GM Applications & Requirements
Re: GM Applications
What is/are your main character(s) name in Smolderforge?
Quickheals - TBC ......Deathseals - Wotlk Realm
How old are you: 18
What country do you currently live in:
Do you speak any other languages besides English:
Spanish and French.
If so, how well:
Spanish we could say that I talk it perfectly. French I can handle a conversation , I'm not great talking it :P
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
Occupation(s), if school include grade/year level:
Collegue , working on a Microsoft project.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
Started playng since 2010-05-25 20:01:05 :P
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function):
Well , I did have several talks with Henhouse and Vord. They solved some issues I had and made my game experience better.
If you have played on our Pre-BC server, are you seeking GM duty on there as well?
Yea , I'd like to be there aswell.
Do you work well with others or like to do your own thing:
I think that te group work is mainly the key of success. Having the point of view of others may guide us to best decisions. Sometimes you don't need to talk with everyone to take the "correct" decitio , but you should know what is fine or not. Just sayng :P
What experience with retail WoW do you have?
Played 6 months.
If so what levels of characters did you have? (No low level alts please.)
70 Druid and Rogue.
Why do you think you should be a Game Master on Smolderforge?
I think that I have the "ability" to control the situations that players have in the game. I'm a really active player and I could say that I know prety much the game. I'm respectful and tolerant, so I can clearly handle any situation and be calmed. Also I like prety much the server , played a long time in there and would love to be "one" of the Staff. So I could help the server and make it a better palce :P
Have you agreed to our ToS and CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
Any additional comments you would like to add?
Love PvP , I mainly play WoWtlk and I'm a donor on the TBC reakn:)
Quickheals - TBC ......Deathseals - Wotlk Realm
How old are you: 18
What country do you currently live in:
Do you speak any other languages besides English:
Spanish and French.
If so, how well:
Spanish we could say that I talk it perfectly. French I can handle a conversation , I'm not great talking it :P
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
Occupation(s), if school include grade/year level:
Collegue , working on a Microsoft project.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
Started playng since 2010-05-25 20:01:05 :P
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function):
Well , I did have several talks with Henhouse and Vord. They solved some issues I had and made my game experience better.
If you have played on our Pre-BC server, are you seeking GM duty on there as well?
Yea , I'd like to be there aswell.
Do you work well with others or like to do your own thing:
I think that te group work is mainly the key of success. Having the point of view of others may guide us to best decisions. Sometimes you don't need to talk with everyone to take the "correct" decitio , but you should know what is fine or not. Just sayng :P
What experience with retail WoW do you have?
Played 6 months.
If so what levels of characters did you have? (No low level alts please.)
70 Druid and Rogue.
Why do you think you should be a Game Master on Smolderforge?
I think that I have the "ability" to control the situations that players have in the game. I'm a really active player and I could say that I know prety much the game. I'm respectful and tolerant, so I can clearly handle any situation and be calmed. Also I like prety much the server , played a long time in there and would love to be "one" of the Staff. So I could help the server and make it a better palce :P
Have you agreed to our ToS and CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
Any additional comments you would like to add?
Love PvP , I mainly play WoWtlk and I'm a donor on the TBC reakn:)
Re: GM Applications & Requirements
What is/are your main character(s) name in Smolderforge?
Hookz, Bless, Xenophia, Tastylol.
I am 17 years old.
I currently live in England.
I do not speak any other languages; however I am English - and one of those "English grammar Nazi's" so my ability to converse with the correct punctuation and grammar is pretty good.
I have not acted as a Game Master on any other server.
I'm currently a student, hoping to study Psychology at university at the end of the year.
I have been playing on Smolderforge for about 6 months now I guess, to be fair though it's just to arena so far, as that's the thing I adore about this server.
I don't see that many GM's in my time on Smolderforge, hence the application! However they always seem very proactive when they are around, which is always motivating - makes me feel special ;)
I haven't played on any of your other servers, I'd like to just help out on the BC server, as that's were the majority of my WoW experience is.
I really like working with other people (that's why I can't abide battlegrounds half the time if I'm being honest!) - I get a real kick from arena, having been Gladiator during TBC on retail servers. And previously to that I was a die-hard raider! Kil Jaden was not prepared.
