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I am currently collecting all Class bugs, and because of that i'm going to setup topics that will hold bugs specific for a class.
In this topic you can post Shaman bugs, i will test them and approve or dissaprove them.
If approved they will come in the list below.
Also, the list of bugs will get a status of, Being fixed or Not yet fixed.
NOTE: Report bugs with the same template as you would report them when creating a new topic!
Windfury Weapon-Enhancement
How it should work-Each melee hit has a 20% chance of dealing additional damage equal to two extra attacks with 475 attack power.
How it currently works-Has no internal cooldown, can therefore proc off itself, which I can SS if needed, and has no limit to how much it can proc off itself, in theory it could proc infinitely if the RNG was on their side. Or maybe it just gives a guranteed double proc every time? Possibly a dev misunderstanding the tooltip.
I like turtles because they're so chill. They don't hurt anyone. They're just like, "Hey man, I want to swim, and maybe eat some lettuce. But I'm gonna take my time getting there, I'm not in a rush. Because I'm a turtle."
Also windfury totem is bugged, see EJs for more information, gives 2 melee attacks instead of 1 here, and can proc off yellows.
I like turtles because they're so chill. They don't hurt anyone. They're just like, "Hey man, I want to swim, and maybe eat some lettuce. But I'm gonna take my time getting there, I'm not in a rush. Because I'm a turtle."
Firstaidkit wrote:Grounding totem: it doesn't always redirect the spells to the totem. Sometimes it works as intended and sometimes it doesn't.
also it doesnt effect the stun from intercept(which say what you want but it did on retail and still does)
I like turtles because they're so chill. They don't hurt anyone. They're just like, "Hey man, I want to swim, and maybe eat some lettuce. But I'm gonna take my time getting there, I'm not in a rush. Because I'm a turtle."
I had a double proc happen against a mace spec warrior, so it either proc'd 2 attacks or double proc'd, neither should happen though right?
I like turtles because they're so chill. They don't hurt anyone. They're just like, "Hey man, I want to swim, and maybe eat some lettuce. But I'm gonna take my time getting there, I'm not in a rush. Because I'm a turtle."