GM Applications & Requirements

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Posts: 1

Re: GM Applications & Requirements

Post by Emorrow »

My character's name in game is: Didrika.

I'm 19 years old.

I'm currently living in Canada :)

Just English sadly, but I'm learning Persian!

I've never been a Game Master on any realm :( This is the first time I've ever applied.

I'm a shipper receiver for the oil and gas industry piping :)

This morning actually :)

Currently no Experience with any Game Masters as i have not had any problems in game :)

Personally i work amazing with others, i prefer to work with others then myself, but when alone i also take my work very seriously :)

Since the Beta :)

I have/had an 85 druid with multiple realm firsts including most from BC (why i looked for a BC realm i love it so much & miss it a lot) :)

Personally i think i have a lot to offer the community, I'm friendly and keep my cool when it's needed, but also i can let loose and have a good time with people in game and outside game :)

I sure did :) & you can for sure bind me to the Game Masters Code of Conduct!

Some other comments, i know i don't have any Experience as a Game Master, but i learn fast and will take it as serious as i do my job :) also even if i don't get accepted, I'm glad you took the time to read :) I'll still be playing in game :)

Thank you for reading!

Didrika ^_^
Posts: 3
Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Re: GM Applications & Requirements

Post by Snase »

What is your character's name in-game: (can be multiples)
Amalena (Human Paladin)

How old are you:
I am 18 years old

What country do you currently live in:
Stockholm, Sweden

Other languages fluent in besides English:
I speak Swedish (obviously), English and German

If so, how well:
I speak both Swedish and English fluently. I'm not far from speaking fluent German either.

Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
Yes I have. I was Game Master on old WoWTorn, was a quite large server but is now shutdown.

Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level:
I'm now starting my last year in ,what we call in Sweden, Gymnasium. I have one year left and then I'm all finished with school!

When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
Oh my.. that's a very good question... I think it was 1 year ago, 1 ½ years perhaps..

How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function)
I haven't spoken to any of the Smolderforge Game Masters. But since I've been a Game Master before I'm quite familiar with how they work. If there is something different with Smolderforge then tell me!

Do you work well with others or are you better independent:
I have no problem with either of it! I'm very good at co-operating with others but still function on my own.

What experience with retail WoW do you have?
I actually bought World of Warcraft on its release date in the beginning! So god knows how many hours I've spent with it!

If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please)
I stopped playing before Cataclysm so my main character was a level 70 Paladin and a 70 Warrior

What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?
Why should I be a Game Master? Well, I always try to make the best out of things. If for example someone see another player "fly hacking" I start a conversation with him to see his version of what has happend and then make a decision. Also, I am very easy to talk with. That's why I was one of the most "popular" Game Masters back on WoWTorn.
Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
Of course.

Any additional comments you would like to add?
If you decide to take a look at my application, I can assure you that you will not be disappointed if you're hiring me as a Game Master.

Best Regards,
Mattias Frödin // Amalena
[email protected]
Posts: 37

Re: GM Applications & Requirements

Post by Maydie »

Hello everyone!

I am fairly new to this server and it may be strange that I am already applying for a Game Master / Support position. There is however a very good reason - already now I love this server, the features, the scripting you have done, the community. But the ticket response time is.... somewhat long. And I personally think it is in your interests to accomodate the members of your community as good as possible.

That is why I would like to offer my help as a Game Master.

Following is the more 'formal' application:

What is your character's name in-game: Maydiez - Elounia
How old are you: 18
What country do you currently live in: Denmark
Other languages fluent in besides English: Danish, English, Swedish, German, Norwegian
If so, how well: Perfectly fluent.
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses): I've been a Game Master on 5 different servers, each period more than 2 months. Longest was nearly a year.

Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level:
I am currently taking a Higher Business Exam, at second year out of three.

When did you start playing on Smolderforge? Unfortunately I joined not long ago, I wish I had found it before.

How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function) Really not much I am afraid, but I do adapt extremely quickly.