My retail experience is about 5 years. I started when I was 12, and played until about 8 months ago, I had raided and loved it, then grown tired of it and taken up my PvP duties. I didn't like the direction Cata was taking the PvP scene, so I quit. Then I remembered TBC arena, and essential found myself here after much searching... CRACKING choice! This server is what I ultimately came to desire from retail WoW, Only I choose when to pay a little bit to improve my experience, lovely!
I'd like to be a Game Master here because I actually want to give a little more back to the server I enjoy so much (yes I have donated, so don't try that line!). I can best sum up my attitude by the fact that when I lose an arena game, I don't rage of insult players EVER (and I've lost enough to have the chance ;)). I just say "gg, well played" and get back in there! I feel that I could be an active member of staff, who consistently delivers that little bit of heaven for all those poor sods who accidentally bought the wrong item for all their BoJ's. What a guy I am! Besides I kind of like playing the good Samaritan - maybe I'm just egotistical ^^
I've already read the ToC's, I can't imagine I'd have an issue with binding to the GM CoC - unless you hidden a line about owning my kidney's or something.
Anyway thank's for taking the time to read my application, if nothing else I hope this application makes it evident how much I appreciate the server you are running here, it's fab - thank you.
All the best,
Hookz, Bless, Xenophia, Tastylol.
I am 17 years old.
I currently live in England.
I do not speak any other languages; however I am English - and one of those "English grammar Nazi's" so my ability to converse with the correct punctuation and grammar is pretty good.
I have not acted as a Game Master on any other server.
I'm currently a student, hoping to study Psychology at university at the end of the year.
I have been playing on Smolderforge for about 6 months now I guess, to be fair though it's just to arena so far, as that's the thing I adore about this server.
I don't see that many GM's in my time on Smolderforge, hence the application! However they always seem very proactive when they are around, which is always motivating - makes me feel special ;)
I haven't played on any of your other servers, I'd like to just help out on the BC server, as that's were the majority of my WoW experience is.
I really like working with other people (that's why I can't abide battlegrounds half the time if I'm being honest!) - I get a real kick from arena, having been Gladiator during TBC on retail servers. And previously to that I was a die-hard raider! Kil Jaden was not prepared.
My retail experience is about 5 years. I started when I was 12, and played until about 8 months ago, I had raided and loved it, then grown tired of it and taken up my PvP duties. I didn't like the direction Cata was taking the PvP scene, so I quit. Then I remembered TBC arena, and essential found myself here after much searching... CRACKING choice! This server is what I ultimately came to desire from retail WoW, Only I choose when to pay a little bit to improve my experience, lovely!
I'd like to be a Game Master here because I actually want to give a little more back to the server I enjoy so much (yes I have donated, so don't try that line!). I can best sum up my attitude by the fact that when I lose an arena game, I don't rage of insult players EVER (and I've lost enough to have the chance ;)). I just say "gg, well played" and get back in there! I feel that I could be an active member of staff, who consistently delivers that little bit of heaven for all those poor sods who accidentally bought the wrong item for all their BoJ's. What a guy I am! Besides I kind of like playing the good Samaritan - maybe I'm just egotistical ^^
I've already read the ToC's, I can't imagine I'd have an issue with binding to the GM CoC - unless you hidden a line about owning my kidney's or something.
Anyway thank's for taking the time to read my application, if nothing else I hope this application makes it evident how much I appreciate the server you are running here, it's fab - thank you.
All the best,
Re: GM Applications & Requirements
What is your character's name in-game:
How old are you:
I am 16
What country do you currently live in:
United States of America
Other languages fluent in besides English:
Spanish/ Russian
If so, how well:
I know how to read and write in Spanish. I'm not fluent in speaking Spanish and I understand Russian but i am unable to speak, right or read.
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
I have created a private server for my own enjoyment. I understand the codes of being a Game master.
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level:
I am currently a 10th Grade. I'am very experienced with databases because my father who works for multiple big corporations taught me/ teaching me Business Objects and Microsoft access and I am learning Xcelsius too.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
I started playing this private server around 1 year ago. It has been a delight to be apart of this community. I used to play on Arena-Tournament but i like Smolderforge 10x more because i believe the population is way less elitest and has a good player base.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function)
I have recently pm'd Henhouse. Other then that nope.
Do you work well with others or are you better independent:
I work good with people when needed.I like to be independent I get my job done faster and more efficiently. I'm a hard worker at stuff that i enjoy like Arena or PvP.
