Druid Bugs - Report here

Fixed/closed bug reports are moved to this board in archival state. Also contains all the original bug reports from the past years.
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Druid Bugs - Report here

Post by Darkgroom »

Image Druid BugsImage

Dear members,

I am currently collecting all Class bugs, and because of that i'm going to setup topics that will hold bugs specific for a class.
In this topic you can post Druid bugs, i will test them and approve or dissaprove them.
If approved they will come in the list below.

Also, the list of bugs will get a status of, Being fixed or Not yet fixed.

NOTE: Report bugs with the same template as you would report them when creating a new topic!

Tree Catagory

Image Balance

Image Feral Combat
  • Cat Form Indoor Bug : Fixed
Image Restoration

Thanks to everyone who reports a bug.
Last edited by Darkgroom on 30 Aug 2011, 00:30, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Druid Bugs - Report here

Post by Xaru »

Awesome. :D
Arthur C. Clarke - "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
Posts: 51

Re: Druid Bugs - Report here

Post by Euthanized »

For some druids, Selecting Faerie Fire(Feral) in the talent tree doesn't show that you have it once you used up all your talents. I HAVE it, I can use it. It just doesn't show that I do in said tree. Also, I'm not entirely sure if the Damage Reduction effect of Barkskin works properly.
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Re: Druid Bugs - Report here

Post by Bleu213 »

Euthanized wrote:For some druids, Selecting Faerie Fire(Feral) in the talent tree doesn't show that you have it once you used up all your talents. I HAVE it, I can use it. It just doesn't show that I do in said tree. Also, I'm not entirely sure if the Damage Reduction effect of Barkskin works properly.

http://www.smolderforge.com/forums/view ... f=9&t=4509

Useful for this thread, I suppose. Woo!
Resto-Druid Extraordinaire!
Posts: 51

Re: Druid Bugs - Report here

Post by Euthanized »

I'm not sure if I'm seeing this wrong, but the, "Cat form indoor bug" seems to be a little TOO fixed. We shouldn't be this slow indoors. The movement speed seems slower than in the default Caster Form. I know Feral Swiftness counts towards outdoors, but this is just ridiculous. ;_;
Posts: 51

Re: Druid Bugs - Report here

Post by Euthanized »

What I've also noticed is that, once transitioning from indoors to out, my movement speed still acts if I'm indoors still. I end up having to switch out of Cat form to make it work properly. =/
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Re: Druid Bugs - Report here

Post by Darkgroom »

I did not touch any code that handles the disappearance of speed while moving indoors.
I only changed things in the Cast of Shapeshift so nothing really should have changed.

I will test this out when I get home.
Retired Developer
Posts: 51

Re: Druid Bugs - Report here

Post by Euthanized »

Well this happened before when Henhouse Fixed the Bug that allows you to Mount Indoors. Cat/Bear form was affected because because they were counted as "Mounts", so while indoors, we couldn't even Shapeshift to those forms. Hen resolved this by just reversing the fix. This one isn't as severe, but it's still quite inconvenient.
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Posts: 192

Re: Druid Bugs - Report here

Post by Darkgroom »

I wrote a new code that checks if your indoors or outdoors during shapeshift and will not cast spells on you that can only be used outside, like Feral Swiftness.

So if you could give me a detailed explanation of what is not working properly right now then i can look into it.
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Re: Druid Bugs - Report here

Post by Deems »

Not sure if its fixed as I've not played in some time - but druid powershifting.

When you powershift too fast, you get "stuck" in your form, even if you leave it. It keeps saying "you can't use this spell while in a shapeshift form".
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