Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Firstaidkit »

You can still do that IF it gets implemented =P.
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Robotking »

Peekaboo wrote:Not a big fan of that tbh...
Depends how hard it is to obtain, but is faking gear really that necessary?
I mean people can edit that client side aswell anyway (both MPQ and cache works just fine, unless the former gets filtered by Warden), with the added benefit to not annoy everyone else with personal preferences (as it's just client side).
thats what i do

server side is cool because other ppl can see the new outfit.
server side sucks because you cant decide the look of the items.

and transmog like blizzard servers will not happen am i right henry?
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Firstaidkit »

It's a custom script, so not Blizz-Like but he already test it and it works except for some small bug.
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Blue »

dont you think all of this would break the whole idea and old schoolness of TBC...
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Retrobution »

This is going to kill me to say this...BUT..Good idea, Id love to rock T1 on my warrior, But i say make it buyable for 10BoJ+5000 honor Per peice of gear, Donating for it makes it unfair on people like my self who cant get a Paypal account at this point in time, Or 30BoJ+10k honor something like that but thats my two cents worth...

Henhouse wrote:
Retrobution wrote:
Henhouse wrote:Has been fixed.

Essentially we accidentally made it so BGs/Instances forgot how to count. That's why the buffs never went away and you could never do anything timed, or calculated.

So basically you set there nationality to Iran?
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Firstaidkit »

When I look around on Smolderforge, inspecting players.. I see a lot of people walk around with oldschool gearsets, weapons or other fun/vanity items. People use that gear anways with or without S4 stats on it so no, this won't take away the TBC feeling.

The only thing changing is the visual appearance of the gear and if you don't like it, then simply don't use it?

Like I said before you can never have a idea that everyone will like there will always be people that don't like it or got their own idea that they would like to have. But if you're going to listen to everyone their desires then their will not change anything around here. That's because everyone has his own opinion and own reasons to play here.

Since this is a fun server I would love to see this available. And if you need to buy it from vote points or donation it's helping the server out aswell.
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Kremu »

There should be an arena rating requirment + BOJ

Since ATM u get NOTHING new from arena's same goes to BOJ if u donated that 5$

the is server is WAY bg based atm

i prefer to have this as a pve reward
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Firstaidkit »

Kremu wrote:There should be an arena rating requirment + BOJ
Henhouse wrote:If we do end up implementing it, it will not be an arena-exclusive thing. While this makes sense for AT, it most certainly won't here. People already complain about the S4 pricing (which I admit is high intentionally) but no one will reach 2.1k without wintrading or being an arena finalist which is only a handful of people. Not related to arena, and honestly is where most of the skeptisim comes from view what people are wearing in arena.

It'll either be like a purchased feature with badges, honor, vote points, possibly. And then probably most certainly a donation feature to keep it exclusive. But I haven't really decided anything yet.

I think it'll add some nice spice to the server in a way.
Kremu wrote:Since ATM u get NOTHING new from arena's same goes to BOJ if u donated that 5$
You can buy trinkets, mounts, some vanity items and T6 from Badge of Justice. Also you can exchange your Badge of Justice to Honor to buy SWP gear in the donation mall after donating the $5.
Kremu wrote:i prefer to have this as a pve reward
You first say you want it as an arena reward and then you say you want it as an PvE reward? lolwuut? And PvE is dead here so that would be the worst idea in my opinion.

I think it's best to reward it from donation or vote points since that's the thing that helps the server out.
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Henhouse »

Making things arena exclusive essentially mean 8 people on the server get them. The same 8 people. That's why I try to make these things available for everyone--through grind.
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Re: Custom Transmogrification Suggestion

Post by Hardlight »

The only thing is, i just want some form of control if we go down with this idea...
by control i mean in these ideas:

Time limit of transmorg effects
Monthly wipes
cap on # of transmorg'd items you can have?
specific pieces you cannot transmorg (so you can identify tier in some way)
Certain gears you can transmorg into
Prices increase as you transmorg more (indirect way of capping transmorg)

IF this idea goes down, make sure it's currency not measured in kills.
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