Whats a win-trader?

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Re: Whats a win-trader?

Post by ZatYo »

Arena won't get anymore popular simply cause this is also a PvE server and Hen will always think about the PvE community when I throw him a decent idea on how to increase the competition.
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Re: Whats a win-trader?

Post by Firstaidkit »

@Zat: I remember Wanca dodging me whole morning when he played with his 1850 team with Xaru, I was in queu whole time and everytime he went in arena after I vanished. ( /who ftw!)

So yeah that's definatly dodging because he knew he would lose vs. me

And he doesn't have his title yet but he will prolly get it this season since he's already rank 1 and Crazygirll carries him.
Wancathufeoq wrote:You are so clueless about people who are dodging and who aren't. I cba to argue about that, cause I know how things are done , cause I play arena a lot. So I gonna sum up everything in one sentence: Some people who you think never dodge - do dodge, and some people who you think dodge - not dodging at all.
I am not clueless at all, I know your arena partner and I also know she's unable to play on day.

No need for another pointless discuss in here about dodging.
cya ktnxbai idc at all about arenas but just leave the system as fucked up as it is.
Last edited by Firstaidkit on 05 Oct 2011, 13:02, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Whats a win-trader?

Post by Wancathufeoq »

Then there is no room for QQing about wintrading.
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Re: Whats a win-trader?

Post by Wancathufeoq »

Firstaidkit wrote:@Zat: I remember Wanca dodging me whole morning when he played with his 1850 team with Xaru, I was in queu whole time and everytime he went in arena after I vanished. ( /who ftw!)

I am not clueless at all, I know your arena partner and I also know she's unable to play on day.
As 1850 you don't get instantly vs 1480 rating..
Firstaidkit wrote: I am not clueless at all, I know your arena partner and I also know she's unable to play on day.
It's not dodging if one of the team members isn't able to play. You just proved yourself wrong.
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Re: Whats a win-trader?

Post by Firstaidkit »

Wancathufeoq wrote:
Firstaidkit wrote:@Zat: I remember Wanca dodging me whole morning when he played with his 1850 team with Xaru, I was in queu whole time and everytime he went in arena after I vanished. ( /who ftw!)

I am not clueless at all, I know your arena partner and I also know she's unable to play on day.
As 1850 you don't get instantly vs 1480 rating..

I wasn't 1480 I was just 1500 because I actually made a new team to farm your rating. But I never vs'd you which is pretty weird (unless you dodged me which I'm 100% sure off) because when I was at 1850 rating I did meet 1500 teams.
Wancathufeoq wrote:
Firstaidkit wrote: I am not clueless at all, I know your arena partner and I also know she's unable to play on day.
It's not dodging if one of the team members isn't able to play. You just proved yourself wrong.
It is. How can you claim to be rank 1 if you didn't vs'd any of the other good teams. And just farmed bads at night instead. That's no skill at all. That's an dodgladiator.
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Re: Whats a win-trader?

Post by Wancathufeoq »

I never said I'm goin for rank 1 :D it's goin to be rank 6 by the end of the season and trust me , I've played vs many good teams, teams that good you will never reach their level :)
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Re: Whats a win-trader?

Post by Firstaidkit »

Wancathufeoq wrote:I never said I'm goin for rank 1 :D it's goin to be rank 6 by the end of the season and trust me , I've played vs many good teams, teams that good you will never reach their level :)
And that's why you got 12 losses :D fail dodging.

P.S. Me > You as SP.
Just so you know and you can wake up now, your dream is over.
Also next time don't dodge me if your that good? (lol'd ur trash needs haste to Shadow Word: Death > Polymorphs srsly l2p and get at my lvl.)
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Re: Whats a win-trader?

Post by Darkgroom »

What i meant was checking 2 teams Win / Loose, like team 1 has won 50 team 2 has lost 50 or something, i did not say i will do this but i will discus things with Henry,

For now, topic locked because the Question (Whats a win-trader?) has been answered.

Sincerely, Darkgroom
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