What experience with retail WoW do you have?
I have played retail since beta!(My sisters boyfriend was a beta tester and used to play on his account) I am currently 2750+ in 3s and 2400+ in 2s. I have quit retail due to the fact that i don't like where WoW is headed. Ademption is my warrior and my main. it's been great run for retail but i believe it's getting worse and worse every expansion! I have worked for and They gave me gametime and money to carry people in arena and rated battlegrounds.
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please)
85 Warrior I have alot of 85s most of them 2200+.
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?
One thing that I can offer to the community is that I'm very active and fun. I'm on usually 24\7 you could call me a nerd but I'm just committed! I'm a very friendly person but strict when needed to be.
Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
Any additional comments you would like to add?
I have been on private servers for awhile now and it makes me happy to see that it's successful I'm not looking for money I'm looking to help out and make this private server grow larger then retail (high aspirations right?) my arena exp on this server is 1900+ on all my characters I play to win :) thank you and have a great day.
How old are you:
I am 16
What country do you currently live in:
United States of America
Other languages fluent in besides English:
Spanish/ Russian
If so, how well:
I know how to read and write in Spanish. I'm not fluent in speaking Spanish and I understand Russian but i am unable to speak, right or read.
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
I have created a private server for my own enjoyment. I understand the codes of being a Game master.
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level:
I am currently a 10th Grade. I'am very experienced with databases because my father who works for multiple big corporations taught me/ teaching me Business Objects and Microsoft access and I am learning Xcelsius too.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
I started playing this private server around 1 year ago. It has been a delight to be apart of this community. I used to play on Arena-Tournament but i like Smolderforge 10x more because i believe the population is way less elitest and has a good player base.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function)
I have recently pm'd Henhouse. Other then that nope.
Do you work well with others or are you better independent:
I work good with people when needed.I like to be independent I get my job done faster and more efficiently. I'm a hard worker at stuff that i enjoy like Arena or PvP.
What experience with retail WoW do you have?
I have played retail since beta!(My sisters boyfriend was a beta tester and used to play on his account) I am currently 2750+ in 3s and 2400+ in 2s. I have quit retail due to the fact that i don't like where WoW is headed. Ademption is my warrior and my main. it's been great run for retail but i believe it's getting worse and worse every expansion! I have worked for and They gave me gametime and money to carry people in arena and rated battlegrounds.
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please)
85 Warrior I have alot of 85s most of them 2200+.
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?
One thing that I can offer to the community is that I'm very active and fun. I'm on usually 24\7 you could call me a nerd but I'm just committed! I'm a very friendly person but strict when needed to be.
Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
Any additional comments you would like to add?
I have been on private servers for awhile now and it makes me happy to see that it's successful I'm not looking for money I'm looking to help out and make this private server grow larger then retail (high aspirations right?) my arena exp on this server is 1900+ on all my characters I play to win :) thank you and have a great day.
Re: GM Applications & Requirements
What is your character's name in-game: (can be multiples)
Eldezzar (Main Character), Tolrion and Tajin
How old are you: i am 16 years old.
What country do you currently live in: The Middle East, Oman, Muscat
Other languages fluent in besides English: I Speak a little Arabic, but not fluent. However i am good and fluent with English
If so, how well:
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses): No. Sadly not, But I definetly would want to give it a shot right here in Smolderforge
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level: School. Grade 10, Almost Grade 11. Doing my IGCSE's at the moment
When did you start playing on Smolderforge? Couple of days ago and i really like it here. Though my total time isn't 5 days (Being honest here) but I am a fast learner and I also have created plenty PuG Raids.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function) Not much, though I did have a little chat with one of the GM's, Forgot his name but anyway he seemed friendly and helpful. An invisible GM is a good GM :)
Do you work well with others or are you better independent: I would say I work way better WITH people. I am definetly a communicator and love interacting with strangers and helping them out with whatever they want. I can work very well with people, working with a team to solve a problem; this includes sharing idea's around,coming to a conclusion/solution that everybody agree's upon. I feel that team effort is the greatest as we all have different view's and opinion's, and we come to a conclusion to whatever problem we have together as a team. I feel its more efficient to work as a team than alone. (Ofcourse that is just my point of view)
What experience with retail WoW do you have? Lots. I have played retail WoW since 2007(Burning Crusade), for 5 years.
