Poll: Donation Additions / Changes
Re: Poll: Donation Additions / Changes
thunderfury is probably the only 60 legendary that people would be willing to pay for it all. It's the only one thats still realistically usable at 70. its a little lame that its a top tier shockadin weapon that is only obtainable once a year and is a 1% drop.
- Posts: 230
Re: Poll: Donation Additions / Changes
You have to be kidding. It's a little lame that BIS is hard to get, eh? Come on. You can't just be handed the best, it ruins the game, and you can't just buy legendaries. This is just common sense people.
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Re: Poll: Donation Additions / Changes
Aegrotatio wrote:You have to be kidding. It's a little lame that BIS is hard to get, eh? Come on. You can't just be handed the best, it ruins the game, and you can't just buy legendaries. This is just common sense people.
ok Fine youre vote is accepted but it seems alot of people dissagree with you , live with it.
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Re: Poll: Donation Additions / Changes
This is a situation where a Best in slot is hard to get for a stupid reason. It's one thing for thunderfury to be a 1% drop, but its another when its a once a year thing. No other class has to go through this to get a best in slot weapon. its not like molten core is even open for people to farm thunderfury.
Re: Poll: Donation Additions / Changes
And the only reason you're getting your dick hard for it is because it's bugged and the proc scales with spell damage.
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Re: Poll: Donation Additions / Changes
What if warglaives, Apollyon, Sunflare and thori'dal were only obtainable once a year at a 1% drop rate. That is exactly the position shockadins are in now. The problem is that there is no way to actively farm a Thunderfury and eventually get one. Its a completely luck based event that happens once a year. The reason that i'm fine with sulfuras and atiesh being from the christmas event is because they are virtually unusable at all at 70. A BIS item should not be 100% luck based once a year.
Re: Poll: Donation Additions / Changes
Thunderfury is really not that beneficial to a shockadin. I only know of one player who is a shockadin and uses it and he has done many tests using it and normal level 70 weapons and the damage output is pretty much the same. The only benefit of Thunderfury is AoE effects in battlegrounds.Akatosh wrote:What if warglaives, Apollyon, Sunflare and thori'dal were only obtainable once a year at a 1% drop rate. That is exactly the position shockadins are in now. The problem is that there is no way to actively farm a Thunderfury and eventually get one. Its a completely luck based event that happens once a year. The reason that i'm fine with sulfuras and atiesh being from the christmas event is because they are virtually unusable at all at 70. A BIS item should not be 100% luck based once a year.
Administrator - Project Lead / Server Management / Core Development
Re: Poll: Donation Additions / Changes
There probably aren't many active shockadins who actually have a Thunderfury. Thunderfury is significantly rarer here than it was on live. Shockadins are all about using gimmicky melee range spell damage procs to get very high burst. Shockadins are unique in that they're a melee class that uses spell power and magic damage.
Re: Poll: Donation Additions / Changes
You're not going to like this Akatosh but they're going to nerf spell damage scaling soon.Akatosh wrote:There probably aren't many active shockadins who actually have a Thunderfury. Thunderfury is significantly rarer here than it was on live. Shockadins are all about using gimmicky melee range spell damage procs to get very high burst. Shockadins are unique in that they're a melee class that uses spell power and magic damage.
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
Re: Poll: Donation Additions / Changes
when will i be able to buy the AQ mount? :)
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