Do you work well with others or are you better independent: I work best as a team, but can without problem work independently.

What experience with retail WoW do you have? 6 years. I stopped playing now though. (This is my priest, if you would see for personal interest: ... nia/simple)

If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please) I have one 85, which I used a lot of play time on.

What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? I have a lot of experience as a Game Master and I trive very well with meeting other people. I am very good at handling difficult situations and keeping my calm when needed - or be strict, if that should be the case.

What do you have to offer to the community?
I can offer a kind, supportive, active, helpful, fair and understandable Game Master. I am also really good at arranging events (PvP, PvE etc)

Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
Yes I have agreed and actually read all three of them and will without hesitastion be willing to bind to your Game Master Code of Conduct.

Any additional comments you would like to add?
No matter what your decision may be, I thank you for creating this server. It's really entertaining and challenging.


Carl. :)

I also know a little LUA, almost everything SQL and database related - if needed. :)
Last edited by Maydie on 27 Jun 2012, 23:57, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 10
Location: Germany

Re: GM Applications & Requirements

Post by Pre »

  1. What is your character's name in-game:
    I guess Koalayo, Prekiller, Koalock and Pinac are my main characters.
  2. How old are you:
    As of this month, I'm 19 years old.
  3. What country do you currently live in:
    I live in Cologne, Germany.
  4. Other languages fluent in besides English:
    German, Swiss, Spanish and French.
  5. If so, how well:
    I'm kind of rusty in French, since i rarely can make use of it, but i don't have any problems in the other languages.
  6. Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses)
    I've been co-leading projects like Ets-Network, Xynatic-WoW and Immortal-WoW, but i haven't been Game-Master for quite some while now.
  7. Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level:
    I'll start the last year of my "academic high school" or better known as Gynasium in September.
  8. When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
    I created my account in the end of 2010, however i only started playing here regularly in early 2011.
  9. How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function)
    I've spoken to a few GMs via the ticket-system and I happen to know some of them on their "normal" player-accounts.
  10. Do you work well with others or are you better independent:
    I like working in a team, although working individually might occasionally be more productiv.
  11. What experience with retail WoW do you have?
    if i remember correctly, i started around 2005. I've played every expansion on retail, although Vanilla and TBC more than WotLK and Cata. (thus the only end-game experience in WotLK is from other p-servers)
  12. If you played, what levels of characters did you have?
    Now this is where it gets a little tricky. I've played Vanilla and BC mainly with my Hunter, but i had a break when WotLK started. When I came back I played a Prot-Warrior until level 80. Retail wasn't really fun to me at that point, so i left again to play on several Private-Server. Early this year, i started playing Cata with a friend through that recruit-a-friend system, but it got boring so i quit like one month after i hit 85.
  13. What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?
    To make it short, experience, loyalty to this server and creativity in making i.a. events. I also am more than active on this server and will be willing to help out wherever i can.
  14. Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
    Yes i have, and i'll be obviously be willing to bind myself to the GM Code of Conduct.
  15. Any additional comments you would like to add?
    Thank you for reading and considering this application.
    If there are any other questions, feel free to contact me ingame, here on the forums or via skype @ preeeci.

    Kind Regards
    -- Pre / Koala
Posts: 3

Re: GM Applications & Requirements

Post by Wrenth »

What is your character's name in-game: (can be multiples) My Main's name is Aggroer, But i also got an alt named Rasnia, and a very old alt named Wrenth

How old are you: I'm 24 years old

What country do you currently live in: I live in Denmark

Other languages fluent in besides English: I speak Danish as mother language, also got abit german knowlege

If so, how well: Studying Danish on (a) Level in school, and English with (b) level. A means it's the hardest before university, and b is less hard, and so on

Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses): Yes, I've been Gamemaster about a half year on wowbeez for some years ago. On their Battleground server.

Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level: At the moment i only study Danish and English when ever i "wish" for. Means my time as GM can vary from either morning till night.

When did you start playing on Smolderforge? About one year ago on my Warrior Wrenth, then i quitted and came back 4 days ago.