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please)
Four 85's and other various alts. Shaman, Druid,Death Knight and a Palladin (all 85).
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?
What I have to offer? Well i am definetly a communicator as mentioned above, I love interacting with people and take ANY sort of criticism positively. I am a very friendly person who loves helping others as much as I can, of course following the GM CoC. I will also respect to other GM's and follow the CoC. I am also culturally diverse and i am very patient with people. I also am quite good at explaining/making people understand.
Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
Yes, I have read them and agreed
Any additional comments you would like to add?
I am a funny guy who's really calm in every situation put in and would solve it with a cool head. I will always be very patient with whoever i speak with and be friendly. I will respect the community and other GM's and will calmly tackle each situation one at a time.
Eldezzar (Main Character), Tolrion and Tajin
How old are you: i am 16 years old.
What country do you currently live in: The Middle East, Oman, Muscat
Other languages fluent in besides English: I Speak a little Arabic, but not fluent. However i am good and fluent with English
If so, how well:
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses): No. Sadly not, But I definetly would want to give it a shot right here in Smolderforge
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level: School. Grade 10, Almost Grade 11. Doing my IGCSE's at the moment
When did you start playing on Smolderforge? Couple of days ago and i really like it here. Though my total time isn't 5 days (Being honest here) but I am a fast learner and I also have created plenty PuG Raids.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function) Not much, though I did have a little chat with one of the GM's, Forgot his name but anyway he seemed friendly and helpful. An invisible GM is a good GM :)
Do you work well with others or are you better independent: I would say I work way better WITH people. I am definetly a communicator and love interacting with strangers and helping them out with whatever they want. I can work very well with people, working with a team to solve a problem; this includes sharing idea's around,coming to a conclusion/solution that everybody agree's upon. I feel that team effort is the greatest as we all have different view's and opinion's, and we come to a conclusion to whatever problem we have together as a team. I feel its more efficient to work as a team than alone. (Ofcourse that is just my point of view)
What experience with retail WoW do you have? Lots. I have played retail WoW since 2007(Burning Crusade), for 5 years.
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please)
Four 85's and other various alts. Shaman, Druid,Death Knight and a Palladin (all 85).
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?
What I have to offer? Well i am definetly a communicator as mentioned above, I love interacting with people and take ANY sort of criticism positively. I am a very friendly person who loves helping others as much as I can, of course following the GM CoC. I will also respect to other GM's and follow the CoC. I am also culturally diverse and i am very patient with people. I also am quite good at explaining/making people understand.
Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
Yes, I have read them and agreed
Any additional comments you would like to add?
I am a funny guy who's really calm in every situation put in and would solve it with a cool head. I will always be very patient with whoever i speak with and be friendly. I will respect the community and other GM's and will calmly tackle each situation one at a time.
Re: GM Applications & Requirements
What is your character's name in-game:
How old are you:
What country do you currently live in:
burning legion
Other languages fluent in besides English:
russian ,bulgarian , turkish , macedonian , serbian .
If so, how well:
good , my russian is the best , i love russian girls and vodka.
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
i have created a private server with one friend but fail.
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level:
free , got university - 'Automation,information and control engineering'
When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
i am developing Oregoncore and don't have time to play :) . around two months.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function)
Do you work well with others or are you better independent:
unity is strength.
What experience with retail WoW do you have?
don't know 2-3 years - Neptulon EU
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please)
left one warrior 80 lvl.
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?
active and fun.don't make problems , solving them :)
Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
Any additional comments you would like to add?
i want to see how is core going on working server. help around and fix some bugs.
How old are you:
What country do you currently live in:
burning legion
Other languages fluent in besides English:
russian ,bulgarian , turkish , macedonian , serbian .
If so, how well:
good , my russian is the best , i love russian girls and vodka.
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
i have created a private server with one friend but fail.
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level:
free , got university - 'Automation,information and control engineering'
When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
i am developing Oregoncore and don't have time to play :) . around two months.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function)
Do you work well with others or are you better independent:
unity is strength.
What experience with retail WoW do you have?
don't know 2-3 years - Neptulon EU
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please)
left one warrior 80 lvl.
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?
active and fun.don't make problems , solving them :)
Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
Any additional comments you would like to add?
i want to see how is core going on working server. help around and fix some bugs.
Last edited by zlokobni on 17 Feb 2012, 17:23, edited 1 time in total.
