I suppose that is alright but you'll probably run into closed doors at some point. We've not had any development progress in a bit over a week but it hopefully will be picking back up soon to get these things fixed. Darkgroom's had some IRL stuff to deal with lately.Willrath89 wrote:Also we ask for permission to progress through BT with the use of Crowd Control through walls until RoS is fixed, since it is more or less impossible to beat the encounter as of now. We can reach to other bosses rather easy, we are not doing it just because we can, but rather because we have to in order to stay active as the only real raiding guild on the server, people have a tendency of getting rather bored of trying to bang their skulls into a completly bugged ROS encounter for 4 days straight after clearing up to the encounter.
Request for RoS Fix
Re: Request for RoS Fix
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
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