How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function) The sadly truth is, i haven't seen any GMs online the time I've been here.

Do you work well with others or are you better independent: I work as a team player, I can't do everything alone, since I'm no world champion in every genre there is.

What experience with retail WoW do you have? Alot, I've played for 8 years, Played since vanilla Beta till now with some breaks. I know almost everything about old and new wow.

If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please) 85 x 8, 82, 83 and 84.

What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community? What i can offer? I can offer alot of seriousity in helping the server. I want to help those who waited hours of hours to resieve an answer from a GM. I can provide alot of activity and aot of knowlege about being a GM from my former server.

Have you agreed to our Terms of Service and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC? Yes i agree on them, Donation is ofc a very important thing due to it's money we're playing with.

Any additional comments you would like to add? Concider me as a good choice into the staff. I've been playing around for long (not long enorght sadly) But I believe that this application is a good shot to make Smolderforge a better place for everyone.
Posts: 29

Re: GM Applications & Requirements

Post by jetlife »

What is your character's name in-game: (can be multiples) Iamtheslaya, Handz, Gibbslol, Gibbsfemalex
How old are you: 19

What country do you currently live in: USA

Other languages fluent in besides English: Not fluent, but I do understand a lot of Spanish.
If so, how well: ^

Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses): Yes

Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level: Sophomore in College, studying Computer Science.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge? A month ago

How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function): Very much, I was a GM for 3~ months(which used the Oregon core)at my previous server, and then a GM for a month at the server before that one(Arcemu core).

Do you work well with others or are you better independent: I prefer independent but I can work with others

What experience with retail WoW do you have? I played until patch 2.4.3 actually, had 2 warriors @ 70, then played again once cata released and leveled another warrior to 70.
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please) ^

What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community? I am very knowledgeable of commands, quests/items/spells etc during TBC, I love to help people, I have great people skills and I will be very professional while being on my GM account and my alt account. I have a lot of ideas that I would like to implement onto the server as well.

Have you agreed to our Terms of Service and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC? Yes

Any additional comments you would like to add?
I have a lot of experience, especially with Oregon Core, although I do not like the command set since it was built by Russians and a lot of commands have weird syntax.
Posts: 1

Cresh's GM Application.

Post by Cresh »

Age: 19
Location: Dve mogili, Bulgaria
Time zone: (GMT+5)
Availability (days/hours): I am available to play every day for 8 hours.
Spoken language(s) I speak fluently English and bulgarian.
Describe yourself: I am a good person for my age.
Do you understand and accept that you will be a GM for the Smolderforge realm only? I am able to be EXTREMELY active in the community and a willingness to help and assist other in need. I am able to assist event hat higher ranked GMs run until I make Super GM.
Do you have any retail experience: I have 6 months Retail expirence in American's server called Daramactire.
If yes please list your characters here with Server/name/level and time /played please include an armory link: Eternal-wow, Molten-wow, Blizzard.
Please list your current in game Smolderforge characters including level and time /played: Respect, Tannari
Have you had previous Gamemaster experience, if so where and for how long and what was your role, please include your reasons for leaving: I have 3 year expirence in Eternal-wow. My GM role was "Ticket Reader" and i was a GM for like 3 years. I left those server because i didnt like the community.
Are you currently a Gamemaster on any server: No
What interests you about the position: My interests are about this position because im able to assist in events and able assist and help those in need.
Tell us why you would be a good addition: I would be a good addition to the server community because i can work like a team member.
Do you have a mic and ventrilo (will be needed for an interview): I have a "stable" microfon.
Do you have msn (yes/no): Yes i have Skype.
Is there anything extra you would like to add:
Posts: 77
Location: Belgium

Re: GM Applications & Requirements

Post by Oceans »


First of all I'd like to give a small introduction.