- Posts: 4
Re: GM Applications & Requirements
What is your character's name in-game: (can be multiples) shinsumba
How old are you: quite young like to keep this personal
What country do you currently live in: England
Other languages fluent in besides English: none
If so, how well: not answered
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses): nope
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level: school 6
(i didn't quite understand this one :P)
When did you start playing on Smolderforge? around 20011's christmas
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and
speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function)
a little i know you must use Grammar and open tickets by using a mailbox
Do you work well with others or are you better independent: i work well with others (i can work with angry depressed jolly and even insane people :)
What experience with retail WoW do you have? none
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please) a level 40 warlock and everything else level 70 but not a shaman
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?:
i want to be a Game master so i can help others when stuck sort angry members when they need to be sorted i know i may not one of the smartest of people but yeah not everybody is perfect but atleast i will get the job done.
Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
as i have i said i may not be the brightest of people so i wont put a stupid answer trying to work out what this means ...
Any additional comments you would like to add?:
ok i am young not very smart i have a very very long temper and i can work with anybody that speaks english and i can possibly help the spanish with my friend google translator
How old are you: quite young like to keep this personal
What country do you currently live in: England
Other languages fluent in besides English: none
If so, how well: not answered
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses): nope
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level: school 6
(i didn't quite understand this one :P)
When did you start playing on Smolderforge? around 20011's christmas
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and
speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function)
a little i know you must use Grammar and open tickets by using a mailbox
Do you work well with others or are you better independent: i work well with others (i can work with angry depressed jolly and even insane people :)
What experience with retail WoW do you have? none
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please) a level 40 warlock and everything else level 70 but not a shaman
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?:
i want to be a Game master so i can help others when stuck sort angry members when they need to be sorted i know i may not one of the smartest of people but yeah not everybody is perfect but atleast i will get the job done.
Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
as i have i said i may not be the brightest of people so i wont put a stupid answer trying to work out what this means ...
Any additional comments you would like to add?:
ok i am young not very smart i have a very very long temper and i can work with anybody that speaks english and i can possibly help the spanish with my friend google translator
Re: GM Applications & Requirements
What is your character's name in-game: Swigz
How old are you: 17
What country do you currently live in: United States
Other languages fluent in besides English: Not fluently, but I speak high school education level Spanish.
If so, how well: Not that well.
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
Yes, twice.
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level: High school, Senior.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge? Near the end of 2011.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and
speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function) I know that GMs have to be polite to whoever they are helping no matter what. I know how to use the ticket system. I've been GM on servers previously, so I have experience.
Do you work well with others or are you better independent: Either way, I don't have a preference.
What experience with retail WoW do you have? Played since TBC came out, quit half way through WOTLK, came back during Cataclysm.
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? I still play retail. I have an 85 Death Knight, a 78 Priest, a 70 twink warrior, and a bunch of levels between 40-50.
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?: I think I will qualify for Game Master because I can be extremely active. I also am very patient, so I feel I can deal with problems properly with minimal to no misunderstandings.
Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
I have agreed to the Terms of Service, Code of Conduct, and I am willing to bind to the GM Code of Conduct.
Any additional comments you would like to add?: I may not have played as long as some of the other candidates, but I've been here long enough to understand how this server operates.
How old are you: 17
What country do you currently live in: United States
Other languages fluent in besides English: Not fluently, but I speak high school education level Spanish.
If so, how well: Not that well.
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
Yes, twice.
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level: High school, Senior.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge? Near the end of 2011.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and
speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function) I know that GMs have to be polite to whoever they are helping no matter what. I know how to use the ticket system. I've been GM on servers previously, so I have experience.
Do you work well with others or are you better independent: Either way, I don't have a preference.
What experience with retail WoW do you have? Played since TBC came out, quit half way through WOTLK, came back during Cataclysm.
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? I still play retail. I have an 85 Death Knight, a 78 Priest, a 70 twink warrior, and a bunch of levels between 40-50.
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?: I think I will qualify for Game Master because I can be extremely active. I also am very patient, so I feel I can deal with problems properly with minimal to no misunderstandings.
Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
I have agreed to the Terms of Service, Code of Conduct, and I am willing to bind to the GM Code of Conduct.
Any additional comments you would like to add?: I may not have played as long as some of the other candidates, but I've been here long enough to understand how this server operates.
