Quick question.
Quick question.
I emailed you guys in regards to some old donation codes I have but aren't working, and I was curious if I could get some sort of ETA on a reply. I'm not trying to rush since i'll be gone this entire weekend, but i'm just wondering. Thanks. :)
70 Rogue - 2.3k+ retail TBC.
To any league bros out there: Blessedx @ NA
To any league bros out there: Blessedx @ NA
Re: Quick question.
Terribly sorry for the delay, I am extremely backed up in emails due to: http://www.smolderforge.com/forums/view ... f=4&t=6209
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: Quick question.
Don't worry about it man. Good luck with all the university stuff! :)
70 Rogue - 2.3k+ retail TBC.
To any league bros out there: Blessedx @ NA
To any league bros out there: Blessedx @ NA
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