I am relativaly new to Smolderforge, this means most of you won't know me yet. I used to be a Game Master on a server called V.C.N. (Vengefull Cosa Nostra). I was a GM there for 3 years, after which I took leave because of personal reasons, two years later and I'm back. Ofcourse V.C.N. seems to have shut down. This is when I stumbled on Smolderforge. I was surpised to find another 2.4.3. server. Especially one that has so little bugs, I must say that the developers did a great job fixing some of the regular bugs. The second thing I find so appealing is that people have to work to get the best gear, and that there is no custommade crap. Because the custom gear always ruins the balance in PvP, in my opinion. Although I used to be pretty good at PvP myself, I seem to have lost all skill in battle. After one week it's coming back to me but I still feel like a giant noob. Thiats when it hit me, I ache for helping people, I have such fond memories about being a Game Master, and I wish to give back to this wonderfull community.

I guess that wasn't a small introduction at all, TL;DR.
Doesn't matter, what follows does.

  • - I've read the Terms of Service and the Game Master's CoC. And I believe I meet the requirements.

Application Form:
  • What is your character's name in-game: (can be multiples)
    - I am commonly known as "Oceans", ofcourse this name was already taken on this server (what a shame) so I use Øceans or Oceanz. I also have two warriors called Meatstick and Charlie and a druid Urf.

  • How old are you:
    - I'm currently 21, which really makes me feel like an old bastard.

  • What country do you currently live in:
    - Belgium

  • Other languages fluent in besides English:
    - Dutch, French and just a tiny bit German

  • If so, how well:
    - Dutch is my native tongue. I understand and can speak fluent French but with an occasional writing error. And I can understand and read German but fail to write it myself, or only just the basics.

  • Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
    - I have, I was a GM on V.C.N. for 3 years. Read my introduction for more information.

  • Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level:
    - I'm currently in college, studying Informatics. I just finished my 3rd year.

  • When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
    - 29/06/2012, which means not so long ago. But it just feels right, I know I'll stay here no matter what.

  • How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function)
    - I've had some encounters with Nosh and Eteril, they were both very kind and helpfull. I also saw Hennhouse spawning mobs in Tanaris, but haven't had the pleasure of meeting him yet.

  • Do you work well with others or are you better independent:
    - I always find working together more appealing, especially while hosting an event. As for awnsering tickets you can always ask for a second opinion.

  • What experience with retail WoW do you have?
    - Oh, I haven't had my own retail account since the realse of TBC. I did play some PvP in TBC but on a friends account. Thats when I started with private servers and a year later became a GM on one.

  • If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please)
    - I used to be the proud owner of 3 lvl 60's. A warrior, priest and mage.

  • What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?
    - I have lots of experience as a Game Master, I know the tricks and trades. We used to host lots of PvP events, like 2v2 or 3v3 tournaments. And we did that without much chaos. I also believe I have a flawless judgement and a great sense of humor.

  • Have you agreed to our Terms of Service and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
    - Ofcourse.

  • Any additional comments you would like to add?
    - Not that I can think of right now, but if you have any more questions feel free to PM me.

Last edited by Oceans on 17 Jul 2012, 10:44, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 2

Re: GM Applications & Requirements

Post by Bellzatrix »

What are your characters' names in-game:

-Bellzatrix: Shadow Priest (MS); Disciple Priest (OS)
-Bellzatrixz: Restoration Druid (MS); Balance Druid (OS)
-Bellzatrixx: Subtlety Rogue
-Bellzatrixs: Restoration Shaman (MS); Elemental Shaman (OS)

How old are you:

-I'm currently 17, born in 1995.

What country do you currently live in:

-I live in Lebanon.

Other languages spoken besides English:


If so, how well:

-I am fluent in both Arabic and French. I've been learning both languages for 12 years now; started when I was 5 years old.

Have you ever been a Game Master on another server?

-I have been a GM on another server, but ended up resigning after several months due to the lack of effort and commitment depicted by the rest of the staff; working alone and handling all the responsibility was okay for some time but at the end I found myself a bit overwhelmed.
-I have no problem whatsoever answering any question in detail and revealing the name of the server, however I would rather if we spoke about this subject in private.