Re: GM Applications & Requirements
What is your character's name in-game: (can be multiples)
I have numerous characters though I'm mainly on Mimic, my mage.
How old are you:
What country do you currently live in:
Other languages fluent in besides English:
Unfortunately I do not speak any other language beyond English.
If so, how well: ---
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
Morbent and Proudmoore servers - 2007 - 2008 - Ascent server
Nihao evolution - 2008-2009: (It's down) - Mangos
Wowbeez trainee - late 2008, prior to the server swapping to WOTLK. Being a part of the crew that wanted to stay 2.4.3, I was removed from the staff. - Mangos DB
Unfortunately I have not touched gm commands since late 2009
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level:
Currently Employed as a cook and cashier in fast food.
Currently attending secondary school.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
I actually started around the similar time that the server was peaking 20 people. Back when getting a BG que was fairly exciting for the community. Back when everyone nearly knew everyone. Though I do not know the exact date, I would believe late 2009.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function)
What I find is that GMs of SF present themselves in a very professional manor, when I require their aid. Beyond doing tickets GM's do talk through the global chat allowing players get to know them, and show some personality to the community. I also do like how GM's won't answer a question that they can't turn not giving my a filler answer. Overall, from my observation, the GM's of smolderforge possesses one of the greatest Staff and through that it is reflected by the happy community.
Do you work well with others or are you better independent:
Unfortunately, I do not specify my skills towards one or the other. My work ethics have driven me to consist of elements that would allow me to work both: groups and individually.
What experience with retail WoW do you have?
Unfortunately none as my parents would not approve such finances at the time.
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please): ---
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge?
By having experience from the past as a gm/trainee I am known with common tickets and how to professionally execute them. Beyond that I have been a very active member towards the SF community for quite sometime. I am aware of server trends as well stay on the edge looking forwards towards DB updates. I do try to contribute towards the server as much as I can, though Iwould like the chance to help even further by being appointed a GM position
What do you have to offer to the community?
I have been poking into the intrest of Whiteblaze formulating "world events" such as attacking SW or attacking Ogrimmar! Though I'm aware that the job lies deeper than the series of events it would be nice to help GM's formulate events or even create new ones. Further more, if appointed as GM I hope to sustain or even enhance the professional setting currently viewed by our community.
Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
I have fully read and understand the ToS,CoC and am willing to bind such rules/agreements to the Gm CoC
Any additional comments you would like to add?
Thank you so much for your time; allowing me to introduce myself as well as the opportunity to have my application reviewed. Hope to be having further contact with you Mr. Henhouse as well as your team.
*Sorry for the colour change, i was unable to find grey.
I have numerous characters though I'm mainly on Mimic, my mage.
How old are you:
What country do you currently live in:
Other languages fluent in besides English:
Unfortunately I do not speak any other language beyond English.
If so, how well: ---
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
Morbent and Proudmoore servers - 2007 - 2008 - Ascent server
Nihao evolution - 2008-2009: (It's down) - Mangos
Wowbeez trainee - late 2008, prior to the server swapping to WOTLK. Being a part of the crew that wanted to stay 2.4.3, I was removed from the staff. - Mangos DB
Unfortunately I have not touched gm commands since late 2009
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level:
Currently Employed as a cook and cashier in fast food.
Currently attending secondary school.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
I actually started around the similar time that the server was peaking 20 people. Back when getting a BG que was fairly exciting for the community. Back when everyone nearly knew everyone. Though I do not know the exact date, I would believe late 2009.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function)
What I find is that GMs of SF present themselves in a very professional manor, when I require their aid. Beyond doing tickets GM's do talk through the global chat allowing players get to know them, and show some personality to the community. I also do like how GM's won't answer a question that they can't turn not giving my a filler answer. Overall, from my observation, the GM's of smolderforge possesses one of the greatest Staff and through that it is reflected by the happy community.
Do you work well with others or are you better independent:
Unfortunately, I do not specify my skills towards one or the other. My work ethics have driven me to consist of elements that would allow me to work both: groups and individually.
What experience with retail WoW do you have?
Unfortunately none as my parents would not approve such finances at the time.
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please): ---
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge?
