K, monEuthanized wrote:Hmm. Guess it's back to my Pally. Anyone want a Druid?
Druid Bugs - Report here
Re: Druid Bugs - Report here
Hi lol K kurwa Decei
Re: Druid Bugs - Report here
cyclone does not block soul link for warlocks.
Feral Charge through the ground
Feral Charge through the ground
MVP - Most Valuable Poster (account switched from Sailown234)
Re: Druid Bugs - Report here
Ok this is just stupid
what's the point of having the gear set of +%15 increased speed if everytime you go "indoors" you go back to normal speed and have to shapeshift out of it just to get back to the normal feral speed? You lose your energy / rage and waste mana. If this is the case then can you just make mounts allowed everywhere again so that we can have out normal speed?
what's the point of having the gear set of +%15 increased speed if everytime you go "indoors" you go back to normal speed and have to shapeshift out of it just to get back to the normal feral speed? You lose your energy / rage and waste mana. If this is the case then can you just make mounts allowed everywhere again so that we can have out normal speed?
- Posts: 51
Re: Druid Bugs - Report here
The PvP Gear sets. One of the set bonuses offer a 15% increased movement speed while outdoors.
- Posts: 51
Re: Druid Bugs - Report here
AND I think he's referring to the, "Feral Swiftness bug Fix", thing, also. We are kinda awfully slow indoors.
Re: Druid Bugs - Report here
That is normal, thats why it only applies OUTDOORS not indoors. on retail druids are also this slow when indoors, i tested this on retail so i can't fix it as it's already fixed as good as possible.
Retired Developer
Re: Druid Bugs - Report here
Tranquility effected my LOS
MVP - Most Valuable Poster (account switched from Sailown234)
Re: Druid Bugs - Report here
They don't, however, when testing this I tried Rip aswell... that AP scaling is way off.
Normally it should scale with 6%/combopoint up to a maximum of 24% (so cp 4 and cp 5 are capped at 24%). -> http://www.wowwiki.com/Rip
Seems to be 10%/cp atm though (40% at 4/5).
Also when resetting talents, the combo point/rage bonus gained through the feral talent Primal Fury (spell=37116; 37117) doesn't get removed. (seems to happen randomly, another reset fixed it)
Sup ferals, report your shit, I don't play that class at all...
edit: Did some further tests with Rip, as its scaling was inconsistent with different AP values.
It scales better the less AP you have, with no items equipped you have 481AP, yet it ticks for 75 damage (25*6 damage gained, 20 more than it should) with 1 cp. So even if the coefficient is correct in the source, the base AP screws it up. (BIG TIME i might add, with average gear thats still a ~77 damage/tick difference at 5 cp)
Normally it should scale with 6%/combopoint up to a maximum of 24% (so cp 4 and cp 5 are capped at 24%). -> http://www.wowwiki.com/Rip
Seems to be 10%/cp atm though (40% at 4/5).
Also when resetting talents, the combo point/rage bonus gained through the feral talent Primal Fury (spell=37116; 37117) doesn't get removed. (seems to happen randomly, another reset fixed it)
Sup ferals, report your shit, I don't play that class at all...
edit: Did some further tests with Rip, as its scaling was inconsistent with different AP values.
It scales better the less AP you have, with no items equipped you have 481AP, yet it ticks for 75 damage (25*6 damage gained, 20 more than it should) with 1 cp. So even if the coefficient is correct in the source, the base AP screws it up. (BIG TIME i might add, with average gear thats still a ~77 damage/tick difference at 5 cp)
Tap Peekaboo: Upset target moron.
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