Fix vanish blind
Fix vanish blind
Add vanish blind like reso n AT? oh and why isnt cd reset after duels implemented?
Also vanish effect doesent work "improved stealth" distract doesent neither break the nonworking vanish effect for some reason
Also vanish effect doesent work "improved stealth" distract doesent neither break the nonworking vanish effect for some reason
Re: Fix vanish blind
Both work dude i'm 100% sure
Lolzero and Aristarch were my heros ,they got scammed long time aggo,so some retards play at them now.
Re: Fix vanish blind
Do i srsly need to make a movie to proove this?Lolzeroxl wrote:Both work dude i'm 100% sure
Re: Fix vanish blind
I'm 100% sure that if u cast vanish inmproved stelath works,couse i'm rogue and i dueling everyday with other rogues,and i'm 100% sure that distract brake vanish buff 'improved stealth'
Lolzero and Aristarch were my heros ,they got scammed long time aggo,so some retards play at them now.
Re: Fix vanish blind
Vanishing blinds works, but not the way it's supposed to, it's very hard to time it here due to the latency difference.
Retired Game Master.
Re: Fix vanish blind
The reason vanish blind doesent work like it should is because there is no travelling time on blind.Toosh wrote:Vanishing blinds works, but not the way it's supposed to, it's very hard to time it here due to the latency difference.
Which there should be, about 0.8 secs same with charge xecpt like 0.6 secs. Im not sure of this ( the amount of time) but i know there is travelling time inbetween blinds.
Proof in my video here regards blind blinds vanish blinds and alot more.
rvr movie here: ... ideo_title
example of working vanish sap @ 4:18
travelling time on blind 0:50 and 0:13
working vanish blind @ 0:20
Your saying that latency difference is the reason? No i recorded this video while being in arizona visiting my sister. Opponent was in sweden. EU TO US yet there is no vanish blind issues. Due to latency difference. I cannot proove this though but vengezlol knows im not lying. Since hes my brother
Oh ye and fix warriors. Just fix them lul
Re: Fix vanish blind
Im uploading a video so you can eat your words until i edit:Lolzeroxl wrote:I'm 100% sure that if u cast vanish inmproved stelath works,couse i'm rogue and i dueling everyday with other rogues,and i'm 100% sure that distract brake vanish buff 'improved stealth'
EDIT D: ... ideo_title
Last edited by Cez on 16 Aug 2011, 14:40, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Fix vanish blind
Latency is different with blizzard's servers and private servers, they have the delay which we don't. And to get that I've understoof it'd have to be sort of a hackish fix.Cez wrote:Your saying that latency difference is the reason? No i recorded this video while being in arizona visiting my sister. Opponent was in sweden. EU TO US yet there is no vanish blind issues. Due to latency difference. I cannot proove this though but vengezlol knows im not lying. Since hes my brother
Oh ye and fix warriors. Just fix them lul
Oh, okay I'll just go type .fix warriors and see what happens.
Retired Game Master.
Re: Fix vanish blind
that footage was taken from resonancewow yet another private server?Toosh wrote:Latency is different with blizzard's servers and private servers, they have the delay which we don't. And to get that I've understoof it'd have to be sort of a hackish fix.Cez wrote:Your saying that latency difference is the reason? No i recorded this video while being in arizona visiting my sister. Opponent was in sweden. EU TO US yet there is no vanish blind issues. Due to latency difference. I cannot proove this though but vengezlol knows im not lying. Since hes my brother
Oh ye and fix warriors. Just fix them lul
Oh, okay I'll just go type .fix warriors and see what happens.
Or were you saying that vanish blind should work better cause private servers dont have delay which retail does. Delay for everyone to sort out the smoothness of the gameplay. Which for the player becomes no delay? As in the same concept of a stream? I really dont understand what you mean with a hackish fix. How about leaving vanish blind for later and focusing on starting with Normal vanish and improved stealth like i just edited post to belf dewd
Link once again:
I belive its something with sword spec. I thought you were familiar with it toosh as if anyone could miss it
will post proof when i have it
Re: Fix vanish blind
human racial and warlock paranoia is bugged too, you can't see rogues through the whole arena if you activate both at the same time. It seems like each spell is just "removing" 1 point of improved stealth, I tested it in a duel.
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