By having experience from the past as a gm/trainee I am known with common tickets and how to professionally execute them. Beyond that I have been a very active member towards the SF community for quite sometime. I am aware of server trends as well stay on the edge looking forwards towards DB updates. I do try to contribute towards the server as much as I can, though Iwould like the chance to help even further by being appointed a GM position
What do you have to offer to the community?
I have been poking into the intrest of Whiteblaze formulating "world events" such as attacking SW or attacking Ogrimmar! Though I'm aware that the job lies deeper than the series of events it would be nice to help GM's formulate events or even create new ones. Further more, if appointed as GM I hope to sustain or even enhance the professional setting currently viewed by our community.
Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
I have fully read and understand the ToS,CoC and am willing to bind such rules/agreements to the Gm CoC
Any additional comments you would like to add?
Thank you so much for your time; allowing me to introduce myself as well as the opportunity to have my application reviewed. Hope to be having further contact with you Mr. Henhouse as well as your team.
*Sorry for the colour change, i was unable to find grey.
MVP - Most Valuable Poster (account switched from Sailown234)
Re: GM Applications & Requirements
What is your character's name in-game: Eztokill, Bowfomilk.
How old are you: I'm 19 years old.
What country do you currently live in: Currently i'm living in Latvia.
Other languages fluent in besides English: i can speak russian, latvian and german.
If so, how well: Russian and latvian are my native languages, and i speak german fluently.
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses): No, i have never been a Game Master.
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level : Last year in high school.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge? : Playing here since 8 november 2010.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function): I spoke only with GM Konar and he helped me out with game issues.
Do you work well with others or are you better independent: I can perfectly work in team and on the other hand i can easily do things on my own if needed.
What experience with retail WoW do you have?: I have played on retail since patch 3.2 but stopped at the end of season 10.
If you played, what levels of characters did you have?: 85 level warlock and 85 lvl priest.
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?: Well I have a lot of spare time so I can use that to help the people of Smolderforge out with there issues or question(s).
Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?: Yes, i agree to the ToS and CoC and I will bind to the GM CoC.
Any additional comments you would like to add?: I play here since 2010 and I have lots of experience with Smolderforge, the community and of course with TBC. Also i can use my spare time to spectate arena matches and catch wintraders along with warning/muting those who talks in lfg not on english.
How old are you: I'm 19 years old.
What country do you currently live in: Currently i'm living in Latvia.
Other languages fluent in besides English: i can speak russian, latvian and german.
If so, how well: Russian and latvian are my native languages, and i speak german fluently.
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses): No, i have never been a Game Master.
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level : Last year in high school.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge? : Playing here since 8 november 2010.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function): I spoke only with GM Konar and he helped me out with game issues.
Do you work well with others or are you better independent: I can perfectly work in team and on the other hand i can easily do things on my own if needed.
What experience with retail WoW do you have?: I have played on retail since patch 3.2 but stopped at the end of season 10.
If you played, what levels of characters did you have?: 85 level warlock and 85 lvl priest.
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?: Well I have a lot of spare time so I can use that to help the people of Smolderforge out with there issues or question(s).
Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?: Yes, i agree to the ToS and CoC and I will bind to the GM CoC.
Any additional comments you would like to add?: I play here since 2010 and I have lots of experience with Smolderforge, the community and of course with TBC. Also i can use my spare time to spectate arena matches and catch wintraders along with warning/muting those who talks in lfg not on english.
- Posts: 1
Re: GM Applications & Requirements
What is your character's name in-game: (can be multiples) :
Stormrush (Rogue), Shattrah (Priest) and Razerfury ( Shaman).
How old are you:
I am currently 19 1/2 years old.
What country do you currently live in:
I live in The Netherlands, or Holland as outsiders would like to call it.
Other languages fluent in besides English:
I can speak fluent Dutch.
I can speak a bit (not much, but not a small amount either) German/Latin/French.
If so, how well:
Not very good, only English and Dutch.
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
Yes I have been a GM on a server of my friend, it worked out rather well, and I was sorry to see that it was cancelled.
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level:
I'm currently following the following study : Biomedical Life Science and Technology. I like tennis, basketball, playing piano. I am in my second year on college.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
I played Smolderforge now for a couple of weeks, I like the server, the arena systems are working very well, bosses and raids are very well scripted. I highly recommend this server.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function)
I have spoken frequently to the GM 'Whiteblaze' about in-game problems and PvP events which he organised. Due to unappropiate behaviour of the Alliance side, he decided to not organise such events anymore, therefore we are very sorry, since I was the raid leader of the Alliance appointed by the GM.
