. :-)
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Re: client deDE to enGB possible?

Post by Henhouse »

By the time you replaced in everything in /Data/ to the enUS versions you would have transferred 1/3 of the game data anyway. I would just get the en client.
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Re: client deDE to enGB possible?

Post by Poisongirlx »


or is there a way to resolve the chat problem?
I get the channel "SucheNachGruppe" (german lfg) instead of the "LookingForGroup" channel.
I manually joined the LookingForGroup channel, but than I m not able to write something in, I just can see what other people write.. :(
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