-I'll begin my senior year (the last year of high school; grade 12) at the end of this year. Currently, I'm enjoying my summer vacation with neither a job nor a school.

When did you start playing on Smolderforge?

-Unfortunately I do not have a specific date of when I started playing here, but I can assure you that I've been here for quite some time; a long time of dedication that has earned me the "Right Handed" rank (rank 1) in <Passion> - please note that this fact has only been stated to prove my long presence here, not for any other reason.
-You can always check my played time on my characters in the account in which Bellzatrix is in. I have many characters that I started playing on this server even before the creation of my main toon; some were deleted, but others are still there which could testify to my long period of play time on this server.

How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have?

-I'm not so familiar with the staff here. I only opened a ticket once to report a hacker, saw Nosh a few times in Tanaris, and saw a GM ask for people on the LFG channel to speak in English.
-I am however familiar with how the ticketing and aid/support systems work as I have been a GM before.

Do you work well with others or are you better independent:

-“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” ~Ryunosuke Satoro
This is my attitude towards few GM duties such as testing and running big events; coordination will be required.
-For the other duties, I am more than capable of perfecting them on my own with no trouble. Sure I might ask for advice or opinions from time to time but if I find myself stuck even after asking, I will research and work on the problem on my own till I find a suitable solution.

What experience with retail WoW do you have?

-I have two level 85s (a gnome mage and an orc DK) on retail and other characters that I was leveling.
-I have no problem whatsoever giving out their names for inspection and answering any other question about retail.
-Also, I'm always up to date with what's developing in World of Warcraft through the retail forums.

What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?

-I am responsible, committed, composed, serious, and a leader.
-I accept constructive criticism.
-I am very organized and creative therefore can run various fun events with no trouble at all.
-I have firm and well-rounded information about how the game works (from formation of guilds, to use of flasks, to leveling of professions etc) and know a lot about all classes available in TBC.
-I have a lot of free time I am willing to devote to my Game Master duties.
-I have past experience as a GM.
-I'm strict at times, however always polite.
-I meet all the requirements listed in the OP (original post).
-I feel like the server has given me a lot so far and it's time to give back.

Have you agreed to our Terms of Service and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?

-I have thoroughly read and agreed to the ToS and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC to the fullest.

Any additional comments you would like to add?

-Professionalism is a virtue for me, however I can also be fun and witty with a joke when the time is right.
-Even though this already is a long post -and I genuinely apologize for that- I still have much more to reveal about my personality and quality of work.
-Some of my answers to your application may seem simple, but I believe that simplicity sometimes is necessary.
-I don't have many posts on the forums (actually, I barely have any), but rest assured that I am active and log on here more often than you think.
-If me not being a donor in any way shows a lack of commitment to the server and/or weakness in my application, I have no problem donating as I will be staying here for a while.
-Thank you for your time and consideration!

*Edit1: added vital information I forgot to include while submitting my application.
*Edit2: added a character.

Last edited by Bellzatrix on 12 Jul 2012, 18:20, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 7

Re: GM Applications & Requirements

Post by Matadox »

How old are you: 20.

What country do you currently live in: Sweden.

Other languages fluent in besides English: Danish,Swedish and Norwegian.

If so, how well: Fluent.

Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses): Yeah but just on my own server.

Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level: University.

When did you start playing on Smolderforge? May 02, 2008. So basically I'v been on the server since it first released

How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function) The tickets i made i have been supported well by the GM's on the server.

Do you work well with others or are you better independent: I work good in group and independet.

What experience with retail WoW do you have? I played TBC, Wrath and Cata

If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please) 70 at TBC and 80 at Wrath and 85 at Cata, I played Troll Hunter.

What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community? I think i can offer some good laughs, and I know the server inside and out I'v been there alot since i started playing there 2008.

Have you agreed to our Terms of Service and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?- Yes

Any additional comments you would like to add? I'm doing this application for the service of GM on the Wrath server

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