Do you work well with others or are you better independent:
I can work with other people yes, I prefer to level in two's, preferably with someone who I have a little in-game experience with, in other words, someone I know. I work well on my own but I find that a bit boring since you have no one to talk to.
What experience with retail WoW do you have?
I have played World of Warcraft from the beginning of the Burning Crusade until one patch ago in Cataclysm. I played for almost 3/4 years, with frequent pauses in my game time so i could do new instances and new raids and experience new systems.
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please)
I played alot of classes but never succeeded in bringing them to the top. Oh sure yes, I had some 70's (with TBC) and 80's (with WotLK) and some 85's ( with Cata), I played top level mage, druid, priest, rogue, warrior and shaman. All cap level and well geared but not the utmost top gear.
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?
I like to help people and solve issues. I think the best quality of mine that can help the server/the players is my patience. I worked with handicapped children for school charity, and trained my patience. If someone does not understand my explanation or answer to a question, I can take my time and explain it in a way they can understand. I also am frequently online besides my study so I think I can manage tickets etc. well.
Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
Yes, I've read them and I agree to the ToS and CoC.
Any additional comments you would like to add?
Yes, the intervieuw, is that taken via any sort of video chat or in-game with whispers and meetings.
I would like to congratulate the GM's and the Administrator of this server. They/He/She have/has made an excellent private server. Thanks.
Stormrush (Rogue), Shattrah (Priest) and Razerfury ( Shaman).
How old are you:
I am currently 19 1/2 years old.
What country do you currently live in:
I live in The Netherlands, or Holland as outsiders would like to call it.
Other languages fluent in besides English:
I can speak fluent Dutch.
I can speak a bit (not much, but not a small amount either) German/Latin/French.
If so, how well:
Not very good, only English and Dutch.
Have you ever been a Game Master on another server? (Just to see, no additional bonuses):
Yes I have been a GM on a server of my friend, it worked out rather well, and I was sorry to see that it was cancelled.
Occupation(s), if school/university include grade/year level:
I'm currently following the following study : Biomedical Life Science and Technology. I like tennis, basketball, playing piano. I am in my second year on college.
When did you start playing on Smolderforge?
I played Smolderforge now for a couple of weeks, I like the server, the arena systems are working very well, bosses and raids are very well scripted. I highly recommend this server.
How much experience with seeing in-game Smolderforge GMs do you have? (opening tickets and speaking with GMs, or seeing how we typically function)
I have spoken frequently to the GM 'Whiteblaze' about in-game problems and PvP events which he organised. Due to unappropiate behaviour of the Alliance side, he decided to not organise such events anymore, therefore we are very sorry, since I was the raid leader of the Alliance appointed by the GM.
Do you work well with others or are you better independent:
I can work with other people yes, I prefer to level in two's, preferably with someone who I have a little in-game experience with, in other words, someone I know. I work well on my own but I find that a bit boring since you have no one to talk to.
What experience with retail WoW do you have?
I have played World of Warcraft from the beginning of the Burning Crusade until one patch ago in Cataclysm. I played for almost 3/4 years, with frequent pauses in my game time so i could do new instances and new raids and experience new systems.
If you played, what levels of characters did you have? (no low level alts please)
I played alot of classes but never succeeded in bringing them to the top. Oh sure yes, I had some 70's (with TBC) and 80's (with WotLK) and some 85's ( with Cata), I played top level mage, druid, priest, rogue, warrior and shaman. All cap level and well geared but not the utmost top gear.
What do you think qualifies you to be a Game Master on Smolderforge? What do you have to offer to the community?
I like to help people and solve issues. I think the best quality of mine that can help the server/the players is my patience. I worked with handicapped children for school charity, and trained my patience. If someone does not understand my explanation or answer to a question, I can take my time and explain it in a way they can understand. I also am frequently online besides my study so I think I can manage tickets etc. well.
Have you agreed to our ToS, CoC and will be willing to bind to the GM CoC?
Yes, I've read them and I agree to the ToS and CoC.
Any additional comments you would like to add?
Yes, the intervieuw, is that taken via any sort of video chat or in-game with whispers and meetings.
I would like to congratulate the GM's and the Administrator of this server. They/He/She have/has made an excellent private server. Thanks.
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